123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- import 'dart:ffi' hide Size;
- import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
- import 'package:win32/win32.dart' as win32;
- /// Get windows target build number.
- ///
- /// [Note]
- /// Please use this function wrapped with `Platform.isWindows`.
- int getWindowsTargetBuildNumber_() {
- final rtlGetVersion = DynamicLibrary.open('ntdll.dll').lookupFunction<
- Void Function(Pointer<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>),
- void Function(Pointer<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>)>('RtlGetVersion');
- final osVersionInfo = _getOSVERSIONINFOEXPointer();
- rtlGetVersion(osVersionInfo);
- int buildNumber = osVersionInfo.ref.dwBuildNumber;
- calloc.free(osVersionInfo);
- return buildNumber;
- }
- /// Get Windows OS version pointer
- ///
- /// [Note]
- /// Please use this function wrapped with `Platform.isWindows`.
- final pointer = calloc<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>();
- pointer.ref
- ..dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeOf<win32.OSVERSIONINFOEX>()
- ..dwBuildNumber = 0
- ..dwMajorVersion = 0
- ..dwMinorVersion = 0
- ..dwPlatformId = 0
- ..szCSDVersion = ''
- ..wServicePackMajor = 0
- ..wServicePackMinor = 0
- ..wSuiteMask = 0
- ..wProductType = 0
- ..wReserved = 0;
- return pointer;
- }