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If you want to use this language, then start your program with a #!asm line.

Example Program


/* global variables */
acounter:   di 123
anumber:    df 3.1415
anaddress:  di 0x0048C
astring:    db "something"
anarray:    di 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
fmt:        db "a counter %d, left shift %d\n"

/* Things to do on startup */
  /* local variables (not really, just reserve space on the stack) */
  sp -4

/* Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS */
  /* Get MEG-4 style outputs */
  pshci KEY_LSHIFT
  scall getkey
  sp 4
  ci acounter
  pshci fmt
  scall printf
  sp 12


This isn't an actual programming language. When you compile one of the built-in languages, the compiler generates bytecode that the CPU executes. Assembly is a one-to-one transcription of that bytecode with human-readable textual mnemonics. It has two sections, data and code, both containing a series of labels and instructions. Instructions are mnemonics with an optional parameter.

You can play around and experiment with this if you feel brave.


Same as MEG-4 C literals.


There's no such thing as a variable in Assembly. Instead you specify the data section with .data, and just place the data after one of the db (byte), dw (word), di (integer), df (float) instructions. In this stream of data, before the instruction, you can place labels which will hold the address of that data. To load a value in your code section, first you put that label in the accumulator register using ci, and then issue one of the ldb (load byte), ldw (load word), ldi (load integer) or ldf (load float) instructions. If the ldb or ldw instructions has a non-zero argument, then they sign-extend the value to 32 bit.

Control Flow

Everything that you place after the .code keyword will be code. There's no implicit control flow, each instruction is executed one after another; you have to alter the PC (program counter) using one of the jmp (jump), jz (jump if zero), jnz (jump if not zero) or sw (switch, case selection) instructions to change the control flow manually.


There's no function declaration. You just use a label to mark a spot in the code. You push all arguments on the stack in reverse order using pushi and pushf, then you use a call mnemonic with that label. Within the function, you can get the address of these parameters with the adr (address) instruction, with its parameter being the function parameter's number multiplied by four. For example adr 0 loads the first function parameter's address in the accumulator register, and adr 4 loads the second's. You can return from the function with the ret instruction. Return values are returned in the accumulator register, which you can set directly with the ci (constant integer) and cf (constant float) instructions, and indirectly with the popi, popf, ldb, ldw, ldi and ldf instructions. After the call it is the caller's responsibility to remove the parameters from the stack by using an sp + number of parameters times four instruction.

Provided Functions

You have all the MEG-4 API functions at your disposal; using the exact names as they are listed in this documentation.

You have to push all arguments on the stack in reverse order, then use an scall (system call) mnemonic with a MEG-4 API function name as parameter. After the call it is the caller's responsibility to remove the parameters from the stack.


Before we go into the details, we must talk about the MEG-4 CPU specification.

The MEG-4 CPU is a 32-bit, little endian CPU. All values are stored in a way that smallest digits are placed on the smaller addresses. It is capable of performing operations on 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit integers (signed and unsigned) and on 32 bit floating point numbers.

The memory model is flat, meaning all data can be accessed through a single offset. Has no paging and no virtual address translation, no segmentation, except all data and code segment references are implicit (aka. no segment prefixes, referencing segments are automatic).

For security reasons code segment and data segment are separated, as well as the call stack and the data stack. Stack overflow and any other code injection through buffer overflow attacks are simply impossible on this CPU, which makes it very secure and bullet-proof (also supporting 3rd party bytecode like [Lua] would be impossible without code separation). In this reagard it is more like a Harvard architecture, but in every other aspect it's more like a von Neumann architecture.

The CPU has the following registers:

  • AC: accumulator register, with an integer value
  • AF: accumulator register, with a floating point value
  • FLG: processor flags (setup is done, blocked for I/O, blocked for timer, execution stopped)
  • TMR: the timer register's current value
  • DP: data pointer, this points to the top of the used global variable memory
  • BP: base pointer, marks the top of the function stack frame
  • SP: stack pointer, the bottom of the stack
  • CP: callstack pointer, the top of the callstack
  • PC: program counter, the address of the instruction currently being executed

The data segment is byte based, meaning DP, BP and SP registers point to 8 bit units. You can place data to the data segment using the db (8 bit), dw (16 bit), di (32 bit) and df (32 bit float) mnemonics. These might have one or more comma separated arguments, and for db strings literals and character literals can also be used.

The code segment has a 32 bit granularity, meaning that's the smallest address unit you can use. For this reason the PC points to these 32 bit units and not bytes. The following mnemonics can be used to place instructions to the code segment:

Mnemonic Parameter Description
debug Invoke the built-in debugger
ret Return from call, pops from the call stack
scall MEG-4 API function System call
call address/code label Pushes the position to the call stack and then calls a function
jmp address/code label Jump to address
jz address/code label Jump to address if accumulator is zero
jnz address/code label Jump to address if accumulator isn't zero
js address/code label Pop value, adjust its sign and jump to address if negative or zero
jns address/code label Pop value, adjust its sign and jump to address if positive
sw num,addr,addr0,addr1... Switch (see below)
ci number/data label Place an integer value into the accumulator
cf number Place a floating point number into the accumulator
bnd number Checks if the accumulator's value is between 0 and number
lea number Loads the address DP + number into the accumulator
adr number Loads the address BP + number into the accumulator
sp number Adjust SP register by number
pshci number/data label Push an integer constant to the data stack
pshcf number Push a float constant to the data stack
pushi Push the accumulator as integer to the data stack
pushf Push the accumulator as float to the data stack
popi Pop an integer value from the data stack into the accumulator
popf Pop a float value from the data stack into the accumulator
cnvi Convert the value on the top of the stack into an integer
cnvf Convert the value on the top of the stack into a float
ldb 0/1 Loads a byte from the address in the accumulator (sign extend if arg is non-zero)
ldw 0/1 Loads a word from the address in the accumulator (sign extend if arg is non-zero)
ldi Loads an integer from the address in the accumulator
ldf Loads a float from the address in the accumulator
stb Pops the address from stack and stores a byte from accumulator
stw Pops the address from stack and stores a word from accumulator
sti Pops the address from stack and stores an int from accumulator
stf Pops the address from stack and stores a float from accumulator
incb number Pops the address from stack and increase the byte at address by number
incw number Pops the address from stack and increase the word at address by number
inci number Pops the address from stack and increase the integer at address by number
decb number Pops the address from stack and decrease the byte at address by number
decw number Pops the address from stack and decrease the word at address by number
deci number Pops the address from stack and decrease the integer at address by number
not Perform logical NOT on the accumulator
neg Perform bitwise NOT on the accumulator
or Pop a value from stack and perform bitwise OR on the accumulator
xor Pop a value from stack and perform EXCLUSIVE OR on the accumulator
and Pop a value from stack and perform bitwise AND on the accumulator
shl Pop a value and shift accumulator bits to the left, place result in accumulator
shr Pop a value and shift accumulator bits to the right, place result in accumulator
eq Pop a value and set accumulator if accumulator is the same as the popped
ne Pop a value and set accumulator if accumulator isn't the same
lts Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less than as signed
gts Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater than as signed
les Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less or equal as signed
ges Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater or equal as signed
ltu Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less than as unsigned
gtu Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater than as unsigned
leu Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less or equal as unsigned
geu Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater or equal as unsigned
ltf Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less than as float
gtf Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater than as float
lef Pop a value and set accumulator if it's less or equal as float
gef Pop a value and set accumulator if it's greater or equal as float
addi Pop a value and add it to the accumulator as integer
subi Pop a value and subtract the accumulator from it as integer
muli Pop a value and multiply the accumulator with it as integer
divi Pop a value and divide by the accumulator as integer
modi Pop a value, divide and put the remainder in accumulator as integer
powi Pop a value and raise to the power of accumulator as interger
addf Pop a value and add it to the accumulator as float
subf Pop a value and subtract the accumulator from it as float
mulf Pop a value and multiply the accumulator with it as float
divf Pop a value and divide by the accumulator as float
modf Pop a value, divide and put the fractional in accumulator as float
powf Pop a value and raise to the power of accumulator as float

The sw mnemonic has variable number (but at least three) arguments. The first one is a number, the second is a code label, as well as all the rest are code labels. It subtracts the number from the accumulator and checks if the result is positive and less than the number of the labels given. If not, then it jumps to the first label in the second argument. If it is, then it picks the accumulatorth label starting from the third parameter (second label), and jumps there.

So in a nutshell it is

sw (value), (label to jump to otherwise),
  (label to jump to if accumulator equals value),
  (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + 1),
  (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + 2),
  (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + 3),
  (label to jump to if accumulator equals value + N)

Every sw mnemonic might have up to 256 value labels.