build_1_exportACdev.bat 1.1 KB

  1. rem add new release tag to master branch of AssaulCube and documentation before start of AC installer preparing
  2. rem local branches should be compatible with remote
  3. rem you need to have installed 7-Zip and Subversion and added 7z.exe and svn.exe to PATH
  4. set ACDIR=AC
  5. set ACDIRTESTING=AC_testing
  6. if not exist "%ACDIR%\" (mkdir %ACDIR%) else (rmdir /S /Q %ACDIR% & mkdir %ACDIR%)
  7. if not exist "%ACDIRTESTING%\" (mkdir %ACDIRTESTING%) else (rmdir /S /Q %ACDIRTESTING% & mkdir %ACDIRTESTING%)
  8. rem get tag with name of latest AC version
  9. git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > tmpFile
  10. set /p NEWACTAG= < tmpFile
  11. del tmpFile
  12. rem get AC files from latest local release tag
  13. cd ..\..\..\
  14. git archive --format zip --output source\vcpp\buildEnv\%ACDIR%\ experimental
  15. cd source\vcpp\buildEnv\%ACDIR%
  16. 7z x
  17. 7z x -o..\%ACDIRTESTING%
  18. del ..\%ACDIRTESTING%\assaultcube.bat
  19. del
  20. rem get documentation files from latest remote release tag
  21. svn export --force docs
  22. pause