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CAD Data in Model 3D Files

The Model 3D format is capable of storing CAD-related information and basic meta information. This document summarize them and their usage.



For CAD, it is preferable to use shapes instead of polygon meshes. Reading parameterized shapes from Wavefront OBJ files is straightforward, the shapes documentation also has examples. Shapes can store geometrical shapes (like cube, cylinder etc. hence the name) and Bezier surfaces as well as NURBS. Shape definitions are recursive, you can include a geometry into the shape-space again but with different position and orientation. It is also possible to include part of the mesh into shape-space.

Grouping Mesh for Inclusion

Unlike shapes which are groupped in a hierarchy by design, meshes aren't. So you can select parts of the mesh by a start face index and the number of polygons to include.

Annotation Labels

The M3D format is capable of storing labels for vertices. It is advisable to add a new vertex in shape-space for each label, but not necessary. The exporter will detect if the additional vertex is the same as the one in the shape, and it will only store it once.

Labels can be grouped together in layers, a color assigned to them, and they can be translated into several languages. M3D file stores all strings as UTF-8, so international texts shouldn't be a problem.

For translation, a 5 character language code can be given in the form "xx_XX" like "en_US" and "en_GB". If translations are used, then there should be identical label groups in the file with the same layer identifier and vertex list, but with different string offsets and language code. It is possible to define entirely different annotations for each language (even with different number of vertices or different grouping), but highly discouraged.

Labels should be visualized as texts listed on the left and on the right of the model, underlined in the given color and with the underline's ending connected to the vertex. Those connections must not cross each other.


M3D material definitions are flexible. If material name is not enough to uniquely identify a physical material for some reason, then PBR properties can help you: there's a property for roughness and thickness for example in addition to standard 3D model material properties like diffuse color. If those are not enough, let me know and I'll add a new property type. See Model 3D specification section Materials.

Meta Information

Any kind of UTF-8 encoded meta information can be embeded into M3D files. There's a description field for that, which must store the meta information in the following structure: first line is magic, identifies the scheme (defines available keywords). Other lines contain "(keyword)=(value)" pairs, one assignment per line. Regardless to the scheme, one keyword, "GENERATOR=(CADsoftware unixname)-(version)" always recognized. The keywords must not contain space; whitespaces at the beginning of the line and around "=" not allowed. The format of the value otherwise is free-form, depends on the keyword. If the first line is not recognized as a scheme magic, then the description is an entirely free-form comment (but without empty lines) and does not contain CAD-related information. Currently one scheme is defined, "ISO-10303", which is followed by any model-related assignment that is allowed in STEP file "DATA;" blocks and which does not describe topology or geometry. Comments in the description must be removed, it should be easily parsable by programs, not by humans. Entity references must be resolved by entities embeded, for example

/* some comment */ #3 = APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION( 'international standard', 'automotive_design', 2001, #57 );
#57 = /* the context */ APPLICATION_CONTEXT( 'core data' );


APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION=('international standard','automotive_design',2001,APPLICATION_CONTEXT('core data'));

Note that aside from the description field, there's a designated model's name, license and author field in the files. See Model 3D specification section String Table.


The M3D format doesn't care about the application's unit system. It stores normalized coordinates and what 1.0 in model space means in SI meters. It is the CAD software's responsibility to convert into whatever unit system the user prefers and display distances in that on screen. There's no place for configurable unit systems in a model file, for interoperability it must use one standard unit, period. That's what SI is for.


To help quickly choosing the right model, CAD software can embed and load a preview image of the model in PNG format.

Converting STEP Files into M3D

The m3dconv utility is capable of reading geometry and topology data from ISO-10303-21-4 and ISO-10303-24-2 files, or informally (but much more commonly) called STEP files. These usually have the extension .stp or .step and can be exported from all major CAD software. Import is based on Sreeramulu's and Rao's Geometric Data Extraction Algorithm with lots of reverse engineering of files I found on the internet, eg. in the ABC Dataset.

Locating the Actual Data

The parsing starts by locating closed shells with their transformations. The converter recognizes the following entities:

STEP Entity Description
MANIFOLD_SURFACE_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION one possible root with transformation
ADVANCED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION another possible root with transformation
FACETED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION another possible root without transformation
SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL contains list of shells without transformation
MANIFOLD_SOLID_BREP exactly one shell without transformation
FACETED_BREP exactly one shell without transformation
AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D strange way to define position and orientation
CLOSED_SHELL contains list of geometry entites

To locate, several paths are checked. Here -1-> means one-to-one relation, and -*-> means one-to-many.

                                      \1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D

                                   \1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D


CLOSED_SHELL (with identity transform)

Yes, you see that right, shell based surface refers to more closed shells with the same transformation, which makes no sense unless the shells are not in their local space as they should be.

The last, the direct closed shell path is only used as a last resort, when the other paths failed.

Parsing Surfaces

Each shell is converted to a world-space bone. The shells are containing further topology for faces:

STEP Entity Description
FACE_SURFACE contains a list of more records
ADVANCED_FACE contains a list of more records
                               |  /> PLANE -1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D
                               \-1-> CYLINDRICAL_SURFACE -1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D
                                  \> SPHERICAL_SURFACE -1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D

                                |  /> PLANE -1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D
                                \-1-> CYLINDRICAL_SURFACE -1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D
                                   \> SPHERICAL_SURFACE -1-> AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D

Parsing Geometry

Once the topology is known, each face (or surface) is converted into a separate M3D shape and groupped by its shell bone. Shapes are converted using the following geometry entities:

STEP Entity Description
PLANE plane placement
CYLINDRICAL_SURFACE cylindrical placement
SHERICAL_SURFACE sherical placement
EDGE_LOOP edge loop
POLY_LOOP polygon loop
EDGE_CURVE a curve to that edge
VERTEX_POINT a point in 3D space
LINE a line
CIRCLE a circle

How these are converted into shape commands is complicated. For example lines on a plane are converted into a single polygon command; circles on a plane are converted to circle commands, but two circles on a cylindrical surface are converted to a single cylinder command, etc.