123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- """Parse the original PDP ``advent.dat`` file.
- Copyright 2010-2015 Brandon Rhodes. Licensed as free software under the
- Apache License, Version 2.0 as detailed in the accompanying README.txt.
- """
- from operator import attrgetter
- from .model import Hint, Message, Move, Object, Room, Word
- # The Adventure data file knows only the first five characters of each
- # word in the game, so we have to know the full verion of each word.
- long_words = { w[:5]: w for w in """upstream downstream forest
- forward continue onward return retreat valley staircase outside building stream
- cobble inward inside surface nowhere passage tunnel canyon awkward
- upward ascend downward descend outdoors barren across debris broken
- examine describe slabroom depression entrance secret bedquilt plover
- oriental cavern reservoir office headlamp lantern pillow velvet fissure tablet
- oyster magazine spelunker dwarves knives rations bottle mirror beanstalk
- stalactite shadow figure drawings pirate dragon message volcano geyser
- machine vending batteries carpet nuggets diamonds silver jewelry treasure
- trident shards pottery emerald platinum pyramid pearl persian spices capture
- release discard mumble unlock nothing extinguish placate travel proceed
- continue explore follow attack strike devour inventory detonate ignite
- blowup peruse shatter disturb suspend sesame opensesame abracadabra
- shazam excavate information""".split() }
- class Data(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.rooms = {}
- self.vocabulary = {}
- self.objects = {}
- self.messages = {}
- self.class_messages = []
- self.hints = {}
- self.magic_messages = {}
- def referent(self, word):
- if word.kind == 'noun':
- return self.objects[word.n % 1000]
- # Helper functions.
- def make_object(dictionary, klass, n):
- if n not in dictionary:
- dictionary[n] = obj = klass()
- obj.n = n
- return dictionary[n]
- def expand_tabs(segments):
- it = iter(segments)
- line = next(it)
- for segment in it:
- spaces = 8 - len(line) % 8
- line += ' ' * spaces + segment
- return line
- def accumulate_message(dictionary, n, line):
- dictionary[n] = dictionary.get(n, '') + line + '\n'
- # Knowledge of what each section contains.
- def section1(data, n, *etc):
- room = make_object(data.rooms, Room, n)
- if not etc[0].startswith('>$<'):
- room.long_description += expand_tabs(etc) + '\n'
- def section2(data, n, line):
- make_object(data.rooms, Room, n).short_description += line + '\n'
- def section3(data, x, y, *verbs):
- last_travel = data._last_travel
- if last_travel[0] == x and last_travel[1][0] == verbs[0]:
- verbs = last_travel[1] # same first verb implies use whole list
- else:
- data._last_travel = [x, verbs]
- m, n = divmod(y, 1000)
- mh, mm = divmod(m, 100)
- if m == 0:
- condition = (None,)
- elif 0 < m < 100:
- condition = ('%', m)
- elif m == 100:
- condition = ('not_dwarf',)
- elif 100 < m <= 200:
- condition = ('carrying', mm)
- elif 200 < m <= 300:
- condition = ('carrying_or_in_room_with', mm)
- elif 300 < m:
- condition = ('prop!=', mm, mh - 3)
- if n <= 300:
- action = make_object(data.rooms, Room, n)
- elif 300 < n <= 500:
- action = n # special computed goto
- else:
- action = make_object(data.messages, Message, n - 500)
- move = Move()
- if len(verbs) == 1 and verbs[0] == 1:
- move.is_forced = True
- else:
- move.verbs = [ make_object(data.vocabulary, Word, verb_n)
- for verb_n in verbs if verb_n < 100 ] # skip bad "109"
- move.condition = condition
- move.action = action
- data.rooms[x].travel_table.append(move)
- def section4(data, n, text, *etc):
- text = text.lower()
- text = long_words.get(text, text)
- word = make_object(data.vocabulary, Word, n)
- if word.text is None: # this is the first word with index "n"
- word.text = text
- else: # there is already a word sitting at "n", so create a synonym
- original = word
- word = Word()
- word.n = n
- word.text = text
- original.add_synonym(word)
- word.kind = ['travel', 'noun', 'verb', 'snappy_comeback'][n // 1000]
- if word.kind == 'noun':
- n %= 1000
- obj = make_object(data.objects, Object, n)
- obj.names.append(text)
- obj.is_treasure = (n >= 50)
- data.objects[text] = obj
- if text not in data.vocabulary: # since duplicate names exist
- data.vocabulary[text] = word
- def section5(data, n, *etc):
- if 1 <= n <= 99:
- data._object = make_object(data.objects, Object, n)
- data._object.inventory_message = expand_tabs(etc)
- else:
- n /= 100
- messages = data._object.messages
- if etc[0].startswith('>$<'):
- more = ''
- else:
- more = expand_tabs(etc) + '\n'
- messages[n] = messages.get(n, '') + more
- def section6(data, n, *etc):
- message = make_object(data.messages, Message, n)
- message.text += expand_tabs(etc) + '\n'
- def section7(data, n, room_n, *etc):
- if not room_n:
- return
- obj = make_object(data.objects, Object, n)
- room = make_object(data.rooms, Room, room_n)
- obj.drop(room)
- if len(etc):
- if etc[0] == -1:
- obj.is_fixed = True
- else:
- room2 = make_object(data.rooms, Room, etc[0])
- obj.rooms.append(room2) # exists two places, like grate
- obj.starting_rooms = list(obj.rooms) # remember where things started
- def section8(data, word_n, message_n):
- if not message_n:
- return
- word = make_object(data.vocabulary, Word, word_n + 2000)
- message = make_object(data.messages, Message, message_n)
- for word2 in word.synonyms:
- word2.default_message = message
- def section9(data, bit, *nlist):
- for n in nlist:
- room = make_object(data.rooms, Room, n)
- if bit == 0:
- room.is_light = True
- elif bit == 1:
- room.liquid = make_object(data.objects, Object, 22) #oil
- elif bit == 2:
- room.liquid = make_object(data.objects, Object, 21) #water
- elif bit == 3:
- room.is_forbidden_to_pirate = True
- else:
- hint = make_object(data.hints, Hint, bit)
- hint.rooms.append(room)
- def section10(data, score, line, *etc):
- data.class_messages.append((score, line))
- def section11(data, n, turns_needed, penalty, question_n, message_n):
- hint = make_object(data.hints, Hint, n)
- hint.turns_needed = turns_needed
- hint.penalty = penalty
- hint.question = make_object(data.messages, Message, question_n)
- hint.message = make_object(data.messages, Message, message_n)
- def section12(data, n, line):
- accumulate_message(data.magic_messages, n, line)
- # Process every section of the file in turn.
- def parse(data, datafile):
- """Read the Adventure data file and return a ``Data`` object."""
- data._last_travel = [0, [0]] # x and verbs used by section 3
- while True:
- section_number = int(datafile.readline())
- if not section_number: # no further sections
- break
- store = globals().get('section%d' % section_number)
- while True:
- fields = [ (int(field) if field.lstrip('-').isdigit() else field)
- for field in datafile.readline().strip().split('\t') ]
- if fields[0] == -1: # end-of-section marker
- break
- store(data, *fields)
- del data._last_travel # state used by section 3
- del data._object # state used by section 5
- data.object_list = sorted(set(data.objects.values()), key=attrgetter('n'))
- #data.room_list = sorted(set(data.rooms.values()), key=attrgetter('n'))
- for obj in data.object_list:
- name = obj.names[0]
- if hasattr(data, name):
- name = name + '2' # create identifiers like ROD2, PLANT2
- setattr(data, name, obj)
- return data