123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232 |
- /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- */
- "use strict";
- const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
- const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
- const {AppConstants} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm");
- XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "aboutNewTabService",
- "@mozilla.org/browser/aboutnewtab-service;1",
- "nsIAboutNewTabService");
- const DOWNLOADS_URL = "chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xul";
- const SEPARATE_PRIVILEGED_CONTENT_PROCESS_PREF = "browser.tabs.remote.separatePrivilegedContentProcess";
- const ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF = "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.debug";
- function cleanup() {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF);
- aboutNewTabService.resetNewTabURL();
- }
- registerCleanupFunction(cleanup);
- function setExpectedUrlsWithScripts() {
- ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL = "resource://activity-stream/prerendered/en-US/activity-stream.html";
- ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL = "resource://activity-stream/prerendered/static/activity-stream-debug.html";
- }
- function setExpectedUrlsWithoutScripts() {
- ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL = "resource://activity-stream/prerendered/en-US/activity-stream-noscripts.html";
- // Debug urls are the same as non-debug because debug scripts load dynamically
- }
- function nextChangeNotificationPromise(aNewURL, testMessage) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // jshint unused:false
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aTopic);
- Assert.equal(aData, aNewURL, testMessage);
- resolve();
- }, "newtab-url-changed");
- });
- }
- function setPrivilegedContentProcessPref(usePrivilegedContentProcess) {
- if (usePrivilegedContentProcess === Services.prefs.getBoolPref(SEPARATE_PRIVILEGED_CONTENT_PROCESS_PREF)) {
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- let notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise("about:newtab");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SEPARATE_PRIVILEGED_CONTENT_PROCESS_PREF, usePrivilegedContentProcess);
- return notificationPromise;
- }
- // Default expected URLs to files with scripts in them.
- setExpectedUrlsWithScripts();
- function addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(test) {
- add_task(async () => {
- await setPrivilegedContentProcessPref(true);
- setExpectedUrlsWithoutScripts();
- await test();
- });
- add_task(async () => {
- await setPrivilegedContentProcessPref(false);
- setExpectedUrlsWithScripts();
- await test();
- });
- }
- function setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange(pref, value, testMessage) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // jshint unused:false
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aTopic);
- Assert.equal(aData, aboutNewTabService.newTabURL, testMessage);
- resolve();
- }, "newtab-url-changed");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(pref, value);
- });
- }
- add_task(async function test_as_initial_values() {
- Assert.ok(aboutNewTabService.activityStreamEnabled,
- ".activityStreamEnabled should be set to the correct initial value");
- // This pref isn't defined on release or beta, so we fall back to false
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.activityStreamDebug, Services.prefs.getBoolPref(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, false),
- ".activityStreamDebug should be set to the correct initial value");
- });
- /**
- * Test the overriding of the default URL
- */
- add_task(async function test_override_activity_stream_disabled() {
- let notificationPromise;
- // override with some remote URL
- let url = "http://example.com/";
- notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(url);
- aboutNewTabService.newTabURL = url;
- await notificationPromise;
- Assert.ok(aboutNewTabService.overridden, "Newtab URL should be overridden");
- Assert.ok(!aboutNewTabService.activityStreamEnabled, "Newtab activity stream should not be enabled");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.newTabURL, url, "Newtab URL should be the custom URL");
- // test reset with activity stream disabled
- notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise("about:newtab");
- aboutNewTabService.resetNewTabURL();
- await notificationPromise;
- Assert.ok(!aboutNewTabService.overridden, "Newtab URL should not be overridden");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.newTabURL, "about:newtab", "Newtab URL should be the default");
- // test override to a chrome URL
- notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(DOWNLOADS_URL);
- aboutNewTabService.newTabURL = DOWNLOADS_URL;
- await notificationPromise;
- Assert.ok(aboutNewTabService.overridden, "Newtab URL should be overridden");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.newTabURL, DOWNLOADS_URL, "Newtab URL should be the custom URL");
- cleanup();
- });
- addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(async function test_override_activity_stream_enabled() {
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL,
- "Newtab URL should be the default activity stream URL");
- Assert.ok(!aboutNewTabService.overridden, "Newtab URL should not be overridden");
- Assert.ok(aboutNewTabService.activityStreamEnabled, "Activity Stream should be enabled");
- // change to a chrome URL while activity stream is enabled
- let notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(DOWNLOADS_URL);
- aboutNewTabService.newTabURL = DOWNLOADS_URL;
- await notificationPromise;
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.newTabURL, DOWNLOADS_URL,
- "Newtab URL set to chrome url");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL,
- "Newtab URL defaultURL still set to the default activity stream URL");
- Assert.ok(aboutNewTabService.overridden, "Newtab URL should be overridden");
- Assert.ok(!aboutNewTabService.activityStreamEnabled, "Activity Stream should not be enabled");
- cleanup();
- });
- addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(async function test_default_url() {
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL,
- "Newtab defaultURL initially set to AS url");
- // Only debug variants aren't available on release/beta
- await setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, true,
- "A notification occurs after changing the debug pref to true");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.activityStreamDebug, true,
- "the .activityStreamDebug property is set to true");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL,
- "Newtab defaultURL set to debug AS url after the pref has been changed");
- await setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, false,
- "A notification occurs after changing the debug pref to false");
- } else {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, true);
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.activityStreamDebug, false,
- "the .activityStreamDebug property is remains false");
- }
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL,
- "Newtab defaultURL set to un-prerendered AS if prerender is false and debug is false");
- cleanup();
- });
- addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(async function test_welcome_url() {
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.welcomeURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL,
- "Newtab welcomeURL set to un-prerendered AS when debug disabled.");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.welcomeURL, aboutNewTabService.defaultURL,
- "Newtab welcomeURL is equal to defaultURL when prerendering disabled and debug disabled.");
- // Only debug variants aren't available on release/beta
- await setBoolPrefAndWaitForChange(ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_PREF, true,
- "A notification occurs after changing the debug pref to true.");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.welcomeURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_DEBUG_URL,
- "Newtab welcomeURL set to un-prerendered debug AS when debug enabled");
- }
- cleanup();
- });
- add_task(function test_locale() {
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.activityStreamLocale, "en-US",
- "The locale for testing should be en-US");
- });
- /**
- * Tests response to updates to prefs
- */
- addTestsWithPrivilegedContentProcessPref(async function test_updates() {
- // Simulates a "cold-boot" situation, with some pref already set before testing a series
- // of changes.
- aboutNewTabService.resetNewTabURL(); // need to set manually because pref notifs are off
- let notificationPromise;
- // test update fires on override and reset
- let testURL = "https://example.com/";
- notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(
- testURL, "a notification occurs on override");
- aboutNewTabService.newTabURL = testURL;
- await notificationPromise;
- // from overridden to default
- notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(
- "about:newtab", "a notification occurs on reset");
- aboutNewTabService.resetNewTabURL();
- Assert.ok(aboutNewTabService.activityStreamEnabled, "Activity Stream should be enabled");
- Assert.equal(aboutNewTabService.defaultURL, ACTIVITY_STREAM_URL, "Default URL should be the activity stream page");
- await notificationPromise;
- // reset twice, only one notification for default URL
- notificationPromise = nextChangeNotificationPromise(
- "about:newtab", "reset occurs");
- aboutNewTabService.resetNewTabURL();
- await notificationPromise;
- cleanup();
- });