123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081 |
- # This file compiles to package.json scripts.
- # When you add or modify anything, you *MUST* run:
- # npm run yamscripts
- # to compile your changes.
- scripts:
- # Run the activity-stream mochitests
- mochitest: (cd $npm_package_config_mc_dir && ./mach mochitest browser/components/newtab/test/browser --headless)
- # Run the activity-stream mochitests with the browser toolbox debugger.
- # Often handy in combination with adding a "debugger" statement in your
- # mochitest somewhere.
- mochitest-debug: (cd $npm_package_config_mc_dir && ./mach mochitest --jsdebugger browser/components/newtab/test/browser)
- # bundle: Build all assets for activity stream
- bundle:
- locales: pontoon-to-json --src $npm_package_config_locales_dir --dest data
- webpack: webpack --config webpack.system-addon.config.js
- css: node-sass content-src/styles -o css
- html: rimraf prerendered && node ./bin/render-activity-stream-html.js
- # buildmc: Export code to mozilla central
- buildmc:
- pre: rimraf $npm_package_config_mc_dir/browser/components/newtab/
- bundle: => bundle
- copy: rsync --exclude-from .mcignore -a . $npm_package_config_mc_dir/browser/components/newtab/
- stringsExport: cp $npm_package_config_locales_dir/$npm_package_config_default_locale/strings.properties $npm_package_config_mc_dir/browser/locales/$npm_package_config_default_locale/chrome/browser/activity-stream/newtab.properties
- copyPingCentre: cpx "ping-centre/PingCentre.jsm" $npm_package_config_mc_dir/browser/modules
- # builduplift: Build and export to mozilla central for uplifts without exporting strings to browser/locales
- builduplift:
- pre: =>prebuildmc
- bundle: => bundle
- copy: =>buildmc:copy
- # buildlibrary: Export about:library code to mozilla-central - intentionally not included in buildmc for now
- buildlibrary:
- webpack: webpack --config webpack.aboutlibrary.config.js
- css: node-sass --source-map true --source-map-contents content-src/aboutlibrary -o aboutlibrary/content
- copy: cpx "aboutlibrary/**/{,.}*" $npm_package_config_mc_dir/browser/components/library
- # startmc: Automatically rebuild/export to mozilla central when files are changed. NOTE: Includes sourcemaps, do not use for profiling/perf testing.
- startmc:
- _parallel: true
- pre: =>buildmc
- # This copies only the system addon sub-folder; changing anything outside of it will need a full rebuild.
- copy: cpx "{{,.}*,!(node_modules)/**/{,.}*}" $npm_package_config_mc_dir/browser/components/newtab/ -w
- copyPingCentre: =>buildmc:copyPingCentre -- -w
- webpack: =>bundle:webpack -- --env.development -w
- css: =>bundle:css && =>bundle:css -- --source-map-embed --source-map-contents -w
- # importmc: Import changes from mc to github repo
- importmc: rsync --exclude-from .mcignore -a $npm_package_config_mc_dir/browser/components/newtab/ .
- testmc:
- lint: =>lint
- build: =>bundle:webpack && =>bundle:locales
- unit: karma start karma.mc.config.js
- tddmc: karma start karma.mc.config.js --tdd
- debugcoverage: open logs/coverage/index.html
- # lint: Run eslint and sass-lint
- lint:
- eslint: eslint --ext=.js,.jsm,.jsx .
- sasslint: sass-lint -v -q
- # strings-import: Replace local strings with those from l10n-central
- strings-import: node ./bin/strings-import.js
- # test: Run all tests once
- test: =>testmc
- # tdd: Run content tests continuously
- tdd: =>tddmc
- # Utility scripts for use when vendoring in Node packages
- vendor:
- react: node ./bin/vendor-react.js