123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934 |
- import os
- import json
- import math
- import cairo
- from modules import ui
- from modules import gameplay
- def draw(game, outlayer, x, y, w, h, grid=True):
- """This function will draw the level it self"""
- # FPS ( Frames per second ) change mid game. It's inevitable.
- # To make things like falling and walking smooth even though
- # the speed of the frame rendering is changing, we need to
- # get this 'withFPS' value. To which we gonna multiply all things
- # that ought to be the same speed regardless of the FPS.
- withFPS = (1/game.FPS*60)
- # Camera position could be a float. And there is nothing wrong with
- # that. But it might cause rendering issues to keep it a float. So
- # before each frame we make sure to convert the camera into an integer.
- game.current["camera"][0] = int(game.current["camera"][0])
- game.current["camera"][1] = int(game.current["camera"][1])
- # Doing the same with the input values of
- x = int(x) # Where to draw the frame of the world X
- y = int(y) # Y
- w = int(w) # The size of the frame of the world Width
- h = int(h) # Height
- # Now we gonna make an image buffer for this layer. It will temporarily store the
- # world that we draw before we are going to merge it with whatever layer it is.
- surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,w,h) # This is the cairo image surface
- layer = cairo.Context(surface) # This is the brush for the image
- layer.set_antialias(cairo.ANTIALIAS_NONE) # Turning off anti-aliasing to make it pixelated
- # If testing mode is enabled we want to outline the frame in red
- if game.current["testing"]:
- ui.color(game, layer, "red")
- layer.rectangle(0,0,w-1,h-1)
- layer.stroke()
- # 'grid' means in the level editor. ( Which is we show a grid ) . So if not in the level editor.
- # if in the game it self, then the sky should be 'blue'.
- if not grid:
- ui.color(game, layer, "blue")
- layer.rectangle(0,0,w,h)
- layer.fill()
- # Establishing the size of one tile.
- sidex = 64
- sidey = 36
- offsetx = int(sidex / 2)
- offsety = int(sidey / 2)
- # If you are in the editor you want to move the world with the Middle Mouse Button
- # this code does the job. By moving the camera but the difference of mouse between
- # this frame and the last one.
- if game.current["MMB"] and grid\
- and int(game.current["mx"]) in range(x, x+w)\
- and int(game.current["my"]) in range(y, y+h):
- game.current["camera"][0] += (game.current["mx"] - game.previous["mx"])
- game.current["camera"][1] += (game.current["my"] - game.previous["my"])
- # For the editor ( and other things ) we might need to know which tile is currently
- # mouse over. It would be simple if tiles were square. But they are not, so it will
- # require multiple steps. Keep in mind the 'wmod' and 'wmo' variables to see how it's
- # calculated.
- if "world_mo" not in game.current:
- game.current["world_mo"] = [0,0,0]
- wmod = 1000000000 # Artbitrary large number
- wmo = [-500,-500,0] # This updates game.current["world_mo"] for the next frame
- # We do not want to render all the chunks ( part of the level ) at once.
- rendered_chunks = []
- render_coordinates = "0:0"
- # Coordinates of the currently selected character. The main character is usually 79th, but
- # it could be any other currently selected character. We are using 79 for convenience.
- x79 = 0
- y79 = 0
- for asset in game.current["state"]["controlling"]:
- if game.current["state"]["controlling"][asset]:
- x79 = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][0] + game.current["camera"][0]
- y79 = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][1] + game.current["camera"][1]
- break
- # Some assets are not parts of the level chunk. Anything in the chunk is static. Dynamic
- # or temporary objects are rendered as a separate list. All of them also need to index
- # their tile ( to render properly and be obstructed by objects above and in front of them
- # and to calculate their physics ).
- render_assets = {} # General list of assets to try rendering
- cell_assets_figurer = {} # similar to 'wmod' variable but for each asset
- cell_assets_results = {} # similar to 'wmo' variable but for each asset
- cell_colliders = {} # list of possible collisions that the asset could make.
- if not grid:
- for asset, t in enumerate(game.current["state"]["objects"]):
- assx = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][0] + game.current["camera"][0]
- assy = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][1] + game.current["camera"][1]
- # Let's exclude this step from all the character that are not on screen.
- if int(assx) in range(int(x), int(x+w))\
- and int(assy) in range(int(x), int(y+h)):
- # Appending all the stuff to render the asset
- cell_assets_figurer[asset] = 1000000000
- cell_assets_results[asset] = [-500,-500]
- cell_colliders[asset] = [[game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["cell"]]]
- # Figuring out the asset's address. ( Tile in which the asset will render )
- addr = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["cell"]
- addz = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][2]
- addr = str(addr[0])+":"+str(addr[1])+":"+str(int(round(addz)))
- # Adding the asset into the list of that tile.
- if addr not in render_assets:
- render_assets[addr] = []
- render_assets[addr].append(asset)
- # If mouse in screen
- if int(game.current["mx"]) in range(int(x), int(x+w))\
- and int(game.current["my"]) in range(int(y), int(y+h)):
- mouseinscreen = True
- else:
- mouseinscreen = False
- ###################################################################
- # #
- # #
- # #
- # #
- ###################################################################
- # Here it becomes interesting. So we do 3 for loops one inside the other
- # which is quite necessary. Because the game is technically 3D even though
- # we could see it only from one side and it's rendered using static
- # pre-drawn assets.
- for lh in range(-3, 4): # Every vertical level ( 0 ('lh == 0') being the active level)
- # Depth of field hack ( setup )
- if lh > 1 or lh < -1:
- oldsurface = surface
- oldlayer = layer
- surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,w,h)
- layer = cairo.Context(surface)
- layer.set_antialias(cairo.ANTIALIAS_NONE)
- for th in range(int(h/offsety)+6): # Length-wise loop
- # Because we draw isometric, every second line of tiles
- # should be offset half the tile sideways.
- offx = game.current["camera"][0] % sidex
- offy = game.current["camera"][1] % sidey
- if th % 2 == 0:
- offx += offsetx
- for tw in range(int(w/sidex)+3): # For cells from right to left
- # Where to draw the cell
- drawx = (tw-2)*sidex+offx
- drawy = (th-3)*offsety+offy
- # Where is the cell's center
- centerx = offsetx+((tw-2)*sidex+offx)
- centery = offsety+((th-3)*offsety+offy)
- # What is the cell's tile address separatelly
- xaddr = 0-int( (game.current["camera"][0] - drawx) / offsetx )
- yaddr = 0-int( (game.current["camera"][1] - drawy) / offsety )
- # The address combined into list
- celladdr = [xaddr, yaddr]
- # To calculate the active cell we are going to find which one
- # of the cells is closest to the mouse ( or the active pixel ).
- # So here is the mouse coordinates on the map
- dtox = game.current["mx"]-x
- dtoy = game.current["my"]-y
- # Or position of the main character if the are playing.
- if not grid:
- dtox = x79
- dtoy = y79
- # Then we look for the distance between the active pixel to the center
- # pixel of the cell
- dtomouse = ui.distance([dtox, dtoy],
- [centerx,centery])
- # Figuring out if the cell is closest to the active pixel.
- # Here are the 'wmo' and 'wmod' variables.
- if dtomouse < wmod and (mouseinscreen or not grid):
- wmo = celladdr # The closest ( so far ) address of a cell
- wmod = dtomouse # And the distance to the mouse of this cell
- # Now we are trying to do that for all the characters on screen:
- if not grid:
- for asset in cell_assets_figurer:
- assx = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][0] + game.current["camera"][0]
- assy = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][1] + game.current["camera"][1]
- # If the asset is in a reasonable proximity to the cell.
- if int(assx) in range(int(drawx-sidex), int(drawx+sidex*2))\
- and int(assy) in range(int(drawy-sidey), int(drawy+sidey*2)):
- # We find the distance of the asset to the cell.
- assd = ui.distance([assx, assy],
- [centerx,centery])
- try:
- prev = cell_assets_figurer[asset]
- nowappnd = [celladdr,[centerx, centery]]
- # Similar to 'wmo' and 'wmod' but for the assset
- if assd < prev:
- cell_assets_figurer[asset] = assd
- cell_assets_results[asset] = celladdr
- # And if a cell is anywhere in the 15 pixel radius
- # we want to add it as a possible collider. It will
- # be checked later.
- if assd < 15:
- if nowappnd not in cell_colliders[asset]:
- cell_colliders[asset].append(nowappnd)
- except:
- pass
- # Managing chunk files ( dynamically loaded open world )
- # The chunk address for the cell ( a json file for the world cache )
- chunk = str(int(xaddr/100))+":"+str(int(yaddr/100))+":"+str(game.current["camera"][2]+lh)
- # Loading chunk from the json
- if chunk not in game.chunks[1]:
- load_chunk(game, chunk)
- # Checking if the chunk is not rendered, to remove it from cache
- if not chunk in rendered_chunks:
- rendered_chunks.append(chunk)
- # Address inside the chunk
- addr = str(xaddr)+":"+str(yaddr)
- # If current Vertical Layer
- if lh == 0:
- if grid:
- # Actually render the grid itself if in editor.
- ui.image(game, layer,
- drawx,
- drawy,
- "assets/grid.png", "grid", color=False)
- # If mouse over this cell
- selectedcells = [game.current["world_mo"]]
- if game.current["editor_brush"] > 1:
- bax = game.current["world_mo"][0]
- bay = game.current["world_mo"][1]
- bs = game.current["editor_brush"] - 1
- for bx in range(bax-bs, bax+bs):
- for by in range(bay-bs, bay+bs):
- selectedcells.append([bx,by])
- if celladdr in selectedcells:
- render_coordinates = addr
- # Selection image grid thingy
- if grid:
- ui.image(game, layer,
- drawx,
- drawy,
- "assets/grid.png", "selected", color=False)
- # Pressing RMB to delete things in editor
- if game.current["RMB"]:
- if chunk not in game.current["temporary_chunks"]:
- game.current["temporary_chunks"].append(chunk)
- try:
- del game.chunks[1][chunk][addr]
- except:
- pass
- # Pressing LMB to draw
- if game.current["LMB"]:
- if chunk not in game.current["temporary_chunks"]:
- game.current["temporary_chunks"].append(chunk)
- types = game.current["editor_selection"][0]
- asset = game.current["editor_selection"][1]
- version = game.elements[types][asset][game.current["editor_selection"][2]]["title"]
- addfile = types+"/"+asset
- # Making sure they are both in the list
- for i in (version, addfile):
- if i not in game.chunks[0]:
- game.chunks[0].append(i)
- # Getting their indexes
- version = game.chunks[0].index(version)
- addfile = game.chunks[0].index(addfile)
- game.chunks[1][chunk][addr] = [addfile, version]
- if ((not game.current["LMB"] and game.previous["LMB"])\
- or (not game.current["RMB"] and game.previous["RMB"]))\
- and game.settings["autosave"]:
- save_chunk(game, chunk)
- # Rendering of dynamic assets
- abaddr = addr+":"+str(game.current["camera"][2]+lh) # Asset address
- collision = False
- if abaddr in render_assets:
- for asset in render_assets[abaddr]:
- # Render location of the asset on screen
- assx = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][0] + game.current["camera"][0]
- assy = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][1] + game.current["camera"][1]
- gotdamage = False
- assaddr = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["cell"]
- asset_draw = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["asset"]
- # Here we adjust the location of the asset by it's velocity
- # to do things like gravity and jumping. And other fun things.
- for v in [0,1,2]:
- val = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["velocity"][v]
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][v] += val *withFPS
- if v == 2:
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][1] -= (val*sidey) *withFPS
- #### FALLING LOGIC ####
- falling = True
- coll_cent = [centerx, centery]
- for coll_cell in cell_colliders.get(asset, []):
- colladdr = str(coll_cell[0][0])+":"+str(coll_cell[0][1])
- if chunk+":"+colladdr in game.current["state"]["map_exclude"]:
- continue
- try: # Colide with something endernieth
- bottomchunk = chunk[:chunk.rfind(":")]+":"+str(game.current["camera"][2]+lh-1)
- bottomaddr = colladdr[:addr.rfind(":")]+":"+str(assaddr[1]+2)
- chunkasst = game.chunks[1][bottomchunk][bottomaddr]
- chunkasst = [ game.chunks[0][chunkasst[0]], game.chunks[0][chunkasst[1]] ]
- colass, colsprite = "assets/elements/"+chunkasst[0], chunkasst[1]
- frames = game.images[colass][colsprite]
- frame = frames[game.current["anim_pulse"] % len(frames)]
- if falling:
- falling = not frame.get("collision", True)
- if frame.get("damage", False):
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["health"] -= frame.get("damage_amount", 0.01) *withFPS
- gotdamage = True
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- if falling:
- if game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["velocity"][2] > -0.1: #*withFPS:
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["velocity"][2] -= 0.004 # *withFPS
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["grounded"] = False
- else:
- if game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["velocity"][2] <= -0.1:
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["health"] -= 0.3
- gotdamage = True
- if game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["velocity"][2] == 0:
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][2] = int(round(game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][2]))
- if game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["velocity"][2] < 0:
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["velocity"][2] = 0
- ui.image(game, layer,
- assx,
- assy,
- "assets/elements/characters/shadow.png",
- "shadow-normal",
- offset=True, dynamic=True)
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["grounded"] = True
- collision = False
- coll_cent = [centerx, centery]
- for coll_cell in cell_colliders.get(asset, []):
- colladdr = str(coll_cell[0][0])+":"+str(coll_cell[0][1])
- if chunk+":"+colladdr in game.current["state"]["map_exclude"]:
- continue
- try:
- # We are trying to get any thing at this point
- chunkasst = game.chunks[1][chunk][colladdr]
- chunkasst = [ game.chunks[0][chunkasst[0]], game.chunks[0][chunkasst[1]] ]
- colass, colsprite = "assets/elements/"+chunkasst[0], chunkasst[1]
- frames = game.images[colass][colsprite]
- frame = frames[game.current["anim_pulse"] % len(frames)]
- ramp = frame.get("ramp", False)
- if ramp:
- # Ramp logic
- # TODO: The commented out code tried to make the ramp more dynamic.
- # it worked only half descently. Perhaps I need to rework it
- # if "ramp" not in game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]:
- # game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["ramp"] = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"].copy()
- # rampx = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["ramp"][0] + game.current["camera"][0]
- # rampy = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["ramp"][1] + game.current["camera"][1]
- # rampz = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["ramp"][2]
- # So we are trying to find a direction toward
- # a center of the ramp
- # rampcx = centerx
- # rampcy = centery
- # try:
- # rampcx = coll_cell[1][0]
- # rempcy = coll_cell[1][1]
- # except:
- # pass
- # targetx = rampcx + (rampcx - rampx)
- # targety = rampcy + (rampcy - rampy) - 36
- # rampisx = 0-(assx - rampx) / (targetx - rampx)*-1
- # rampisy = 0-(assy - rampy) / (targety - rampy)*-1
- # rampis = (rampisx + rampisy) / 2
- # # Strength multiplier
- # rampis = rampis * 1
- # # Strength limiter
- # rampis = max(rampis, 0)
- # rampis = min(rampis, 1)
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][2] = int(game.current["camera"][2]+lh+1)#rampz+rampis
- # TODO: I was trying to offset the characters on Y axis as well
- # but it tent to break things. Look into it.
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][1] -= 36
- #game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["ramp"][1] -= rampis*36
- # else:
- # try:
- # del game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["ramp"]
- # except:
- # pass
- if not collision and not ramp:
- collision = frame.get("collision", True)
- if not frame.get("collision", True):
- continue
- if collision:
- col_div = 3
- try:
- coll_cent = coll_cell[1]
- except:
- pass
- except:
- # If we still don't have collision we might check the dynamic objects.
- if len(render_assets[abaddr]) > 1:
- collision = True
- col_div = 1
- try:
- del game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["ramp"]
- except:
- pass
- if collision:
- # If we got, we have colision
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"] = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["last_before_colision"].copy()
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][0] += 0-(coll_cent[0]- assx)/col_div
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][1] += 0-(coll_cent[1]- assy)/col_div
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][2] += 0-(int(game.current["camera"][2]+lh)- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"][2])/col_div
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["grounded"] = False
- else:
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["last_before_colision"] = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["xyz"].copy()
- orientation = game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["orientation"]
- if orientation not in game.images.get("assets/elements/"+asset_draw+".png",{}):
- orientation = "Down-Left"
- colordamage = False
- if gotdamage and game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["orientation"] != "Dead":
- colordamage = True
- ui.image(game, layer,
- assx,
- assy,
- "assets/elements/"+asset_draw+".png",
- orientation,
- offset=True, dynamic=True)
- ui.color(game, layer, "red", 0.5)
- ui.image(game, layer,
- assx,
- assy,
- "assets/elements/"+asset_draw+".png",
- orientation,
- offset=True, dynamic=True, color=colordamage)
- # Try drawing the asset in this cell
- try:
- chunkasst = game.chunks[1][chunk][addr]
- chunkasst = [ game.chunks[0][chunkasst[0]], game.chunks[0][chunkasst[1]] ]
- colass, colsprite = "assets/elements/"+chunkasst[0], chunkasst[1]
- if not grid:
- if chunk+":"+addr in game.current["state"]["map_exclude"]:
- continue
- colass, colsprite = "assets/elements/"+chunkasst[0], chunkasst[1]
- frames = game.images[colass][colsprite]
- frame = frames[game.current["anim_pulse"] % len(frames)]
- ##### IF THE OBJECT IS DYNAMIC #######
- dynamic = frame.get("dynamic", False)
- if dynamic:
- print("DYNAMIC", colass)
- newx = centerx - game.current["camera"][0]
- newy = centery - game.current["camera"][1] -5
- newz = game.current["camera"][2]+lh# + 1
- game.current["state"]["objects"].append({
- "asset":chunkasst[0].replace(".png", ""),
- "xyz":[newx,newy,newz],
- "velocity":[0,0,0],
- "cell":[0,0],
- "last_before_colision":[0,0,0],
- "check_mark":[0,0,0],
- "orientation":colsprite,
- "grounded":False,
- "health":1.0,
- "time-falling":0})
- game.current["state"]["map_exclude"].append(chunk+":"+addr)
- index_for_this_character = len(game.current["state"]["objects"])-1
- if frame.get("main_character", False):
- try:
- gameplay.follow_last(game, index_for_this_character)
- except Exception as e:
- print("What", e)
- game.current["state"]["controlling"][index_for_this_character] = False
- continue
- if grid:
- # Dynamic transparency
- dalpha = 1
- # [ 0:0 ]
- # [ -1:1 ][ 1:1 ]
- # [ 0:2 ]
- #
- seltmp = game.current["world_mo"]
- tcolumns = [
- seltmp,
- [seltmp[0]-1, seltmp[1]+1],
- [seltmp[0]+1, seltmp[1]+1],
- [seltmp[0], seltmp[1]+2]]
- for i in tcolumns:
- if celladdr[0] == i[0]\
- and celladdr[1] in range( i[1]-(lh*2), i[1]+1)\
- and ( mouseinscreen or not grid ):
- if celladdr == seltmp and lh == 0 and grid:
- dalpha = 1
- else:
- dalpha = 0.25
- if lh > 1:
- dalpha = 0.1
- else:
- dalpha = 1
- frames = game.images[colass][colsprite]
- frame = frames[game.current["anim_pulse"] % len(frames)]
- invisible = frame.get("invisible", False)
- if grid or not invisible:
- # Draw cell
- ui.image(game, layer,
- drawx,
- drawy,
- "assets/elements/"+chunkasst[0], chunkasst[1],
- offset=True, alpha=dalpha)
- # Highlight cell in red when mouse over
- if celladdr in selectedcells :
- if lh == 0:
- if not grid:
- pass
- # game.current["state"]["4211D79"]["colision"] = \
- # [drawx+offsetx - game.current["camera"][0],
- # drawy+offsety - game.current["camera"][1]]
- else:
- ui.color(game, layer, "red", 0.5)
- ui.image(game, layer,
- drawx,
- drawy,
- "assets/elements/"+chunkasst[0], chunkasst[1],
- offset=True, color=True)
- # Select the current thing for the editor.
- try:
- if game.previous["MMB"] and not game.current["MMB"]\
- and int(game.current["mx"]) == int(game.previous["MMB"][0])\
- and int(game.current["my"]) == int(game.previous["MMB"][1]):
- types = chunkasst[0].split("/")[0]
- asset = chunkasst[0].split("/")[1]
- for version, names in enumerate(game.elements[types][asset]):
- if names["title"] == chunkasst[1]:
- break
- game.current["editor_selection"][0] = types
- game.current["editor_selection"][1] = asset
- game.current["editor_selection"][2] = version
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- if collision and game.current["testing"]:
- ui.image(game, layer,
- drawx,
- drawy,
- "assets/grid.png", "grid", color=False)
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- # Depth of field actually done
- if lh > 1 or lh < -1:
- factor = ( max(lh, 0) - min(lh, 0) )
- oldlayer.set_source_surface(ui.blur(surface, game, factor), 0, 0)
- if lh > 0:
- oldlayer.paint_with_alpha(1/(factor))
- else:
- oldlayer.paint()
- ui.color(game, oldlayer, "blue", alpha=1/(factor))
- oldlayer.rectangle(0,0,w-1,h-1)
- oldlayer.fill()
- layer = oldlayer
- surface = oldsurface
- # If Editor Show the currently selected item
- if grid:
- types = game.current["editor_selection"][0]
- asset = game.current["editor_selection"][1]
- version = game.elements[types][asset][game.current["editor_selection"][2]]
- ui.image(game, layer,
- game.current["mx"]-x-offsetx,
- game.current["my"]-y-offsety,
- "assets/elements/"+types+"/"+asset, version["title"], offset=True, alpha=0.5)
- # Select the mouse over cell
- game.current["world_mo"] = wmo
- if not grid:
- for asset, t in enumerate(game.current["state"]["objects"]):
- try:
- game.current["state"]["objects"][asset]["cell"] = cell_assets_results[asset]
- except:
- pass
- # Removing chunks that are not rendered currently from the memory
- for i in list(game.chunks[1].keys()):
- if i not in rendered_chunks and i not in game.current["temporary_chunks"]:
- del game.chunks[1][i]
- # The current Z ( height ) rendering in top, right corner
- if game.current["testing"]:
- ui.color(game, layer, "yellow")
- ui.text(game,layer, str(game.current["camera"][2]),
- 60,
- 40)
- ui.text(game,layer, render_coordinates,
- 60,
- 60)
- # Numpad + to go up
- if 65451 in game.current["keys"]:
- game.current["camera"][2] += 1
- game.current["keys"] = []
- # Numpad - to go down
- if 65453 in game.current["keys"]:
- game.current["camera"][2] -= 1
- game.current["keys"] = []
- # Drawing the world to the outlayer
- outlayer.set_source_surface(surface, x , y)
- outlayer.paint()
- def update_elements(game):
- """This function caches all assets"""
- game.elements = {}
- # elements
- # Element type ( blocks, characters, vehicles )
- # Image assets
- for types in os.listdir(os.getcwd()+"/assets/elements"):
- game.elements[types] = {}
- for asset in os.listdir(os.getcwd()+"/assets/elements/"+types):
- if asset.endswith(".png"):
- asseturl = "assets/elements/"+types+"/"+asset
- ui.cache_sprite_sheet(game, asseturl, [types, asset])
- # Now let's generate the selection for the editor
- game.current["editor_selection"] = [
- list(game.elements.keys())[0],
- list(list(game.elements.values())[0].keys())[0],
- 0]
- # Make the brush 0
- game.current["editor_brush"] = 1
- # every chunk is 100 by 100
- game.chunks = [[],{}]
- game.current["temporary_chunks"] = [] # Chunks that are not saved
- def save_chunk(game, chunk_input=False):
- """This function saves the chunk"""
- for c in game.chunks[1]:
- if chunk_input == c or not chunk_input:
- chunk = c
- print("saving chunk", chunk)
- # Getting the raw chunk
- savedata = [[], game.chunks[1][chunk].copy()]
- # Adding all the asset names to it
- for ind in savedata[1]:
- i = savedata[1][ind]
- savedata[1][ind] = i.copy()
- for n, b in enumerate(i):
- add = game.chunks[0][b]
- if add not in savedata[0]:
- savedata[0].append(add)
- savedata[1][ind][n] = savedata[0].index(add)
- # Save the json
- savefilename = "assets/worlds/"+game.settings["world"]+"/"+chunk+".json"
- with open(savefilename, 'w') as f:
- json.dump(savedata, f)
- try:
- game.current["temporary_chunks"].remove(chunk)
- except:
- pass
- print("saved")
- def load_chunk(game, chunk):
- """This function loads a chunk."""
- # Load the json
- loadfilename = "assets/worlds/"+game.settings["world"]+"/"+chunk+".json"
- try:
- with open(loadfilename) as f:
- loaddata = json.load(f)
- except:
- loaddata = [[],{}]
- for ind in loaddata[1]:
- i = loaddata[1][ind]
- for n, b in enumerate(i):
- add = loaddata[0][b]
- if add not in game.chunks[0]:
- game.chunks[0].append(add)
- loaddata[1][ind][n] = game.chunks[0].index(add)
- game.chunks[1][chunk] = loaddata[1]