123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- rem add new release tag to master branch of AssaulCube and documentation before start of AC installer preparing
- rem local branches should be compatible with remote
- rem you need to have installed 7-Zip and Subversion and added 7z.exe and svn.exe to PATH
- set ACDIR=AC
- set ACDIRTESTING=AC_testing
- if not exist "%ACDIR%\" (mkdir %ACDIR%) else (rmdir /S /Q %ACDIR% & mkdir %ACDIR%)
- if not exist "%ACDIRTESTING%\" (mkdir %ACDIRTESTING%) else (rmdir /S /Q %ACDIRTESTING% & mkdir %ACDIRTESTING%)
- rem get tag with name of latest AC version
- git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > tmpFile
- set /p NEWACTAG= < tmpFile
- del tmpFile
- rem get AC files from latest local release tag
- cd ..\..\..\
- git archive --format zip --output source\vcpp\buildEnv\%ACDIR%\%NEWACTAG%.zip experimental
- cd source\vcpp\buildEnv\%ACDIR%
- 7z x %NEWACTAG%.zip
- 7z x %NEWACTAG%.zip -o..\%ACDIRTESTING%
- del ..\%ACDIRTESTING%\assaultcube.bat
- del %NEWACTAG%.zip
- rem get documentation files from latest remote release tag
- svn export --force https://github.com/assaultcube/assaultcube.github.io/tags/%NEWACTAG%/htdocs/docs/ docs
- pause