3 years ago | |
.github | 3 years ago | |
circuits | 4 years ago | |
contracts | 3 years ago | |
docs | 4 years ago | |
migrations | 4 years ago | |
scripts | 3 years ago | |
src | 3 years ago | |
test | 3 years ago | |
.editorconfig | 5 years ago | |
.env.example | 5 years ago | |
.eslintrc | 4 years ago | |
.gitattributes | 5 years ago | |
.gitignore | 3 years ago | |
.nvmrc | 4 years ago | |
.prettierignore | 3 years ago | |
.prettierrc | 4 years ago | |
.solhint.json | 4 years ago | |
LICENSE | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 3 years ago | |
deploy.js | 4 years ago | |
index.html | 4 years ago | |
package.json | 3 years ago | |
truffle-config.js | 3 years ago | |
yarn.lock | 3 years ago |
Tornado Cash is a non-custodial Ethereum and ERC20 privacy solution based on zkSNARKs. It improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between the recipient and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. Whenever ETH is withdrawn by the new address, there is no way to link the withdrawal to the deposit, ensuring complete privacy.
To make a deposit user generates a secret and sends its hash (called a commitment) along with the deposit amount to the Tornado smart contract. The contract accepts the deposit and adds the commitment to its list of deposits.
Later, the user decides to make a withdrawal. To do that, the user should provide a proof that he or she possesses a secret to an unspent commitment from the smart contract’s list of deposits. zkSnark technology allows that to happen without revealing which exact deposit corresponds to this secret. The smart contract will check the proof and transfer deposited funds to the address specified for withdrawal. An external observer will be unable to determine which deposit this withdrawal came from.
You can read more about it in this Medium article
Tornado.cash protocols, circuits, and smart contracts were audited by a group of experts from ABDK Consulting, specializing in zero-knowledge, cryptography, and smart contracts.
During the audit, no critical issues were found and all outstanding issues were fixed. The results can be found here:
Underlying circomlib dependency is currently being audited, and the team already published most of the fixes for found issues
node v11.15.0
npm install -g npx
You can see example usage in cli.js, it works both in the console and in the browser.
npm install
cp .env.example .env
npm run build
- this may take 10 minutes or morenpx ganache-cli
npm run test
- optionally runs tests. It may fail on the first try, just run it again.Use browser version on Kovan:
vi .env
- add your Kovan private key to deploy contractsnpm run migrate
npx http-server
- serve current dir, you can use any other static http serverlocalhost:8080
Use the command-line version. Works for Ganache, Kovan, and Mainnet:
cp .env.example .env
npm run download
npm run build:contract
ganache-cli -i 1337
npm run migrate:dev
./cli.js test
./cli.js --help
commit hash in order to work with local trusted setup. Tornado-cli uses 4c0af6a8b65aabea3c09f377f63c44e7a58afa6d
commit with production trusted setup of tornadoCashExample:
./cli.js deposit ETH 0.1 --rpc https://kovan.infura.io/v3/27a9649f826b4e31a83e07ae09a87448
Your note: tornado-eth-0.1-42-0xf73dd6833ccbcc046c44228c8e2aa312bf49e08389dadc7c65e6a73239867b7ef49c705c4db227e2fadd8489a494b6880bdcb6016047e019d1abec1c7652 Tornado ETH balance is 8.9 Sender account ETH balance is 1004873.470619891361352542 Submitting deposit transaction Tornado ETH balance is 9 Sender account ETH balance is 1004873.361652048361352542
./cli.js withdraw tornado-eth-0.1-42-0xf73dd6833ccbcc046c44228c8e2aa312bf49e08389dadc7c65e6a73239867b7ef49c705c4db227e2fadd8489a494b6880bdcb6016047e019d1abec1c7652 0x8589427373D6D84E98730D7795D8f6f8731FDA16 --rpc https://kovan.infura.io/v3/27a9649f826b4e31a83e07ae09a87448 --relayer https://kovan-frelay.duckdns.org
Relay address: 0x6A31736e7490AbE5D5676be059DFf064AB4aC754 Getting current state from tornado contract Generating SNARK proof Proof time: 9117.051ms Sending withdraw transaction through the relay Transaction submitted through the relay. View transaction on etherscan https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0xcb21ae8cad723818c6bc7273e83e00c8393fcdbe74802ce5d562acad691a2a7b Transaction mined in block 17036120 Done
cp .env.example .env
npx truffle migrate --network kovan --reset --f 2 --to 4
cp .env.example .env
npx truffle migrate --network kovan --reset --f 2 --to 3
npx truffle migrate --network kovan --reset --f 5
Note. If you want to reuse the same verifier for all the instances, then after you deployed one of the instances you should only run the 4th or 5th migration for ETH or ERC20 contracts respectively (--f 4 --to 4
or --f 5
link (2)
tab. Click on Read Contract
and scroll down to the 5. text
and you will get the DNS name. Just add https://
to it and use it as relayer url
Special thanks to @barryWhiteHat and @kobigurk for valuable input, and @jbaylina for awesome Circom & Websnark framework
npm i
ganache-cli -d
npm run download
npm run build:contract
cp .env.example .env
npm run migrate:dev
node minimal-demo.js
Prepare test environment:
yarn install
yarn download
cp .env.example .env
npx ganache-cli > /dev/null &
npm run migrate:dev
Run tests:
yarn test
Run coverage:
yarn coverage
cargo install zkutil
npx circom circuits/withdraw.circom -o build/circuits/withdraw.json
zkutil setup -c build/circuits/withdraw.json -p build/circuits/withdraw.params
zkutil export-keys -c build/circuits/withdraw.json -p build/circuits/withdraw.params -r build/circuits/withdraw_proving_key.json -v build/circuits/withdraw_verification_key.json
zkutil generate-verifier -p build/circuits/withdraw.params -v build/circuits/Verifier.sol
sed -i -e 's/pragma solidity \^0.6.0/pragma solidity 0.5.17/g' ./build/circuits/Verifier.sol