123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333 |
- /* global Services */
- import {AboutPreferences, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT} from "lib/AboutPreferences.jsm";
- import {actionTypes as at} from "common/Actions.jsm";
- import {GlobalOverrider} from "test/unit/utils";
- describe("AboutPreferences Feed", () => {
- let globals;
- let sandbox;
- let Sections;
- let DiscoveryStream;
- let instance;
- beforeEach(() => {
- globals = new GlobalOverrider();
- sandbox = globals.sandbox;
- Sections = [];
- DiscoveryStream = {config: {enabled: false}};
- instance = new AboutPreferences();
- instance.store = {
- dispatch: sandbox.stub(),
- getState: () => ({Sections, DiscoveryStream}),
- };
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- globals.restore();
- });
- describe("#onAction", () => {
- it("should call .init() on an INIT action", () => {
- const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "init");
- instance.onAction({type: at.INIT});
- assert.calledOnce(stub);
- });
- it("should call .uninit() on an UNINIT action", () => {
- const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "uninit");
- instance.onAction({type: at.UNINIT});
- assert.calledOnce(stub);
- });
- it("should call .openPreferences on SETTINGS_OPEN", () => {
- const action = {type: at.SETTINGS_OPEN, _target: {browser: {ownerGlobal: {openPreferences: sinon.spy()}}}};
- instance.onAction(action);
- assert.calledOnce(action._target.browser.ownerGlobal.openPreferences);
- });
- it("should call .BrowserOpenAddonsMgr with the extension id on OPEN_WEBEXT_SETTINGS", () => {
- const action = {type: at.OPEN_WEBEXT_SETTINGS, data: "foo", _target: {browser: {ownerGlobal: {BrowserOpenAddonsMgr: sinon.spy()}}}};
- instance.onAction(action);
- assert.calledWith(
- action._target.browser.ownerGlobal.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr,
- "addons://detail/foo"
- );
- });
- });
- describe("#observe", () => {
- it("should watch for about:preferences loading", () => {
- sandbox.stub(Services.obs, "addObserver");
- instance.init();
- assert.calledOnce(Services.obs.addObserver);
- assert.calledWith(Services.obs.addObserver, instance, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT);
- });
- it("should stop watching on uninit", () => {
- sandbox.stub(Services.obs, "removeObserver");
- instance.uninit();
- assert.calledOnce(Services.obs.removeObserver);
- assert.calledWith(Services.obs.removeObserver, instance, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT);
- });
- it("should try to render on event", async () => {
- const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "renderPreferences");
- instance._strings = {};
- Sections.push({});
- await instance.observe(window, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT);
- assert.calledOnce(stub);
- assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[0], window);
- assert.deepEqual(stub.firstCall.args[1], instance._strings);
- assert.include(stub.firstCall.args[2], Sections[0]);
- });
- it("Hide highlights in sections if discovery stream is enabled", async () => {
- const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "renderPreferences");
- instance._strings = {};
- const titleString = "title";
- Sections.push({pref: {titleString}, id: "highlights"});
- DiscoveryStream = {config: {enabled: true}};
- await instance.observe(window, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT);
- assert.calledOnce(stub);
- assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[2][0].id, "search");
- assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[2][1].id, "topsites");
- assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[2][2].id, "highlights");
- assert.isTrue(stub.firstCall.args[2][2].shouldHidePref);
- });
- it("Hide topstories rows select in sections if discovery stream is enabled", async () => {
- const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "renderPreferences");
- instance._strings = {};
- Sections.push({rowsPref: "row_pref", maxRows: 3, pref: {descString: "foo"}, learnMore: {link: "https://foo.com"}, id: "topstories"});
- DiscoveryStream = {config: {enabled: true}};
- await instance.observe(window, PREFERENCES_LOADED_EVENT);
- assert.calledOnce(stub);
- assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[2][0].id, "search");
- assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[2][1].id, "topsites");
- assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[2][2].id, "topstories");
- assert.isEmpty(stub.firstCall.args[2][2].rowsPref);
- });
- });
- describe("#strings", () => {
- let activityStreamLocale;
- let fetchStub;
- let fetchText;
- beforeEach(() => {
- global.Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/aboutnewtab-service;1"] = {
- getService() {
- return {activityStreamLocale};
- },
- };
- fetchStub = sandbox.stub().resolves({text: () => Promise.resolve(fetchText)});
- globals.set("fetch", fetchStub);
- });
- it("should use existing strings if they exist", async () => {
- instance._strings = {};
- const strings = await instance.strings;
- assert.equal(strings, instance._strings);
- });
- it("should report failure if missing", async () => {
- sandbox.stub(Cu, "reportError");
- const strings = await instance.strings;
- assert.calledOnce(Cu.reportError);
- assert.deepEqual(strings, {});
- });
- it("should fetch with the appropriate locale", async () => {
- activityStreamLocale = "en-TEST";
- await instance.strings;
- assert.calledOnce(fetchStub);
- assert.include(fetchStub.firstCall.args[0], activityStreamLocale);
- });
- it("should extract strings from js text", async () => {
- const testStrings = {hello: "world"};
- fetchText = `var strings = ${JSON.stringify(testStrings)};`;
- const strings = await instance.strings;
- assert.deepEqual(strings, testStrings);
- });
- });
- describe("#renderPreferences", () => {
- let node;
- let strings;
- let prefStructure;
- let Preferences;
- let gHomePane;
- const testRender = () => instance.renderPreferences({
- document: {
- createXULElement: sandbox.stub().returns(node),
- createProcessingInstruction: sandbox.stub(),
- createElementNS: sandbox.stub().callsFake((NS, el) => node),
- getElementById: sandbox.stub().returns(node),
- insertBefore: sandbox.stub().returnsArg(0),
- querySelector: sandbox.stub().returns({appendChild: sandbox.stub()}),
- },
- Preferences,
- gHomePane,
- }, strings, prefStructure, DiscoveryStream.config);
- beforeEach(() => {
- node = {
- appendChild: sandbox.stub().returnsArg(0),
- addEventListener: sandbox.stub(),
- classList: {add: sandbox.stub(), remove: sandbox.stub()},
- cloneNode: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
- insertAdjacentElement: sandbox.stub().returnsArg(1),
- setAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
- remove: sandbox.stub(),
- style: {},
- };
- strings = {};
- prefStructure = [];
- Preferences = {
- add: sandbox.stub(),
- get: sandbox.stub().returns({}),
- };
- gHomePane = {toggleRestoreDefaultsBtn: sandbox.stub()};
- });
- describe("#formatString", () => {
- it("should fall back to string id if missing", () => {
- testRender();
- assert.equal(node.textContent, "prefs_home_description");
- });
- it("should use provided plain string", () => {
- strings = {prefs_home_description: "hello"};
- testRender();
- assert.equal(node.textContent, "hello");
- });
- it("should fall back to string object if missing", () => {
- const titleString = {id: "foo"};
- prefStructure = [{pref: {titleString}}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "label", JSON.stringify(titleString));
- });
- it("should use provided string object id", () => {
- strings = {foo: "bar"};
- prefStructure = [{pref: {titleString: {id: "foo"}}}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "label", "bar");
- });
- it("should use values in string object", () => {
- strings = {foo: "l{n}{n}t"};
- prefStructure = [{pref: {titleString: {id: "foo", values: {n: 3}}}}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "label", "l33t");
- });
- });
- describe("#linkPref", () => {
- it("should add a pref to the global", () => {
- prefStructure = [{}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledOnce(Preferences.add);
- });
- it("should skip adding if not shown", () => {
- prefStructure = [{shouldHidePref: true}];
- testRender();
- assert.notCalled(Preferences.add);
- });
- });
- describe("pref icon", () => {
- it("should default to webextension icon", () => {
- prefStructure = [{}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "src", "resource://activity-stream/data/content/assets/glyph-webextension-16.svg");
- });
- it("should use desired glyph icon", () => {
- prefStructure = [{icon: "highlights"}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "src", "resource://activity-stream/data/content/assets/glyph-highlights-16.svg");
- });
- it("should use specified chrome icon", () => {
- const icon = "chrome://the/icon.svg";
- prefStructure = [{icon}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "src", icon);
- });
- });
- describe("title line", () => {
- it("should render a title", () => {
- const titleString = "the_title";
- prefStructure = [{pref: {titleString}}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "label", titleString);
- });
- it("should add a link for top stories", () => {
- const href = "https://disclaimer/";
- prefStructure = [{learnMore: {link: {href}}, id: "topstories"}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "href", href);
- });
- });
- describe("description line", () => {
- it("should render a description", () => {
- const descString = "the_desc";
- prefStructure = [{pref: {descString}}];
- testRender();
- assert.equal(node.textContent, descString);
- });
- it("should render rows dropdown with appropriate number", () => {
- prefStructure = [{rowsPref: "row_pref", maxRows: 3, pref: {descString: "foo"}}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "value", 1);
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "value", 2);
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "value", 3);
- });
- });
- describe("nested prefs", () => {
- it("should render a nested pref", () => {
- const titleString = "im_nested";
- prefStructure = [{pref: {nestedPrefs: [{titleString}]}}];
- testRender();
- assert.calledWith(node.setAttribute, "label", titleString);
- });
- });
- describe("restore defaults btn", () => {
- it("should call toggleRestoreDefaultsBtn", () => {
- testRender();
- assert.calledOnce(gHomePane.toggleRestoreDefaultsBtn);
- });
- });
- });
- });