123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437 |
- # Adapted from https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci
- # NB: don't set `language: haskell` here.
- language: c
- # Request Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS).
- dist: trusty
- # Explicitly request sudo-enabled virtual environments [Issue #1992].
- sudo: required
- cache:
- directories:
- - $HOME/.stack
- ##############################################################################
- # Required Ubuntu packages
- # The LaTeX/HTML test-suite requires:
- # * `kpsewhich` (included in texlive-binaries)
- ##############################################################################
- # Tests
- # We use the word 'test' in a broad sense (e.g. it includes the Agda
- # test suite, the benchmark suite, the compilation with a specific set
- # of dependencies, the testing of other programs like `hTags`, etc.)
- # Travis runs the builds on this order.
- matrix:
- include:
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - cabal-install-2.4
- - ghc-8.6.3
- - texlive-binaries
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - cabal-install-2.2
- - ghc-8.4.4
- - texlive-binaries
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - cabal-install-2.0
- - ghc-8.2.2
- - texlive-binaries
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - cabal-install-1.24
- - ghc-8.0.2
- - texlive-binaries
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - cabal-install-1.22
- - ghc-7.10.3
- - texlive-binaries
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- - env: TEST=STACKAGE GHC_VER=8.6.3 BUILD=STACK ARGS="--stack-yaml stack-8.6.3.yaml --system-ghc"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-8.6.3
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- - env: TEST=STACKAGE GHC_VER=8.4.4 BUILD=STACK ARGS="--stack-yaml stack-8.4.4.yaml --system-ghc"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-8.4.4
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- - env: TEST=STACKAGE GHC_VER=8.2.2 BUILD=STACK ARGS="--stack-yaml stack-8.2.2.yaml --system-ghc"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-8.2.2
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- - env: TEST=STACKAGE GHC_VER=8.0.2 BUILD=STACK ARGS="--stack-yaml stack-8.0.2.yaml --system-ghc"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-8.0.2
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- - env: TEST=STACKAGE GHC_VER=7.10.3 BUILD=STACK ARGS="--stack-yaml stack-7.10.3.yaml --system-ghc"
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - ghc-7.10.3
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- # Since `stack haddock` compiles Agda but `cabal haddock` does
- # not, this test is faster using `BUILD=CABAL` [Issue #2188].
- addons:
- apt:
- packages:
- - cabal-install-2.4
- - ghc-8.6.3
- sources:
- - hvr-ghc
- language: python
- python: "3.4"
- allow_failures:
- language: python
- python: "3.4"
- # Builds are loooong, we want to send an email as fast as possible.
- fast_finish: true
- ##############################################################################
- before_install:
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" || $TEST = "HADDOCK" ]]; then
- export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHC_VER/bin:/opt/cabal/$CABAL_VER/bin:$PATH;
- elif [[ $TEST = "STACKAGE" ]]; then
- export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHC_VER/bin:$PATH;
- fi
- - if [[ $BUILD = "STACK" ]]; then
- mkdir -p ~/.local/bin &&
- travis_retry curl -L https://www.stackage.org/stack/linux-x86_64 | tar xz --wildcards --strip-components=1 -C ~/.local/bin '*/stack' &&
- export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- install:
- # How much memory we have.
- - vmstat -s
- # Asking for the shell.
- - echo $SHELL
- # Node is pre-installed.
- - echo "*** Node version ***"
- - node --version
- # The container environment reports a wrong number of cores. We use
- # a `sed` script (from https://github.com/hvr/multi-ghc-travis) for
- # commenting out `jobs: $ncpus` in the Cabal configuration file.
- - if [[ $BUILD = "CABAL" ]]; then
- echo "*** Cabal version ***" &&
- cabal --version &&
- echo "*** GHC version ***" &&
- ghc --version &&
- echo "*** Haddock version ***" &&
- haddock --version &&
- echo "*** Emacs version ***" &&
- emacs --version &&
- export PARALLEL_TESTS=2 &&
- travis_retry cabal update &&
- sed -i 's/^jobs:/-- jobs:/' $HOME/.cabal/config &&
- cat $HOME/.cabal/config &&
- export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH &&
- travis_retry cabal update &&
- travis_retry cabal fetch alex happy &&
- cabal install -v0 alex happy &&
- echo "*** Alex version ***" &&
- alex --version &&
- echo "*** Happy version ***" &&
- happy --version ;
- fi
- - if [[ $BUILD = "STACK" ]]; then
- echo "*** GHC version ***" &&
- ghc --version &&
- echo "*** Haddock version ***" &&
- haddock --version &&
- echo "*** Emacs version ***" &&
- emacs --version &&
- echo "*** Stack version ***" &&
- stack --version ;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Installing the dependencies
- # N.B. that `cabal install` doesn't set up the number of jobs by default
- # (cabal-install See https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/2628.
- # TODO (2016-02-21): Split the long lines (`\` doesn't work).
- # N.B. that we use the `--force-reinstalls` option [Issue 1520].
- # We are using `make CABAL_OPTS...` because we are including the
- # options to `cabal install` set up in the `Makefile`.
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" || $TEST = "HADDOCK" ]]; then
- travis_retry cabal fetch `cabal install --dependencies-only --force-reinstalls --dry-run | sed 1,2d | sed "s|(latest[^)]*)||g"` &&
- make CABAL_OPTS='-v0 --only-dependencies --force-reinstalls' install-bin;
- elif [[ $TEST = "STACKAGE" ]]; then
- stack build $ARGS --no-terminal --only-dependencies;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Installing Agda
- - export BUILD_DIR=$HOME/dist
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR CABAL_OPTS=-v1 install-bin;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Getting the standard library
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make up-to-date-std-lib;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Installing Sphinx
- # Required for making the user manual.
- # Note that the `--user` option put the Sphinx binaries in
- # `$HOME/.local/bin`.
- - if [[ $TEST = "USER_MANUAL" ]]; then
- pip install -r doc/user-manual/requirements.txt &&
- export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH &&
- echo "*** sphinx-build version ***" &&
- sphinx-build --version ;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Installing TeX Live and LaTeX packages (required by the user manual)
- # A *recent* version of TeX Live is required for making the user
- # manual. The installation of TeX Live was based on the instructions
- # used by Travis when the build environment is `language : r`.
- - if [[ $TEST = "USER_MANUAL" ]]; then
- travis_retry curl -Lo /tmp/texlive.tar.gz https://github.com/jimhester/ubuntu-bin/releases/download/latest/texlive.tar.gz &&
- tar xzf /tmp/texlive.tar.gz -C ~ &&
- export PATH=$HOME/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH &&
- tlmgr update --self &&
- tlmgr install anyfontsize capt-of cmap dejavu dvipng fncychap latexmk needspace &&
- echo "*** pdfLaTeX version ***" &&
- pdflatex --version &&
- echo "*** Latexmk version ***" &&
- latexmk --version &&
- echo "*** XeLaTeX version ***" &&
- xelatex --version ;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Installing a recent version of Node (see Issue #2192)
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- export AGDA_HOME=`pwd` &&
- export NODE_VERSION=v0.12.16 &&
- export NODE_DIR=node-${NODE_VERSION}-linux-x64 &&
- export NODE_TARBALL=${NODE_DIR}.tar.xz &&
- cd $HOME &&
- travis_retry wget https://nodejs.org/download/release/${NODE_VERSION}/${NODE_TARBALL} &&
- tar xJf ${NODE_TARBALL} &&
- export PATH=${HOME}/${NODE_DIR}/bin:$PATH &&
- cd $AGDA_HOME &&
- echo "*** Node version ***" &&
- node --version ;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Some tests
- # ASR (2016-09-17). Running the following tests, which use stack, here
- # instead of in the `script` section is faster because Agda's
- # dependencies are not installed again.
- ##############################################################################
- # We test on Stackage the default and non-default Agda flags.
- # Default flags: `cpp` instead of `cpphs`, `debug` off and
- # `enable-cluster-counting` off.
- # Issues related to the flags: `cpp` instead of `cpphs` [Issue #1647]
- # and the `debug` flag [Issue #2070].
- # N.B. that these tests are not include in the Makefile tests.
- - if [[ $TEST = "STACKAGE" ]]; then
- stack build $ARGS --no-terminal &&
- stack clean $ARGS &&
- stack build $ARGS --no-terminal --flag Agda:cpphs --flag Agda:debug --flag Agda:enable-cluster-counting;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- script:
- ##############################################################################
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make check-whitespace;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR succeed;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR fail;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR interaction;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR interactive;
- fi
- # We don't run LaTeX/XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX on Travis (see Issues #1022 and
- # #1675), but we still compare the generated tex/html files with the
- # golden files.
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR DONT_RUN_LATEX="Y" latex-html-test;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR examples;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR library-test;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR api-test;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR user-manual-test;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR internal-tests;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR benchmark-without-logs;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR compiler-test;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR lib-succeed;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR lib-interaction;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- cabal install -v0 --ghc-option=-w shelltestrunner &&
- make test-size-solver;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR testing-emacs-mode;
- fi
- - if [[ $TEST = "MAIN" ]]; then
- make install-agda-bisect;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Testing Haddock [Issue 1773]
- - if [[ $TEST = "HADDOCK" ]]; then
- make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR haddock;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Making the user manual
- - if [[ $TEST = "USER_MANUAL" ]]; then
- make user-manual-html &&
- make user-manual-pdf &&
- make user-manual-linkcheck ;
- fi
- ##############################################################################
- # Every master and maintenance branches >= 2.5 or >= maint-2.4 must
- # be here. You can also add your private branches if you want travis to
- # test them.
- branches:
- only:
- - master
- - future
- - maint-2.4
- - stable-2.5
- - release-2.5.1