resetbinds.cfg 8.2 KB

  1. // All default binds belong in here.
  2. // The command "resetbinds" executes this file.
  3. // Do not modify.
  4. alias key_console_end [ conskip -1000 ]
  5. alias key_console_forward [ conskip -5 ]
  6. alias key_console_rewind [ conskip 5 ]
  7. alias key_console_scroll [ if (strcmp $modifier 0) [ tempalias __confade $confade ] ; onrelease "confade $__confade ; if (! $__scrolled) [ conskip -1000 ]" ; confade 0 ; tempalias __scrolled 0 ; domodifier conscroll ]
  8. alias key_domodifier_1 [ domodifier 1 ]
  9. alias key_domodifier_2 [ domodifier 2 ]
  10. alias key_escape [ if $connected [ ingamemenu ] [ if (watchingdemo) [ showmenu [Watching demo] ] [ showmenu main ] ] ]
  11. alias key_getdemo [ if (! (watchingdemo)) getdemo ]
  12. alias key_knifeattack [ weapon ; attack ]
  13. alias key_universaldelta_minus [ universaldelta -1 ]
  14. alias key_universaldelta_plus [ universaldelta 1 ]
  15. alias key_showmap [ showscores 0; toggleshowmap ]
  16. alias key_showmenuweapons [ showmenu Weapons ]
  17. alias key_showmenuvoicecom [ showmenu voicecom ]
  18. alias key_showscores [ showscores 1; onrelease [ showscores 0 ] ]
  19. alias key_toggleconsole [ conskip -1000; toggleconsole ]
  20. alias key_voteyes [ if $votepending [ && (vote 1) (echo you voted yes) ] ]
  21. alias key_voteno [ if $votepending [ && (vote 2) (echo you voted no) ] ]
  22. alias key_teamchat [ saycommand % ]
  23. alias key_commandline [ saycommand / ]
  24. alias key_prevweapon [ weapon (prevweapon) ]
  25. alias key_pause [ paused (! $paused) ]
  26. alias editkey_editmeta2 [ editmeta2down = 1 ; onrelease [ editmeta2down = 0 ] ]
  27. alias editkey_delete_entity [if $editmeta2down [showmenu "Deleted entities" ; menuselection "Deleted entities" (- (unlistdeletedentity) 1)] [if $editmetakeydown undelent delent]]
  28. alias editkey_show_menu [ showmenu editing ]
  29. alias editkey_show_menu_light [ showmenu Lighting ]
  30. alias editkey_equalize_floor [ equalize 0 ]
  31. alias editkey_equalize_ceiling [ equalize 2 ]
  32. alias editkey_vdelta_down [ vdelta -1 ]
  33. alias editkey_vdelta_up [ vdelta 1 ]
  34. alias editkey_move_floor_up [ editheight 0 1 ]
  35. alias editkey_move_floor_down [ editheight 0 -1 ]
  36. alias editkey_move_ceiling_up [ editheight 2 1 ]
  37. alias editkey_move_ceiling_down [ editheight 2 -1 ]
  38. alias editkey_cubes_space [ solid 0 ]
  39. alias editkey_cubes_solid [ solid 1 ]
  40. alias editkey_cubes_hf_floor [ heightfield 0 ]
  41. alias editkey_cubes_hf_ceiling [ heightfield 2 ]
  42. alias editkey_cubes_corner [ corner ]
  43. alias editkey_scroll_moveent [ domodifier 6 ]
  44. alias editkey_scroll_vdelta [ domodifier 1 ]
  45. alias editkey_scroll_floorceiltex [ domodifier 2 ]
  46. alias editkey_scroll_walluppertex [ domodifier 3 ]
  47. alias editkey_fullbright [ if $fullbright [ fullbright 0 ] [ fullbright 1 ] ]
  48. alias editkey_floortex_up [ edittex 0 1 ]
  49. alias editkey_floortex_dn [ edittex 0 -1 ]
  50. alias editkey_walltex_up [ edittex 1 1 ]
  51. alias editkey_walltex_dn [ edittex 1 -1 ]
  52. alias editkey_ceiltex_up [ edittex 2 1 ]
  53. alias editkey_ceiltex_dn [ edittex 2 -1 ]
  54. alias editkey_uppertex_up [ edittex 3 1 ]
  55. alias editkey_uppertex_dn [ edittex 3 -1 ]
  56. alias editkey_tagclip_none [ edittagclip none ]
  57. alias editkey_tagclip_plclip [ edittagclip plclip ]
  58. alias editkey_tagclip_clip [ edittagclip clip ]
  59. alias editkey_scroll_spawns [ domodifier spawns ]
  60. alias editkey_scroll_todoents [ domodifier todoents ]
  61. alias editkey_pointatents [ pointatent 1 ; onrelease [ pointatent 0 ] ]
  62. alias speckey_demo_gamespeeddown [ if (watchingdemo) [ if (<= $gamespeed 100) [ gamespeed (- $gamespeed 10) ] [ gamespeed (- $gamespeed 100) ]; gamespeed ] ]
  63. alias speckey_demo_gamespeedup [ if (watchingdemo) [ if (< $gamespeed 100) [ gamespeed (+ $gamespeed 10) ] [ gamespeed (+ $gamespeed 100) ]; gamespeed ] ]
  64. alias speckey_demo_gamespeedreset [ if (watchingdemo) [ gamespeed 100; gamespeed ] ]
  65. alias speckey_demo_togglespeed [ if (watchingdemo) [ onrelease (concat gamespeed $gamespeed) ; gamespeed 1000 ] ]
  66. alias speckey_whois_spectatecn [ if (>= (spectatecn) 0) [ whois (spectatecn) ] ]
  67. alias speckey_screenshot [ if (modkeypressed) [blankouthud 999 ; sleep 100 [ screenshotpreview ; blankouthud 0 ]] [screenshot] ]
  68. _defaultbinds 1 // do not save the following binds to saved.cfg
  69. _resetallbinds
  70. bind MOUSE1 attack
  71. bind MOUSE2 altaction
  72. editbind MOUSE2 editkey_show_menu
  73. bind MOUSE3 key_knifeattack
  74. editbind MOUSE3 toggleclosestentpin
  75. bind MOUSE4 key_universaldelta_plus
  76. bind MOUSE5 key_universaldelta_minus
  77. bind BACKSPACE dropflag
  78. editbind BACKSPACE editkey_delete_entity
  79. bind TAB key_showscores
  80. bind CLEAR []
  81. bind RETURN []
  82. bind PAUSE key_pause
  83. bind ESCAPE key_escape
  84. bind SPACE jump
  85. bind EXCLAIM []
  86. bind QUOTEDBL []
  87. bind HASH key_console_scroll
  88. bind DOLLAR []
  89. bind AMPERSAND []
  90. bind QUOTE []
  91. bind LEFTPAREN []
  92. bind RIGHTPAREN []
  93. bind ASTERISK []
  94. bind PLUS []
  95. bind COMMA []
  96. editbind COMMA editkey_equalize_floor
  97. bind MINUS []
  98. editbind MINUS copyent
  99. bind PERIOD []
  100. editbind PERIOD editkey_equalize_ceiling
  101. bind SLASH key_commandline
  102. bind 0 []
  103. bind 1 primary
  104. editbind 1 [ domodifier attr1 ]
  105. bind 2 secondary
  106. editbind 2 [ domodifier attr2 ]
  107. bind 3 grenades
  108. editbind 3 [ domodifier attr3 ]
  109. bind 4 melee
  110. editbind 4 [ domodifier attr4 ]
  111. bind 5 []
  112. editbind 5 [ domodifier attr5 ]
  113. bind 6 []
  114. editbind 6 [ domodifier attr6 ]
  115. bind 7 []
  116. editbind 7 [ domodifier attr7 ]
  117. //editbind 7 nextclosestent
  118. bind 8 []
  119. editbind 8 editkey_vdelta_down
  120. bind 9 []
  121. editbind 9 editkey_vdelta_up
  122. bind COLON []
  123. bind SEMICOLON []
  124. editbind SEMICOLON editent
  125. bind LESS []
  126. bind EQUALS []
  127. editbind EQUALS pasteent
  128. bind GREATER []
  129. bind QUESTION []
  130. bind AT []
  131. bind LEFTBRACKET []
  132. editbind LEFTBRACKET editkey_move_floor_down
  133. bind BACKSLASH key_console_scroll
  134. bind RIGHTBRACKET []
  135. editbind RIGHTBRACKET editkey_move_floor_up
  136. bind CARET key_commandline
  137. bind UNDERSCORE []
  138. bind BACKQUOTE key_commandline
  139. bind A left
  140. bind B key_showmenuweapons
  141. editbind B showtagclipfocus
  142. bind C []
  143. editbind C copy
  144. bind D right
  145. bind E edittoggle
  146. editbind E edittoggle
  147. bind F []
  148. editbind F editkey_cubes_solid
  149. specbind F speckey_demo_togglespeed
  150. bind G quicknadethrow
  151. editbind G editkey_cubes_space
  152. bind H []
  153. editbind H editkey_cubes_hf_floor
  154. bind I []
  155. editbind I editkey_cubes_hf_ceiling
  156. specbind I speckey_whois_spectatecn
  157. bind J []
  158. bind K []
  159. editbind K corner
  160. bind L []
  161. editbind L editkey_show_menu_light
  162. bind M []
  163. editbind M editkey_scroll_moveent
  164. bind N quickanswer
  165. bind O []
  166. editbind O editkey_move_ceiling_down
  167. bind P []
  168. editbind P editkey_move_ceiling_up
  169. bind Q key_prevweapon
  170. editbind Q editkey_scroll_vdelta
  171. bind R reload
  172. editbind R redo
  173. bind S backward
  174. bind T saycommand
  175. bind U []
  176. editbind U undo
  177. bind V key_showmenuvoicecom
  178. editbind V paste
  179. bind W forward
  180. bind X []
  181. editbind X editkey_scroll_walluppertex
  182. bind Y key_teamchat
  183. bind Z []
  184. editbind Z editkey_scroll_floorceiltex
  185. bind DELETE []
  186. editbind DELETE editkey_floortex_dn
  187. bind KP0 []
  188. bind KP1 []
  189. editbind KP1 editkey_tagclip_none
  190. bind KP2 []
  191. editbind KP2 editkey_tagclip_plclip
  192. bind KP3 []
  193. editbind KP3 editkey_tagclip_clip
  194. bind KP4 []
  195. editbind KP4 editkey_uppertex_dn
  196. bind KP5 []
  197. bind KP6 []
  198. bind KP7 []
  199. editbind KP7 editkey_uppertex_up
  200. bind KP8 []
  201. bind KP9 []
  202. bind KP_PERIOD []
  203. bind KP_DIVIDE []
  204. bind KP_MULTIPLY key_console_end
  205. bind KP_MINUS key_console_rewind
  206. bind KP_PLUS key_console_forward
  207. bind KP_ENTER []
  208. bind KP_EQUALS []
  209. bind UP forward
  210. bind DOWN backward
  211. bind RIGHT right
  212. bind LEFT left
  213. bind INSERT []
  214. editbind INSERT editkey_floortex_up
  215. bind HOME []
  216. editbind HOME editkey_walltex_up
  217. specbind HOME speckey_demo_gamespeedreset
  218. bind END []
  219. editbind END editkey_walltex_dn
  220. bind PAGEUP []
  221. editbind PAGEUP editkey_ceiltex_up
  222. specbind PAGEUP speckey_demo_gamespeedup
  223. bind PAGEDOWN []
  224. editbind PAGEDOWN editkey_ceiltex_dn
  225. specbind PAGEDOWN speckey_demo_gamespeeddown
  226. bind F1 key_voteyes
  227. bind F2 key_voteno
  228. bind F3 []
  229. bind F4 []
  230. bind F5 key_domodifier_1
  231. editbind F5 toggleocull
  232. bind F6 key_domodifier_2
  233. editbind F6 showmip
  234. bind F7 []
  235. editbind F7 editkey_fullbright
  236. bind F8 []
  237. editbind F8 showfocuscubedetails
  238. bind F9 []
  239. bind F10 key_getdemo
  240. bind F11 key_toggleconsole
  241. bind F12 screenshot
  242. specbind F12 speckey_screenshot
  243. bind F13 []
  244. bind F14 []
  245. bind F15 []
  246. bind NUMLOCK []
  247. bind CAPSLOCK []
  248. bind SCROLLOCK []
  249. bind RSHIFT []
  250. bind LSHIFT crouch
  251. editbind LSHIFT editkey_editmeta2
  252. bind RCTRL jump
  253. bind LCTRL []
  254. editbind LCTRL editmeta
  255. bind RALT []
  256. bind LALT key_showmap
  257. bind RMETA []
  258. bind LMETA []
  259. bind LSUPER []
  260. bind RSUPER []
  261. bind MODE []
  262. bind COMPOSE []
  263. bind HELP []
  264. bind PRINT []
  265. bind SYSREQ []
  266. bind BREAK []
  267. bind MENU []
  268. _defaultbinds 0
  269. omitunchangeddefaults 1 // switch to a clean saved.cfg when keybinds are reset