Collecting, monitoring, and analyzing audit logs in an external SIEM Splunk
Solution description
The solution lets you collect, monitor, and analyze audit logs in Yandex.Cloud from the following sources:
Use cases and searches
The Yandex.Cloud security team has collected the most relevant use cases in the folder of the auditlogs repository.
Solution features implemented via Terraform
Solution diagram
Deployment using Terraform
Yandex Cloud prerequisites
- :white_check_mark: Object Storage Bucket for Audit Trails.
- :white_check_mark: Audit Trails is enabled in the UI.
- :white_check_mark: VPC network.
- :white_check_mark: COI Instance has access to the internet to download the container image, for example, from the source NAT to the subnet.
- :white_check_mark: ServiceAccount with the storage.editor role for actions in Object Storage.
See the example of the prerequisite configuration in /example/
Splunk prerequisites
- :white_check_mark: Configured HTTP Event Collector.
- :white_check_mark: Token for sending events to HEC.
Terraform module /modules/yc-splunk-trail:
- Creates static keys for the SA to work with JSON objects in a bucket and encrypt/decrypt secrets.
- Creates a COI VM with a Docker Container specification using a script.
- Creates an SSH key pair and saves the private part to the disk and the public part to the VM.
- Creates a KMS key.
- Assigns the kms.keys.encrypterDecrypter rights to the key for SA to encrypt secrets.
- Encrypts secrets and passes them to Docker Container.
Example of calling a module:
module "yc-splunk-trail" {
source = "../modules/yc-splunk-trail/" #path to module yc-elastic-trail
folder_id = var.folder_id
splunk_token = var.splunk_token // Run the command export TF_VAR_splunk_token=<SPLUNK TOKEN> (replace <SPLUNK TOKEN> with your value)
splunk_server = "" // format: https://<your hostname or address>
bucket_name = yandex_storage_bucket.trail-bucket.bucket // Specify the name of the bucket with audit trails if the call is not from example
bucket_folder = "folder" // Specified when creating Trails
sa_id = // Specify an SA with bucket_editor rights if the call is not from example
coi_subnet_id = yandex_vpc_subnet.splunk-subnet[0].id // Specify the subnet_id if the call is not from example