123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219 |
- /* global artifacts, web3, contract, assert */
- require('chai')
- .use(require('bn-chai')(web3.utils.BN))
- .use(require('chai-as-promised'))
- .should()
- const { takeSnapshot, revertSnapshot } = require('../lib/ganacheHelper')
- const MerkleTreeWithHistory = artifacts.require('./MerkleTreeWithHistoryMock.sol')
- const hasherContract = artifacts.require('./Hasher.sol')
- const MerkleTree = require('../lib/MerkleTree')
- const hasherImpl = require('../lib/MiMC')
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- function BNArrayToStringArray(array) {
- const arrayToPrint = []
- array.forEach(item => {
- arrayToPrint.push(item.toString())
- })
- return arrayToPrint
- }
- contract('MerkleTreeWithHistory', accounts => {
- let merkleTreeWithHistory
- let hasherInstance
- let levels = MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT || 16
- let zeroValue = EMPTY_ELEMENT || 1337
- const sender = accounts[0]
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- const value = ETH_AMOUNT || '1000000000000000000'
- let snapshotId
- let prefix = 'test'
- let tree
- let hasher
- before(async () => {
- tree = new MerkleTree(
- levels,
- zeroValue,
- null,
- prefix,
- )
- hasherInstance = await hasherContract.deployed()
- await MerkleTreeWithHistory.link(hasherContract, hasherInstance.address)
- merkleTreeWithHistory = await MerkleTreeWithHistory.new(levels, zeroValue)
- snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()
- })
- describe('#constructor', () => {
- it('should initialize', async () => {
- const filled_subtrees = await merkleTreeWithHistory.filled_subtrees()
- filled_subtrees[0].should.be.eq.BN(zeroValue)
- const zeros = await merkleTreeWithHistory.zeros()
- zeros[0].should.be.eq.BN(zeroValue)
- })
- })
- describe('merkleTreeLib', () => {
- it('index_to_key', () => {
- assert.equal(
- MerkleTree.index_to_key('test', 5, 20),
- 'test_tree_5_20',
- )
- })
- it('tests insert', async () => {
- hasher = new hasherImpl()
- tree = new MerkleTree(
- 2,
- zeroValue,
- null,
- prefix,
- )
- await tree.insert('5')
- let { root, path_elements } = await tree.path(0)
- const calculated_root = hasher.hash(null,
- hasher.hash(null, '5', path_elements[0]),
- path_elements[1]
- )
- // console.log(root)
- assert.equal(root, calculated_root)
- })
- it('creation odd elements count', async () => {
- const elements = [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
- for(const [, el] of Object.entries(elements)) {
- await tree.insert(el)
- }
- const batchTree = new MerkleTree(
- levels,
- zeroValue,
- elements,
- prefix,
- )
- for(const [i] of Object.entries(elements)) {
- const pathViaConstructor = await batchTree.path(i)
- const pathViaUpdate = await tree.path(i)
- pathViaConstructor.should.be.deep.equal(pathViaUpdate)
- }
- })
- it('should find an element', async () => {
- const elements = [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
- for(const [, el] of Object.entries(elements)) {
- await tree.insert(el)
- }
- let index = tree.getIndexByElement(13)
- index.should.be.equal(1)
- index = tree.getIndexByElement(19)
- index.should.be.equal(7)
- index = tree.getIndexByElement(12)
- index.should.be.equal(0)
- index = tree.getIndexByElement(20)
- index.should.be.equal(8)
- index = tree.getIndexByElement(42)
- index.should.be.equal(false)
- })
- it('creation even elements count', async () => {
- const elements = [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
- for(const [, el] of Object.entries(elements)) {
- await tree.insert(el)
- }
- const batchTree = new MerkleTree(
- levels,
- zeroValue,
- elements,
- prefix,
- )
- for(const [i] of Object.entries(elements)) {
- const pathViaConstructor = await batchTree.path(i)
- const pathViaUpdate = await tree.path(i)
- pathViaConstructor.should.be.deep.equal(pathViaUpdate)
- }
- })
- it.skip('creation using 30000 elements', () => {
- const elements = []
- for(let i = 1000; i < 31001; i++) {
- elements.push(i)
- }
- console.time('MerkleTree')
- tree = new MerkleTree(
- levels,
- zeroValue,
- elements,
- prefix,
- )
- console.timeEnd('MerkleTree')
- // 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7
- // 1000 : 1949.084ms
- // 10000: 19456.220ms
- // 30000: 63406.679ms
- })
- })
- describe('#insert', () => {
- it('should insert', async () => {
- let rootFromContract
- for (let i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
- await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(i, { from: sender })
- await tree.insert(i)
- let { root } = await tree.path(i - 1)
- rootFromContract = await merkleTreeWithHistory.getLastRoot()
- root.should.be.equal(rootFromContract.toString())
- }
- })
- it('should reject if tree is full', async () => {
- levels = 6
- zeroValue = 1337
- merkleTreeWithHistory = await MerkleTreeWithHistory.new(levels, zeroValue)
- for (let i = 0; i < 2**levels; i++) {
- await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(i+42).should.be.fulfilled
- }
- let error = await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(1337).should.be.rejected
- error.reason.should.be.equal('Merkle tree is full. No more leafs can be added')
- error = await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(1).should.be.rejected
- error.reason.should.be.equal('Merkle tree is full. No more leafs can be added')
- })
- it.skip('hasher gas', async () => {
- levels = 6
- zeroValue = 1337
- merkleTreeWithHistory = await MerkleTreeWithHistory.new(levels, zeroValue)
- const gas = await merkleTreeWithHistory.hashLeftRight.estimateGas(zeroValue, zeroValue)
- console.log('gas', gas - 21000)
- })
- })
- afterEach(async () => {
- await revertSnapshot(snapshotId.result)
- // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
- snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()
- hasher = new hasherImpl()
- tree = new MerkleTree(
- levels,
- zeroValue,
- null,
- prefix,
- null,
- hasher,
- )
- })
- })