123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- SHELL := /bin/bash
- # Number of linting Go routines to use in integration tests
- # Additional integration test flags. Example usage:
- # make integration PARALLELISM=99 INT_FLAGS="-fingerprintSummary -forceDownload"
- # make integration INT_FLAGS="-overwriteExpected -config custom.config.json"
- # make integration INT_FLAGS="-fingerprintSummary -lintSummary -fingerprintFilter='^[ea]' -lintFilter='^w_ext_cert_policy_explicit_text_not_utf8' -config small.config.json"
- # make integration INT_FLAGS="-lintSummary -fingerprintSummary -lintFilter='^e_' -config small.config.json"
- # make integration INT_FLAGS="-lintSummary -fingerprintSummary -excludeSources='Mozilla,ETSI_ESI' -config small.config.json"
- # make integration INT_FLAGS="-includeSources='Mozilla,ETSI_ESI' -config small.config.json"
- GIT_VERSION := "$(shell git describe --abbrev=8)"
- CMDS = zlint zlint-gtld-update
- CMD_PREFIX = ./cmd/
- BUILD = $(GO_ENV) go build --ldflags="-X 'main.version=$(GIT_VERSION)'"
- TEST = $(GO_ENV) GORACE=halt_on_error=1 go test -race
- INT_TEST = $(GO_ENV) go test -v -tags integration -timeout 20m ./integration/. -parallelism $(PARALLELISM) $(INT_FLAGS)
- all: $(CMDS)
- zlint:
- $(BUILD) $(CMD_PREFIX)$(@)
- zlint-gtld-update:
- $(BUILD) $(CMD_PREFIX)$(@)
- clean:
- rm -f $(CMDS)
- test:
- $(TEST) ./...
- integration:
- code-lint:
- # Skip these two directories as they contain Go files that are tests for custom
- # code linting framework and there is no expectation of those files conforming to anything.
- golangci-lint run --skip-dirs lints/lints/testdata/,lints/testdata
- custom-code-lint:
- (cd integration/lints/ && go run main.go ../../lints)
- (cd integration/lints/ && go run main.go ../../cmd/genTestCerts)
- testdata-lint:
- ./test/prepend_testcerts_openssl.sh && git diff --exit-code testdata/
- .PHONY: clean zlint zlint-gtld-update test integration code-lint testdata-lint custom-code-lint