servercmdline.txt 5.6 KB

  1. // example servercmdline.txt file (1.3)
  2. // to use this file, add -Cconfig/servercmdline.txt to your servers commandline
  3. //
  4. // * you can't use cubescript here!
  5. // * everything after '//' in a line will be ignored
  6. // * one commandline parameter per line only
  7. // * you have to use the '-' characters for the switches
  8. // * you can separate the switch and it's argument by whitespace
  9. //
  10. // see docs/commandline.html for full parameter descriptions
  11. //
  12. // If you want to make COOP only possible for admins: you need to set (at least) -P and -M like so:
  13. // -P fkbpMASRCDEPtwX
  14. // -M CRU
  15. // example MOTD:
  16. -o \f3server using example cmdline file (config/servercmdline.txt)\n\f2feel free to change this :)
  17. // commonly used commandline switches:
  18. // -o // MOTD
  19. // -n // server description
  20. // -n1 // custom server description prefix
  21. // -n2 // custom server description suffix
  22. // -f // port, 1..65534, default 28763
  23. // -c // max client number, 1..16, default 6
  24. // -D // number of demos to keep in RAM, default 5
  25. // -Y // 32-byte private server key (you should maybe include that from another config file and remove it from the server after startup)
  26. // -m // masterserver URL (no parameter uses default URL), if not set, the server will be LAN-only
  27. -Y AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA // this default value is a security risk so please define your own private server key (!!)
  28. // the switches o, n, n1 and n2 support coloring and character escaping; 'o' also supports escaped newlines
  29. // the available colors are: 0: green, 1: blue, 2: yellow, 3: red, 4: gray, 5: white, 6: dark brown, 7: dark red
  30. // example multiline MOTD: -o line 1\nline 2\nline 3
  31. // example colored server description: -n \f3red\f1blue
  32. // change these, if you don't like the defaults:
  33. // -k // kickthreshold, -1..-100, default -5
  34. // -kA // kickthreshold (in seconds) for being AFK, > 30, default 45
  35. // -kB // time in minutes a banned player will stay banned, default 20
  36. // -y // banthreshold, -1..-100, default -6
  37. // -H // server logfile path, default logs/
  38. // -r // server maprot file, default config/maprot.cfg
  39. // -A // server parameter file, default config/serverparameters.cfg
  40. // -U // vitapath, path & filename prefix to store the server vita database at, default: config/servervita
  41. // -X // server passwords file, default config/serverpwd.cfg
  42. // -B // server IP blacklist file, default config/serverblacklist.cfg
  43. // -G // server geoip file, default config/geoip.cfg
  44. // -K // server nickname blacklist file, default config/nicknameblacklist.cfg
  45. // -g // server forbidden words file, default config/forbidden.cfg
  46. // -P // permission string (read docs/commandline.html)
  47. // k vote to kick players
  48. // b vote to ban players (and remove bans)
  49. // m vote to change mastermode (open/private)
  50. // f vote to force a player to the other team
  51. // a vote to enable/disable autoteam
  52. // s vote to shuffle the teams
  53. // r vote to record a demo of the next game (if autorecording is disabled)
  54. // c vote to clear all demos on server
  55. // d vote to change server description
  56. // e vote for coopedit mode
  57. // w vote to kick without clear reasons
  58. // x vote to ban without clear reasons
  59. // p vote to pause or resume match
  60. // t send private messages to any player
  61. // default: fkbpMASRCDePtwX (lowercase: a user can perform the action; uppercase: admin role is required to perform the action)
  62. // -M // sendmap permission string (read docs/commandline.html)
  63. // c create new map (initial map upload)
  64. // u update existing map (same or newer revision)
  65. // r revert existing map to older revision
  66. // d delete map
  67. // default: cruD (lowercase: any user is allowed to do it; uppercase: admin role is required)
  68. // -Z // sendmap/incoming limit in MB (default = 10MB)
  69. // -I // serverinfo text filename prefix, default config/serverinfo
  70. // -O // MOTD text filename prefix, default config/motd
  71. // rarely used switches:
  72. // -p // serverpassword, for passworded servers
  73. // -N // syslog identity string
  74. // -F // syslog facility, 0..7, default 6
  75. // -x // adminpasswd, don't use, use serverpwd.cfg instead
  76. // -W // demopath, path & file prefix to store recorded demos at
  77. // -V // verbose logging (enable this via commandline, until you're sure, there are no errors in your config left)
  78. // -C // import commandline options from file (can be used recursively)
  79. // -l // If set to 0, disable game status logging from server logs
  80. // -T // Add timestamps to every line of the console and file logs.
  81. // -LF // Sets the logging level for file logs (0..5), default 2 (Win & Mac) or 5 (Linux)
  82. // -LS // Sets the logging level for syslog logging (0..5), default 2 (Linux) or 5 (Win & Mac)
  83. // The following levels can be selected (-LF & -LS):
  84. // 0 DEBUG: logs all messages
  85. // 1 VERBOSE: logs all messages of level VERBOSE and above (same as console log, when using the -V switch)
  86. // 2 INFO: logs all messages of level INFO and above (same as console without -V switch)
  87. // 3 WARNING: log only messages of level WARNING and above
  88. // 4 ERROR: log only messages of level ERROR
  89. // 5 do not write to the log
  90. // don't use these switches, unless you really know what you're doing:
  91. // -u // uprate
  92. // -i // ip, only for machines with multiple network interfaces