3.9 KB

  1. variable "BA_ID" {
  2. description = "billing account id"
  3. type = string
  4. default = ""
  5. }
  6. variable "ORG_ID" {
  7. description = "organization id"
  8. type = string
  9. default = ""
  10. }
  11. variable "KEYCLOAK" {
  12. description = "install keycloak or no"
  13. type = string
  14. default = ""
  15. }
  16. variable "ORG_ADMIN_FOLDER_ID" {
  17. description = "folder_id of first folder in org cloud"
  18. type = string
  19. default = ""
  20. }
  21. variable "ORG_ADMIN_CLOUD_ID" {
  22. description = "cloud_id of first cloud"
  23. type = string
  24. default = ""
  25. }
  26. variable "DNS_ZONE_NAME" {
  27. description = "name of dns zone in yandex cloud, not dns name"
  28. type = string
  29. default = ""
  30. }
  31. variable "KC_FQDN" {
  32. description = "dns name of keycloak"
  33. type = string
  34. default = ""
  35. }
  36. variable "CLOUD-LIST" {
  37. description = "List of Organization-level groups with their Roles"
  38. type = list(object(
  39. {
  40. name = string,
  41. descr = string,
  42. admin = string,
  43. folders = list(string)
  44. }
  45. ))
  46. default = [
  47. {
  48. name = "web-app",
  49. descr = "web-app cloud",
  50. admin = ""
  51. folders = ["network", "prod", "nonprod", "dev"]
  52. },
  53. {
  54. name = "mobile-app",
  55. descr = "mobile-app cloud",
  56. admin = ""
  57. folders = ["network", "prod", "nonprod", "dev"]
  58. },
  59. {
  60. name = "security",
  61. descr = "security cloud",
  62. admin = ""
  63. folders = [""]
  64. }
  65. ]
  66. }
  67. variable "NETWORK-CLOUD_GROUPS" {
  68. description = "List of Groups that you want to pre-create for your clouds"
  69. type = list(object(
  70. {
  71. name = string,
  72. descr = string,
  73. roles = list(string)
  74. }
  75. ))
  76. default = [
  77. {
  78. name = "network-viewer",
  79. descr = "admin who can view and monitor network",
  80. roles = ["vpc.viewer", "monitoring.admin"]
  81. },
  82. {
  83. name = "gitlab-admin",
  84. descr = "admin who can administrate gitlab",
  85. roles = ["gitlab.admin"]
  86. }
  87. ]
  88. }
  89. variable "PROD-CLOUD_GROUPS" {
  90. description = "List of Groups that you want to pre-create for your clouds"
  91. type = list(object(
  92. {
  93. name = string,
  94. descr = string,
  95. roles = list(string)
  96. }
  97. ))
  98. default = [
  99. {
  100. name = "prod-devops",
  101. descr = "devops prod",
  102. roles = ["k8s.viewer", "container-registry.viewer", "alb.viewer", "k8s.cluster-api.viewer", "vpc.user", "load-balancer.viewer", ]
  103. },
  104. {
  105. name = "prod-sre",
  106. descr = "sre prod",
  107. roles = ["compute.viewer", "loadtesting.viewer", "storage.configViewer", "alb.viewer"]
  108. },
  109. {
  110. name = "prod-dba",
  111. descr = "dba prod",
  112. roles = ["mdb.viewer", "ydb.viewer"]
  113. }
  114. ]
  115. }
  116. variable "NONPROD-CLOUD_GROUPS" {
  117. description = "List of Groups that you want to pre-create for your clouds"
  118. type = list(object(
  119. {
  120. name = string,
  121. descr = string,
  122. roles = list(string)
  123. }
  124. ))
  125. default = [
  126. {
  127. name = "nonprod-devops",
  128. descr = "devops nonprod",
  129. roles = ["k8s.editor", "container-registry.editor", "alb.editor", "k8s.cluster-api.editor", "vpc.user", "load-balancer.admin", ]
  130. },
  131. {
  132. name = "nonprod-sre",
  133. descr = "sre nonprod",
  134. roles = ["compute.operator", "loadtesting.editor", "storage.editor", "alb.editor"]
  135. },
  136. {
  137. name = "nonprod-dba",
  138. descr = "dba nonprod",
  139. roles = ["mdb.admin", "ydb.editor"]
  140. }
  141. ]
  142. }
  143. variable "DEV-CLOUD_GROUPS" {
  144. description = "List of Groups that you want to pre-create for your clouds"
  145. type = list(object(
  146. {
  147. name = string,
  148. descr = string,
  149. roles = list(string)
  150. }
  151. ))
  152. default = [
  153. {
  154. name = "dev-network",
  155. descr = "network dev",
  156. roles = ["vpc.admin", "monitoring.admin"]
  157. },
  158. {
  159. name = "dev-devops",
  160. descr = "dev devops",
  161. roles = ["k8s.admin", "container-registry.admin", "alb.admin", "k8s.cluster-api.cluster-admin", "vpc.user", "iam.serviceAccounts.user"]
  162. }
  163. ]
  164. }