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- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <!DOCTYPE PISI SYSTEM "http://www.pisilinux.org/projeler/pisi/pisi-spec.dtd">
- <PISI>
- <Source>
- <Name>pixiewps</Name>
- <Homepage>https://github.com/wiire/pixiewps/</Homepage>
- <Packager>
- <Name>İbrahim KARAGÜZEL</Name>
- <Email>karaguzelibrahim@gmail.com</Email>
- </Packager>
- <License>GPLv3</License>
- <PartOf>network</PartOf>
- <IsA>app:console</IsA>
- <Summary>Offline attack for WPS pin</Summary>
- <Description>Pixiewps is a tool written in C used to bruteforce offline the WPS pin exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of some APs (pixie dust attack). It is meant for educational purposes only.</Description>
- <Archive type="targz" sha1sum="6c4e8816680e8cd7f15d5b2277745b853ec6e21d">https://github.com/wiire/pixiewps/archive/v1.2.2.tar.gz</Archive>
- <BuildDependencies>
- <Dependency>openssl-devel</Dependency>
- </BuildDependencies>
- </Source>
- <Package>
- <Name>pixiewps</Name>
- <RuntimeDependencies>
- <Dependency>openssl</Dependency>
- </RuntimeDependencies>
- <Summary>Offline attack for WPS pin</Summary>
- <Files>
- <Path fileType="executable">/usr/bin</Path>
- <Path fileType="doc">/usr/share/doc</Path>
- </Files>
- </Package>
- <History>
- <Update release="1">
- <Date>2016-02-23</Date>
- <Version>1.2.2</Version>
- <Comment>First Pisi release, built with docker</Comment>
- <Name>İbrahim KARAGÜZEL</Name>
- <Email>karaguzelibrahim@gmail.com</Email>
- </Update>
- </History>
- </PISI>