123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313 |
- import {ASRouterTriggerListeners} from "lib/ASRouterTriggerListeners.jsm";
- import {GlobalOverrider} from "test/unit/utils";
- describe("ASRouterTriggerListeners", () => {
- let sandbox;
- let registerWindowNotificationStub;
- let unregisterWindoNotificationStub;
- let windowEnumeratorStub;
- let existingWindow;
- const triggerHandler = () => {};
- const openURLListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL");
- const frequentVisitsListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("frequentVisits");
- const hosts = ["www.mozilla.com", "www.mozilla.org"];
- function resetEnumeratorStub(windows) {
- windowEnumeratorStub
- .withArgs("navigator:browser")
- .returns(windows);
- }
- beforeEach(async () => {
- sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
- registerWindowNotificationStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.ww, "registerNotification");
- unregisterWindoNotificationStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.ww, "unregisterNotification");
- existingWindow = {gBrowser: {addTabsProgressListener: sandbox.stub(), removeTabsProgressListener: sandbox.stub(), currentURI: {host: ""}}, gBrowserInit: {delayedStartupFinished: true}, addEventListener: sinon.stub(), removeEventListener: sinon.stub()};
- windowEnumeratorStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.wm, "getEnumerator");
- resetEnumeratorStub([existingWindow]);
- sandbox.spy(openURLListener, "init");
- sandbox.spy(openURLListener, "uninit");
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- sandbox.restore();
- });
- describe("frequentVisits", () => {
- let _triggerHandler;
- beforeEach(async () => {
- _triggerHandler = sandbox.stub();
- sandbox.useFakeTimers();
- await frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts);
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- sandbox.clock.restore();
- frequentVisitsListener.uninit();
- });
- it("should be initialized", () => {
- assert.isTrue(frequentVisitsListener._initialized);
- });
- it("should listen for TabSelect events", () => {
- assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener);
- assert.calledWith(existingWindow.addEventListener, "TabSelect", frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch);
- });
- it("should call _triggerHandler if the visit is valid (is recoreded)", () => {
- frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "www.mozilla.com");
- assert.calledOnce(_triggerHandler);
- });
- it("should call _triggerHandler only once", () => {
- frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "www.mozilla.com");
- frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "www.mozilla.com");
- assert.calledOnce(_triggerHandler);
- });
- it("should call _triggerHandler again after 15 minutes", () => {
- frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "www.mozilla.com");
- sandbox.clock.tick(15 * 60 * 1000 + 1);
- frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "www.mozilla.com");
- assert.calledTwice(_triggerHandler);
- });
- it("should call triggerHandler on valid hosts", () => {
- const stub = sandbox.stub(frequentVisitsListener, "triggerHandler");
- existingWindow.gBrowser.currentURI.host = hosts[0]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
- frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch({target: {ownerGlobal: existingWindow}});
- assert.calledOnce(stub);
- });
- it("should not call triggerHandler on invalid hosts", () => {
- const stub = sandbox.stub(frequentVisitsListener, "triggerHandler");
- existingWindow.gBrowser.currentURI.host = "foo.com";
- frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch({target: {ownerGlobal: existingWindow}});
- assert.notCalled(stub);
- });
- describe("MatchPattern", () => {
- let globals;
- beforeEach(() => {
- globals = new GlobalOverrider();
- globals.set("MatchPatternSet", sandbox.stub().callsFake(patterns => ({patterns})));
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- globals.restore();
- frequentVisitsListener.uninit();
- });
- it("should create a matchPatternSet", async () => {
- await frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["pattern"]);
- assert.calledOnce(window.MatchPatternSet);
- assert.calledWithExactly(window.MatchPatternSet, ["pattern"], {ignorePath: true});
- });
- it("should allow to add multiple patterns and dedupe", async () => {
- await frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["pattern"]);
- await frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["foo"]);
- assert.calledTwice(window.MatchPatternSet);
- assert.calledWithExactly(window.MatchPatternSet, new Set(["pattern", "foo"]), {ignorePath: true});
- });
- });
- });
- describe("openURL listener", () => {
- it("should exist and initially be uninitialised", () => {
- assert.ok(openURLListener);
- assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized);
- });
- describe("#init", () => {
- beforeEach(async () => {
- await openURLListener.init(triggerHandler, hosts);
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- openURLListener.uninit();
- });
- it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler and hosts", () => {
- assert.ok(openURLListener._initialized);
- assert.deepEqual(openURLListener._hosts, new Set(hosts));
- assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler);
- });
- it("should register an open-window notification", () => {
- assert.calledOnce(registerWindowNotificationStub);
- assert.calledWith(registerWindowNotificationStub, openURLListener);
- });
- it("should add tab progress listeners to all existing browser windows", () => {
- assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener);
- assert.calledWithExactly(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener, openURLListener);
- });
- it("if already initialised, should only update the trigger handler and add the new hosts", () => {
- const newHosts = ["www.example.com"];
- const newTriggerHandler = () => {};
- resetEnumeratorStub([existingWindow]);
- registerWindowNotificationStub.reset();
- existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener.reset();
- openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, newHosts);
- assert.ok(openURLListener._initialized);
- assert.deepEqual(openURLListener._hosts, new Set([...hosts, ...newHosts]));
- assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler);
- assert.notCalled(registerWindowNotificationStub);
- assert.notCalled(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener);
- });
- });
- describe("#uninit", () => {
- beforeEach(async () => {
- await openURLListener.init(triggerHandler, hosts);
- // Ensure that the window enumerator will return the existing window for uninit as well
- resetEnumeratorStub([existingWindow]);
- openURLListener.uninit();
- });
- it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and hosts", () => {
- assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized);
- assert.equal(openURLListener._hosts, null);
- assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, null);
- });
- it("should remove an open-window notification", () => {
- assert.calledOnce(unregisterWindoNotificationStub);
- assert.calledWith(unregisterWindoNotificationStub, openURLListener);
- });
- it("should remove tab progress listeners from all existing browser windows", () => {
- assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener);
- assert.calledWithExactly(existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener, openURLListener);
- });
- it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => {
- unregisterWindoNotificationStub.reset();
- existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener.reset();
- resetEnumeratorStub([existingWindow]);
- openURLListener.uninit();
- assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized);
- assert.notCalled(unregisterWindoNotificationStub);
- assert.notCalled(existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener);
- });
- });
- describe("#onLocationChange", () => {
- afterEach(() => {
- openURLListener.uninit();
- frequentVisitsListener.uninit();
- });
- it("should call the ._triggerHandler with the right arguments", async () => {
- const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
- await openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
- const browser = {};
- const webProgress = {isTopLevel: true};
- const location = "www.mozilla.org";
- openURLListener.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, undefined, {host: location, spec: location});
- assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler);
- assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, {id: "openURL", param: {host: "www.mozilla.org", url: "www.mozilla.org"}});
- });
- it("should call triggerHandler for a redirect (openURL + frequentVisits)", async () => {
- for (let trigger of [openURLListener, frequentVisitsListener]) {
- const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
- await trigger.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
- const browser = {};
- const webProgress = {isTopLevel: true};
- const aLocationURI = {host: "subdomain.mozilla.org", spec: "subdomain.mozilla.org"};
- const aRequest = {
- QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
- originalURI: {spec: "www.mozilla.org", host: "www.mozilla.org"},
- }),
- };
- trigger.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI);
- assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface);
- assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler);
- }
- });
- it("should call triggerHandler with the right arguments (redirect)", async () => {
- const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
- await openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
- const browser = {};
- const webProgress = {isTopLevel: true};
- const aLocationURI = {host: "subdomain.mozilla.org", spec: "subdomain.mozilla.org"};
- const aRequest = {
- QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
- originalURI: {spec: "www.mozilla.org", host: "www.mozilla.org"},
- }),
- };
- openURLListener.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI);
- assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, {id: "openURL", param: {host: "www.mozilla.org", url: "www.mozilla.org"}});
- });
- it("should call triggerHandler for a redirect (openURL + frequentVisits)", async () => {
- for (let trigger of [openURLListener, frequentVisitsListener]) {
- const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
- await trigger.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
- const browser = {};
- const webProgress = {isTopLevel: true};
- const aLocationURI = {host: "subdomain.mozilla.org", spec: "subdomain.mozilla.org"};
- const aRequest = {
- QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
- originalURI: {spec: "www.mozilla.org", host: "www.mozilla.org"},
- }),
- };
- trigger.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI);
- assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface);
- assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler);
- }
- });
- it("should call triggerHandler with the right arguments (redirect)", async () => {
- const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
- await openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
- const browser = {};
- const webProgress = {isTopLevel: true};
- const aLocationURI = {host: "subdomain.mozilla.org", spec: "subdomain.mozilla.org"};
- const aRequest = {
- QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
- originalURI: {spec: "www.mozilla.org", host: "www.mozilla.org"},
- }),
- };
- openURLListener.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI);
- assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, {id: "openURL", param: {host: "www.mozilla.org", url: "www.mozilla.org"}});
- });
- it("should fail for subdomains (not redirect)", async () => {
- const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
- await openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
- const browser = {};
- const webProgress = {isTopLevel: true};
- const aLocationURI = {host: "subdomain.mozilla.org", spec: "subdomain.mozilla.org"};
- const aRequest = {
- QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
- originalURI: {spec: "subdomain.mozilla.org", host: "subdomain.mozilla.org"},
- }),
- };
- openURLListener.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI);
- assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface);
- assert.notCalled(newTriggerHandler);
- });
- });
- describe("delayed startup finished", () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- existingWindow.gBrowserInit.delayedStartupFinished = false;
- sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver").callsFake(fn => fn(existingWindow, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"));
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- openURLListener.uninit();
- });
- it("should wait for startup and then add the tabs listener", async () => {
- await openURLListener.init(triggerHandler, hosts);
- assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener);
- });
- });
- });
- });