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  25. <h1>BSimjoo webpage</h1>
  26. <h4>Life would be so much eazier if we only had the Source Code</h4>
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  29. <h1>test</h1>
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  34. <a href="#repair">
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  36. <img src="files/images/1057.png">
  37. <h1>Repairman</h1>
  38. <p>I could repair your computer</p>
  39. <p class="readmore">Read more</p>
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  42. <a href="#developer">
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  44. <img src="files/images/1059.png">
  45. <h1>Developer</h1>
  46. <p>I'm a progammer!</p>
  47. <p>I love programing and I could develop applications as you wish!</p>
  48. <p class="readmore">Read more</p>
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  51. <a href="#electronic">
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  53. <img src="files/images/1074.png">
  54. <h1>Electronic engineer</h1>
  55. <p>I know some thing about this!</p>
  56. <p class="readmore">Read more</p>
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  61. <div id="repair" class="postblock right">
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  63. <h2>Repairman</h2>
  64. <p>
  65. I live with computer. When I was ten my parents bought my first computer and and then my computery life had begin!
  66. </p>
  67. <p>
  68. I was so curious and I started going anywhere and trying anything and any options in coumputer. so I learned how to ruin my computer first! and then tried to fix it so I learned how to fix my computer! later when I was 12, I started being more accurate
  69. in computer science so I learned much more about computer structures and computer logic and also developing.
  70. </p>
  71. <p>I could say I started learning computer by drowning in it!</p>
  72. <img src="files/images/drowning.jpg">
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  75. <div id="developer" class="postblock left">
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  77. <h2>Developer</h2>
  78. <p>
  79. I like creating! after I knew computer, I wanted to creat something in computer, so I guided to developing and programing since I chose university of computer engineering to learn much more of computer science.
  80. </p>
  81. <p>
  82. When I was 14 I started programing from Visual Basic and after a while I started working by Dos-Batch. then I started Bascom-avr, C++, C#, Html and web-programing, java, python. But I have some thing to say about C# and python.
  83. </p>
  84. <p>
  85. I also created so many programs. you can see som of them in <a href="/softwares.html">softwares page</a>.
  86. </p>
  87. <img class="icon" src="files/images/bascom-avr-logo.jpg">
  88. <img class="icon" src="files/images/C++_Logo.png">
  89. <img class="icon" src="files/images/c-sharp-logo.png">
  90. <img class="icon" src="files/images/java-logo.png">
  91. <img class="icon" src="files/images/python-logo.png">
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  94. <div id="electronic" class="postblock right">
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  96. <h2>Electronic engineering</h2>
  97. <p>
  98. Befor I know computer I knew electronic science and I tried to learn some thing about it. I started learning by some simple circut and reading some books about electronic element and some basic informations about amper, volt, ohm and ...
  99. </p>
  100. <p>
  101. I should say I know some thing about electronic but not so mutch! I could design basic and some AVR based circuits.
  102. </p>
  103. <p>
  104. But as I said, my major is computer engineering and electronic is a preoccupation.
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  106. <img class="icon" src="files/images/circuit-logo.png">
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  111. <h1 id="commingsoon">Comming soon...</h1>
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