123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398 |
- # Copyright 2013-2015 The Distro Tracker Developers
- # See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution and
- # at http://deb.li/DTAuthors
- #
- # This file is part of Distro Tracker. It is subject to the license terms
- # in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- # distribution and at http://deb.li/DTLicense. No part of Distro Tracker,
- # including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
- # except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
- """Views for the :mod:`distro_tracker.accounts` app."""
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- from django.views.generic.base import View
- from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
- from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
- from django.shortcuts import render
- from django.shortcuts import redirect
- from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest
- from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden
- from django.http import Http404
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
- from distro_tracker.accounts.models import UserEmail
- from distro_tracker.core.utils import distro_tracker_render_to_string
- from distro_tracker.core.utils import render_to_json_response
- from distro_tracker.core.models import Subscription
- from distro_tracker.core.models import EmailSettings
- from distro_tracker.core.models import Keyword
- from django_email_accounts import views as email_accounts_views
- from django_email_accounts.views import LoginRequiredMixin
- class ConfirmationRenderMixin(object):
- def get_confirmation_email_content(self, confirmation):
- return distro_tracker_render_to_string(
- self.confirmation_email_template,
- {'confirmation': confirmation}
- )
- class LoginView(email_accounts_views.LoginView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-profile')
- class LogoutView(email_accounts_views.LogoutView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-index')
- class RegisterUser(ConfirmationRenderMixin, email_accounts_views.RegisterUser):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-register-success')
- confirmation_email_subject = '{name} Registration Confirmation'.format(
- name=settings.GET_INSTANCE_NAME())
- confirmation_email_from_address = settings.DISTRO_TRACKER_CONTACT_EMAIL
- class RegistrationConfirmation(email_accounts_views.RegistrationConfirmation):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-profile')
- message = 'You have successfully registered to the {name}'.format(
- name=settings.GET_INSTANCE_NAME())
- class ResetPasswordView(ConfirmationRenderMixin,
- email_accounts_views.ResetPasswordView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-profile')
- class ForgotPasswordView(ConfirmationRenderMixin,
- email_accounts_views.ForgotPasswordView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-password-reset-success')
- email_subject = '{name} Password Reset Confirmation'.format(
- name=settings.GET_INSTANCE_NAME())
- email_from_address = settings.DISTRO_TRACKER_CONTACT_EMAIL
- class ChangePersonalInfoView(email_accounts_views.ChangePersonalInfoView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-profile-modify')
- class PasswordChangeView(email_accounts_views.PasswordChangeView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-profile-password-change')
- class AccountProfile(email_accounts_views.AccountProfile):
- pass
- class ManageAccountEmailsView(ConfirmationRenderMixin,
- email_accounts_views.ManageAccountEmailsView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-manage-emails')
- merge_accounts_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-merge-confirmation')
- confirmation_email_subject = 'Add Email To {name} Account'.format(
- name=settings.GET_INSTANCE_NAME())
- confirmation_email_from_address = settings.DISTRO_TRACKER_CONTACT_EMAIL
- class AccountMergeConfirmView(ConfirmationRenderMixin,
- email_accounts_views.AccountMergeConfirmView):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-merge-confirmed')
- confirmation_email_subject = 'Merge {name} Accounts'.format(
- name=settings.GET_INSTANCE_NAME())
- confirmation_email_from_address = settings.DISTRO_TRACKER_CONTACT_EMAIL
- class AccountMergeFinalize(email_accounts_views.AccountMergeFinalize):
- success_url = reverse_lazy('dtracker-accounts-merge-finalized')
- class AccountMergeConfirmedView(email_accounts_views.AccountMergeConfirmedView):
- template_name = 'accounts/tracker-accounts-merge-confirmed.html'
- class ConfirmAddAccountEmail(email_accounts_views.ConfirmAddAccountEmail):
- pass
- class SubscriptionsView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
- """
- Displays a user's subscriptions.
- This includes both direct package subscriptions and team memberships.
- """
- template_name = 'accounts/subscriptions.html'
- def get(self, request):
- user = request.user
- user_emails = UserEmail.objects.filter(user=user)
- # Map users emails to the subscriptions of that email
- for user_email in user_emails:
- EmailSettings.objects.get_or_create(user_email=user_email)
- subscriptions = {
- user_email: {
- 'subscriptions': sorted([
- subscription for subscription
- in user_email.emailsettings.subscription_set.all()
- ], key=lambda sub: sub.package.name),
- 'team_memberships': sorted([
- membership for membership in user_email.membership_set.all()
- ], key=lambda m: m.team.name)
- }
- for user_email in user_emails
- }
- # Initializing session variable if not set.
- request.session.setdefault('selected_emails', [str(user_emails[0])])
- return render(request, self.template_name, {
- 'subscriptions': subscriptions,
- 'selected_emails': request.session['selected_emails']
- })
- class UserEmailsView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
- """
- Returns a JSON encoded list of the currently logged in user's emails.
- """
- def get(self, request):
- user = request.user
- return render_to_json_response([
- email.email for email in user.emails.all()
- ])
- class SubscribeUserToPackageView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
- """
- Subscribes the user to a package.
- The user whose email address is provided must currently be logged in.
- """
- def post(self, request):
- package = request.POST.get('package', None)
- emails = request.POST.getlist('email', None)
- if not package or not emails:
- raise Http404
- # Remember selected emails via session variable
- request.session['selected_emails'] = emails
- # Check whether the logged in user is associated with the given emails
- users_emails = [e.email for e in request.user.emails.all()]
- for email in emails:
- if email not in users_emails:
- return HttpResponseForbidden()
- # Create the subscriptions
- json_result = {'status': 'ok'}
- try:
- for email in emails:
- Subscription.objects.create_for(
- package_name=package,
- email=email)
- except ValidationError as e:
- json_result['status'] = 'failed'
- json_result['error'] = e.message
- if request.is_ajax():
- return render_to_json_response(json_result)
- else:
- if 'error' in json_result:
- return HttpResponseBadRequest(json_result['error'])
- next = request.POST.get('next', None)
- if not next:
- return redirect('dtracker-package-page', package_name=package)
- return redirect(next)
- class UnsubscribeUserView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
- """
- Unsubscribes the currently logged in user from the given package.
- An email can be optionally provided in which case only the given email is
- unsubscribed from the package, if the logged in user owns it.
- """
- def post(self, request):
- if 'package' not in request.POST:
- raise Http404
- package = request.POST['package']
- user = request.user
- if 'email' not in request.POST:
- # Unsubscribe all the user's emails from the package
- user_emails = UserEmail.objects.filter(user=user)
- qs = Subscription.objects.filter(
- email_settings__user_email__in=user_emails,
- package__name=package)
- else:
- # Unsubscribe only the given email from the package
- qs = Subscription.objects.filter(
- email_settings__user_email__email=request.POST['email'],
- package__name=package)
- qs.delete()
- if request.is_ajax():
- return render_to_json_response({
- 'status': 'ok',
- })
- else:
- if 'next' in request.POST:
- return redirect(request.POST['next'])
- else:
- return redirect('dtracker-package-page', package_name=package)
- class UnsubscribeAllView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
- """
- The view unsubscribes the currently logged in user from all packages.
- If an optional ``email`` POST parameter is provided, only removes all
- subscriptions for the given emails.
- """
- def post(self, request):
- user = request.user
- if 'email' not in request.POST:
- emails = user.emails.all()
- else:
- emails = user.emails.filter(email__in=request.POST.getlist('email'))
- # Remove all the subscriptions
- Subscription.objects.filter(
- email_settings__user_email__in=emails).delete()
- if request.is_ajax():
- return render_to_json_response({
- 'status': 'ok',
- })
- else:
- if 'next' in request.POST:
- return redirect(request.POST['next'])
- else:
- return redirect('dtracker-index')
- class ChooseSubscriptionEmailView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
- """
- Lets the user choose which email to subscribe to a package with.
- This is an alternative view when JS is disabled and the appropriate choice
- cannot be offered in a popup.
- """
- template_name = 'accounts/choose-email.html'
- def get(self, request):
- if 'package' not in request.GET:
- raise Http404
- return render(request, self.template_name, {
- 'package': request.GET['package'],
- 'emails': request.user.emails.all(),
- })
- class ModifyKeywordsView(LoginRequiredMixin, View):
- """
- Lets the logged in user modify his default keywords or
- subscription-specific keywords.
- """
- def get_keywords(self, keywords):
- """
- :returns: :class:`Keyword <distro_tracker.core.models.Keyword>`
- instances for the given keyword names.
- """
- return Keyword.objects.filter(name__in=keywords)
- def modify_default_keywords(self, email, keywords):
- try:
- user_email = UserEmail.objects.get(user=self.user, email=email)
- except (UserEmail.DoesNotExist):
- return HttpResponseForbidden()
- email_settings, _ = \
- EmailSettings.objects.get_or_create(user_email=user_email)
- email_settings.default_keywords = self.get_keywords(keywords)
- return self.render_response()
- def modify_subscription_keywords(self, email, package, keywords):
- try:
- user_email = UserEmail.objects.get(user=self.user, email=email)
- except (UserEmail.DoesNotExist):
- return HttpResponseForbidden()
- email_settings, _ = \
- EmailSettings.objects.get_or_create(user_email=user_email)
- subscription = get_object_or_404(
- Subscription, email_settings__user_email=user_email,
- package__name=package)
- subscription.keywords.clear()
- for keyword in self.get_keywords(keywords):
- subscription.keywords.add(keyword)
- return self.render_response()
- def render_response(self):
- if self.request.is_ajax():
- return render_to_json_response({
- 'status': 'ok',
- })
- else:
- if 'next' in self.request.POST:
- return redirect(self.request.POST['next'])
- else:
- return redirect('dtracker-index')
- def post(self, request):
- if 'email' not in request.POST or 'keyword[]' not in request.POST:
- raise Http404
- self.user = request.user
- self.request = request
- email = request.POST['email']
- keywords = request.POST.getlist('keyword[]')
- if 'package' in request.POST:
- return self.modify_subscription_keywords(
- email, request.POST['package'], keywords)
- else:
- return self.modify_default_keywords(email, keywords)
- def get(self, request):
- if 'email' not in request.GET:
- raise Http404
- email = request.GET['email']
- try:
- user_email = request.user.emails.get(email=email)
- except UserEmail.DoesNotExist:
- return HttpResponseForbidden()
- if 'package' in request.GET:
- package = request.GET['package']
- subscription = get_object_or_404(
- Subscription, email_settings__user_email=user_email,
- package__name=package)
- context = {
- 'post': {
- 'email': email,
- 'package': package,
- },
- 'package': package,
- 'user_keywords': subscription.keywords.all(),
- }
- else:
- context = {
- 'post': {
- 'email': email,
- },
- 'user_keywords':
- user_email.emailsettings.default_keywords.all(),
- }
- context.update({
- 'keywords': Keyword.objects.order_by('name').all(),
- 'email': email,
- })
- return render(request, 'accounts/modify-subscription.html', context)