default_map_settings.cfg 35 KB

  1. // ** Important note for map editors **
  2. // When you first start a map, be sure to use the /newmap command, rather than editing an existing map. Issuing the
  3. // newmap command ensures that your map uses the default map settings, rather than using the existing configuration for
  4. // the map you were on.
  5. // If it did use the existing configuration, upon 2nd load, the map will become messed up.
  6. // If you decide that you need a configuration file for your map, be sure to copy this file into "packages/maps" and
  7. // rename it to be the same file name as your map (but keep the existing ".cfg" extension). DO THIS BEFORE YOU EDIT
  8. // ANYTHING, just to be safe!
  9. // If you wish to learn how to use configuration files for you map, read: "../docs/mapediting5.html"
  10. // Possible commands that can be used in map configs are:
  11. // ======================================================
  12. // mapmodelreset, texturereset, mapmodel, texture, loadsky, fog, fogcolour,
  13. // mapsound, mapsoundreset, shadowyaw, loadnotexture, watercolour.
  14. // Mapmodels:
  15. mapmodelreset // Leave this command here, or else your maps config file will become
  16. // messed up!
  17. // Mapmodel number:
  18. // ---------------
  19. mapmodel 2 2 0 0 "makke/nothing_clip" // 0 - Used to be used as "clips". We now have code that does clips.
  20. // This is left here for the old maps that still use them.
  21. mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "makke/platform_bridge" // 1
  22. mapmodel 0 7 0 0 "makke/ladder_7x" // 2
  23. mapmodel 0 8 0 0 "makke/ladder_8x" // 3
  24. mapmodel 0 10 0 0 "makke/ladder_10x" // 4
  25. mapmodel 0 11 0 0 "makke/ladder_11x" // 5
  26. mapmodel 0 15 0 0 "makke/ladder_15x" // 6
  27. mapmodel 0 12 0 0 "makke/street_light" // 7
  28. mapmodel 0 12 0 0 "makke/street_light_broken" // 8
  29. mapmodel 3 2 0 0 "makke/bench_seat" // 9
  30. mapmodel 2 4 0 0 "makke/dumpster" // 10
  31. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/roadblock" // 11 - Clip this properly!
  32. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/roadblock_graffiti" // 12 - Clip this properly!
  33. mapmodel 1 8 0 0 "makke/fence_chainlink" // 13
  34. mapmodel 1 8 0 0 "makke/fence_chainlink_post" // 14
  35. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/fence_chainlink_no_gate"// 15
  36. mapmodel 1 8 0 0 "makke/fence_chainlink_closed_gate" // 16
  37. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/grass_short" // 17
  38. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/grass_short_dry" // 18
  39. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/grass_short_snow" // 19
  40. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/grass_long" // 20
  41. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/grass_long_dry" // 21
  42. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/grass_long_snow" // 22
  43. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/plant_leafy" // 23
  44. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/plant_leafy_dry" // 24
  45. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/plant_leafy_snow" // 25
  46. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/flyer_environmental" // 26
  47. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "makke/office_chair" // 27
  48. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "jcdpc/laptop" // 28
  49. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/picture" // 29 - Want to use a customer picture in this frame?
  50. mapmodel 1 6 0 0 "makke/locker" // 30
  51. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/wall_spotlight" // 31
  52. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/fluorescent_lamp" // 32
  53. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/lightbulb" // 33
  54. mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "makke/barrel" // 34
  55. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "makke/barrel_fallen" // 35
  56. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/electric_meter" // 36
  57. mapmodel 3 1 0 0 "makke/pallet" // 37
  58. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/fuel_tank" // 38 - Ensure you clip this mapmodel fully using the command
  59. // "newent clip 0 3 7 5" in the middle of the model.
  60. mapmodel 2 1 0 0 "cleaner/grates/grate_hor" // 39
  61. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "cleaner/grates/grate_vert" // 40
  62. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/wrench" // 41
  63. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/bolt_nut" // 42
  64. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/signs/flammable" // 43
  65. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/signs/speed" // 44
  66. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/signs/caution_maintainence" // 45
  67. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/signs/caution_voltage" // 46
  68. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/signs/biohazard" // 47
  69. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/cigarette" // 48
  70. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/coke_can" // 49
  71. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/coke_can_fallen" // 50
  72. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/broken_wood" // 51
  73. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/hook" // 52
  74. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/coffee_mug" // 53
  75. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/flyer_propaganda" // 54
  76. mapmodel 0 0 1 0 "makke/signs/wanted" // 55 - Don't put the poster too close to a wall, or it will "z-fight".
  77. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "makke/aardapple_enginebox" // 56
  78. mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "makke/platform" // 57
  79. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "makke/ladder_1x" // 58
  80. mapmodel 0 8 0 0 "makke/drainpipe" // 59
  81. mapmodel 2 2 0 0 "toca/airconditioner" // 60 - Inner part of the airconditioner is Model 107
  82. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/bullet" // 61
  83. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/cinderblock" // 62
  84. mapmodel 1 7 0 0 "toca/commrack" // 63
  85. mapmodel 1 4 0 0 "toca/commrack2" // 64
  86. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/computer/monkeymou" // 65
  87. mapmodel 1 8 0 0 "toca/corrugated/beam" // 66 - For use with corrugated/fence (Model 102/103)
  88. mapmodel 1 4 0 0 "toca/guardrail" // 67 - Clip this properly!
  89. mapmodel 1 4 0 0 "toca/guardrail2" // 68 - Use guardrail2 with this (Model 106)
  90. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/milkcarton" // 69
  91. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "toca/monitor" // 70
  92. mapmodel 2 3 0 0 "toca/officedesk" // 71 - Clip this properly!
  93. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/plasmatv" // 72
  94. mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "toca/platformmet" // 73
  95. mapmodel 0 6 0 0 "toca/powermeter" // 74
  96. mapmodel 1 6 0 0 "toca/rack" // 75 - Clip this properly!
  97. mapmodel 2 8 0 0 "toca/radarconsole" // 76 - Clip this properly!
  98. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/securitycam/secucam" // 77 - Animated security camera. Use mounts with this (Model 104/105)
  99. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/sgshell" // 78
  100. mapmodel 4 1 7 0 "toca/stairs1" // 79 - Clip this properly!
  101. mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "toca/stairs2" // 80 - Clip this properly!
  102. mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "toca/radioactivedrum" // 81
  103. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "toca/radioactivedrum2" // 82
  104. mapmodel 2 1 0 0 "toca/tyre" // 83
  105. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "toca/trashbag" // 84
  106. mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "toca/trashcan" // 85
  107. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "toca/tv" // 86
  108. mapmodel 2 3 0 0 "toca/utilitytable" // 87 - Clip the sides of this properly!
  109. mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "toca/wheel" // 88
  110. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/biohazard" // 89
  111. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/chemical" // 90
  112. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/confined" // 91
  113. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/toxic" // 92
  114. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/donotenter" // 93
  115. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/explosives" // 94
  116. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/firstaid" // 95
  117. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/noentry" // 96
  118. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/nosmoking" // 97
  119. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/radioactive" // 98
  120. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/signs/restricted" // 99
  121. mapmodel 1 6 0 0 "toca/signs/target" // 100
  122. mapmodel 0 2 0 0 "toca/computer/pc" // 101
  123. mapmodel 1 8 0 0 "toca/corrugated/fence1" // 102 - Use the beam with this (Model 66)
  124. mapmodel 1 8 0 0 "toca/corrugated/fence2" // 103 - Use the beam with this (Model 66)
  125. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/securitycam/vertmount" // 104 - Use the camera mapmodel with this (Model 77)
  126. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/securitycam/wallmount" // 105 - Use the camera mapmodel with this (Model 77)
  127. mapmodel 1 4 0 0 "toca/guardrail2/gr2pole" // 106 - Use guardrail2 with this (Model 68)
  128. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/airconditioner/interior" // 107 - Outer part of airconditioner is Model 60
  129. mapmodel 1 1 1 0 "toca/pipes/concretepipe" // 108
  130. mapmodel 1 1 1 0 "toca/pipes/metalpipe" // 109
  131. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/pipes/metalpipe2" // 110
  132. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/signs/arab" // 111
  133. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "toca/milkcrate" // 112
  134. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/ceilingfan" // 113
  135. mapmodel 1 7 0 0 "toca/tree1" // 114
  136. mapmodel 0 17 0 0 "toca/palmtree1" // 115
  137. mapmodel 2 3 0 0 "toca/razorwire" // 116
  138. mapmodel 0 14 0 0 "toca/tree2" // 117
  139. mapmodel 0 18 0 0 "toca/pine" // 118
  140. mapmodel 2 7 0 0 "toca/servercluster/rack" // 119
  141. mapmodel 2 1 0 0 "toca/servercluster/U3_1" // 120
  142. mapmodel 2 1 0 0 "toca/servercluster/U3_2" // 121
  143. mapmodel 2 1 0 0 "toca/servercluster/U3_3" // 122
  144. mapmodel 2 2 0 0 "toca/servercluster/U6_1" // 123
  145. mapmodel 2 2 0 0 "toca/servercluster/U6_2" // 124
  146. mapmodel 2 2 0 0 "toca/servercluster/U6_3" // 125
  147. mapmodel 0 4 0 0 "toca/window1" // 126
  148. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "toca/barbwire" // 127
  149. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "toca/shelf" // 128
  150. mapmodel 4 1 15 0 "toca/guardtower" // 129
  151. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "toca/treetrunk1" // 130
  152. mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "toca/cardboardbox" // 131
  153. mapmodel 0 0 4 0 "jcdpc/hanginglamp" // 132
  154. mapmodel 0 2 0 0 "jcdpc/ventflap" // 133
  155. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "ratboy/toca_milkcrate_red" // 134
  156. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "ratboy/toca_milkcrate_blue" // 135
  157. mapmodel 0 1 1 0 "misterfloppy/hanging_ladder/ladder_2" // 136
  158. mapmodel 0 3 3 0 "misterfloppy/hanging_ladder/ladder_6" // 137
  159. mapmodel 0 1 1 0 "misterfloppy/hanging_ladder/ladder_top" // 138
  160. mapmodel 0 1 1 0 "misterfloppy/hanging_ladder/ladder_up" // 139
  161. mapmodel 0 1 1 0 "misterfloppy/hanging_ladder/ladder_low" // 140
  162. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "misterfloppy/alarmlamp" // 141
  163. mapmodel 0 0 4 0 "misterfloppy/platelamp" // 142
  164. mapmodel 0 10 0 0 "misterfloppy/streetlamp" // 143
  165. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "toca/pipes/industrialpipes/horz" // 144
  166. mapmodel 0 2 0 0 "toca/pipes/industrialpipes/ldwn" // 145
  167. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "toca/pipes/industrialpipes/lleft" // 146
  168. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "toca/pipes/industrialpipes/lright" // 147
  169. mapmodel 0 2 0 0 "toca/pipes/industrialpipes/lup" // 148
  170. mapmodel 0 8 0 0 "toca/pipes/industrialpipes/vert" // 149
  171. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/electric/switch" // 150
  172. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/electric/outlet" // 151
  173. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/carbattery" // 152
  174. mapmodel 0 31 0 0 "toca/antenna" // 153
  175. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/pinboard" // 154
  176. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/ledge/1_4cbs" // 155 - Clip this properly!
  177. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/ledge/2_8cbs" // 156 - Clip this properly!
  178. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/ledge/3_16cbs" // 157 - Clip this properly!
  179. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/ledge/4_corner" // 158 - Clip this properly!
  180. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/takeoutbox" // 159
  181. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/plasticbottles/1" // 160
  182. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/plasticbottles/2" // 161
  183. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/plasticbags/1" // 162
  184. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/plasticbags/2" // 163
  185. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/pickaxe/horz" // 164
  186. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/pickaxe/vert" // 165
  187. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/newspaper/1" // 166
  188. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/newspaper/2" // 167
  189. mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "toca/cautionsign" // 168
  190. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/hotel_sign" // 169 - Clip this properly!
  191. mapmodel 0 2 0 0 "toca/plants/bush" // 170
  192. mapmodel 1 4 0 0 "toca/plants/smaltree" // 171
  193. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/plants/grass" // 172
  194. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "cleaner/traffic_cones/up" // 173
  195. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "cleaner/traffic_cones/down" // 174
  196. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "cleaner/extinguisher" // 175
  197. mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/paintcan" // 176
  198. mapmodel 0 0 3 0 "toca/droppedceiling/frame" // 177
  199. mapmodel 0 0 3 0 "toca/droppedceiling/tiles" // 178 - Clip this properly!
  200. mapmodel 0 0 3 0 "toca/droppedceiling/single" // 179 - Clip this properly!
  201. mapmodel 0 0 3 0 "toca/droppedceiling/light1" // 180 - Clip this properly!
  202. mapmodel 0 0 3 0 "toca/droppedceiling/light2" // 181 - Clip this properly!
  203. mapmodel 0 3 0 0 "cleaner/extinguisher_box" // 182
  204. mapmodel 0 3 0 0 "cleaner/laundry" // 183
  205. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/alarm_bell" // 184
  206. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/worldmap" // 185
  207. mapmodel 1 5 0 0 "cleaner/elecbox/elecbox1" // 186
  208. mapmodel 1 5 0 0 "cleaner/elecbox/elecbox2" // 187
  209. mapmodel 0 3 0 0 "cleaner/shovels/shovel1" // 188
  210. mapmodel 0 3 0 0 "cleaner/shovels/shovel2" // 189
  211. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/shovels/shovel3" // 190
  212. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/arab_lamps/arab_lamp_1" //191
  213. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/arab_lamps/arab_lamp_2" //192
  214. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/arab_lamps/arab_lamp_3" //193
  215. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/gunshop" //194
  216. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/fence_chainlink_gate_down" //195
  217. mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "boeufmironton/fence_chainlink_hor_post" //196
  218. mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "boeufmironton/fence_chainlink_open_gate" //197
  219. mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "cleaner/fence_chainlink_down" //198
  220. mapmodel 1 5 0 0 "cleaner/cl_window01" //199
  221. mapmodel 0 6 0 0 "cleaner/cactus/cactus1" //200
  222. mapmodel 0 7 0 0 "cleaner/cactus/cactus2" //201
  223. // NOTE: There is a hard-limit maximum of 256 "mapmodel" commands.
  224. // Models below are either specific to certain maps and may not be of much use in other maps,
  225. // or they might just be a bit more difficult to use than the average newbie can handle.
  226. // As such, feel free to use them by using a config file and uncommenting the ones you need below.
  227. // Decals:
  228. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/decals/manhole/1"
  229. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/decals/broken/1"
  230. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/decals/broken/2"
  231. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/decals/broken/3"
  232. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/doors/2"
  233. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/doors/1"
  234. // Platforms:
  235. // mapmodel 8 1 0 0 "cleaner/platform/16x16" // BIG platform, requires setting a texture.
  236. // mapmodel 3 1 0 0 "toca/grid6x8" // Metal mesh.
  237. // mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "makke/platform_shine" // Platform for ac_shine.
  238. // mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "cleaner/platform/8x8"
  239. // Alternative platform that fits *most* textures better, requires setting a texture.
  240. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/stairs_aqueous/stairsacc/beam"
  241. // Metal beam to support toca's stairs. This model can be difficult to place correctly.
  242. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "toca/stairs_aqueous/stairsacc/handrail"
  243. // Handrail for toca's metal platforms. This model requires careful clipping to be used.
  244. // mapmodel 4 1 7 0 "toca/stairs_aqueous/stairs1"
  245. // Special stairs platforms with handrails. This model requires careful clipping to be used.
  246. // mapmodel 4 1 7 0 "toca/stairs_aqueous/stairs2"
  247. // Special stairs platforms with handrails. This model requires careful clipping to be used.
  248. // Others:
  249. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/sail" // Sail cloth
  250. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/sail_snow" // Camouflaged sail cloth.
  251. // mapmodel 0 0 2 0 "makke/wires/3x8" // Different sizes of power lines.
  252. // mapmodel 0 0 2 0 "makke/wires/2x8" // Different sizes of power lines.
  253. // mapmodel 0 0 2 0 "makke/wires/4x8a" // Different sizes of power lines.
  254. // mapmodel 0 0 2 0 "makke/wires/4x8" // Different sizes of power lines.
  255. // mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "makke/barrel_toxic" // Toxic barrel.
  256. // mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "makke/barrel_newsteel" // Steel barrel.
  257. // mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "makke/barrel_newsteel_fallen" // Steel barrel fallen.
  258. // mapmodel 2 1 0 0 "cleaner/grates/grate_hor_rust" // Grate, rusty (hor).
  259. // mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "cleaner/grates/grate_vert_rust" // Grate, rusty (vert).
  260. // mapmodel 3 8 0 0 "makke/mine-shaft_elevator" // Mine lift.
  261. // mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "cleaner/minecart/up" // Mine cart.
  262. // mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "cleaner/minecart/down" // Fallen mine cart.
  263. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/rails/bent" // Railway, bent.
  264. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/rails/straight" // Railway, straight.
  265. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/rails_rusty/bent" // Rails, bent, rusty.
  266. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/rails_rusty/straight" // Rails, straight, rusty.
  267. // mapmodel 0 8 0 0 "wotwot/makke_drainpipe_gritty" // Gritty re-skin of makkE's drainpipe.
  268. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/icicle" // Icicle.
  269. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "makke/signs/no_camping" // No-camping sign.
  270. // mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "misterfloppy/valve_hor" // Valve, horizontal.
  271. // mapmodel 0 15 0 0 "makke/ladder_15x_offset" // Special ladder model for ac_desert.
  272. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/monalisa" // The Monalisa for ac_lainio
  273. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/grate_aqueous" // Special water-based grate.
  274. // mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "cleaner/anti_tank" // Hard to clip.
  275. // mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "cleaner/at_blocks/at_block_up" // nice for taking cover.
  276. // mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "cleaner/at_blocks/at_block_down" // nice for taking cover.
  277. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/doors/door001" // place a door anywhere (vertical)
  278. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/doors/door001b" // place a door anywhere (horizontal)
  279. // mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "cleaner/oldclock" // Special model for ac_lainio
  280. // mapmodel 2 4 0 0 "cleaner/dumpster_tag" // Alternative modern dumpster
  281. // mapmodel 1 3 0 0 "cleaner/oil_drums/up" // Alternative standing oil drum
  282. // mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "cleaner/oil_drums/down" // Alternative fallen oil drum
  283. // mapmodel 1 2 0 0 "cleaner/oil_drums/spill" // Oil drum spilling oil
  284. // mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/paintbucket/1" // Paint bucket 1
  285. // mapmodel 0 1 0 0 "toca/paintbucket/2" // Paint bucket 2
  286. // mapmodel 1 5 0 0 "toca/wooden/boarded1" // Boarded structure 1
  287. // mapmodel 1 6 0 0 "toca/wooden/boarded2" // Boarded structure 2
  288. // mapmodel 1 5 0 0 "toca/wooden/boarded3" // Boarded structure 3
  289. // mapmodel 0 8 0 0 "toca/wooden/planks_vert" // Planks, vertical
  290. // mapmodel 1 11 0 0 "toca/wooden/beamssupport" // Support beams
  291. // mapmodel 0 9 0 0 "toca/wooden/beam_L" // Beam, L
  292. // mapmodel 0 9 0 0 "toca/wooden/beam_T" // Beam, T
  293. // mapmodel 0 9 0 0 "toca/wooden/beam_X" // Beam, X
  294. // The skymap for this map. You can change this by commenting the one below, and then uncommenting one of your choosing
  295. // Alternatively, you can add your own into "packages/textures/skymaps" and use it as below.
  296. loadsky "steini/steini4" // Comment this if you want to use a different skymap.
  297. // loadsky "humus/powerlines"
  298. // loadsky "kothic/atsea"
  299. // loadsky "ladynighthawk/inhcanyons1"
  300. // loadsky "steini/steini2"
  301. // loadsky "steini/steini3"
  302. // loadsky "makke/mountain"
  303. // loadsky "makke/rocky"
  304. // loadsky "makke/sand"
  305. // loadsky "socksky/grave"
  306. // loadsky "iceflow/iceflow"
  307. // loadsky "socksky/nightball"
  308. // Alternative texture. See "docs/mapediting5.html" for more information.
  309. loadnotexture // Reset to default alternative texture. Comment this if you want to use a
  310. // different one.
  311. // loadnotexture "makke/black.jpg" // This is an example. Using this will make any missing textures end up black.
  312. // Uncomment it if you want to use this one.
  313. // All textures are found in /packages/textures...
  314. // Special note:
  315. // Texture slot 0 is hardcoded as the sky
  316. // Texture slot 1 used to be hardcoded as the default liquid texture but is now unrequired and replaced with a dummy.
  317. // texture slot 2 is the default wall texture for new maps.
  318. // texture slot 3 is the default floor texture for new maps.
  319. // texture slot 4 is the default ceiling texture for new maps.
  320. // Also, textures are limited to a maximum of 256 slots, so you can't use more than 256 textures in your config file
  321. // otherwise they will not show up.
  322. // Textures:
  323. texturereset // Leave this command here, or else your map will look messed up!
  324. texture 0 "kurt/klite1.jpg" // Dummy texture - Also leave this here, or else your map will look messed up!
  325. // Brickwall textures
  326. texture 0 "toca/greybricks.jpg" // Texture #1
  327. texture 0 "arcitool/archibrick01.jpg"
  328. texture 0 "arcitool/archibrick02.jpg"
  329. texture 0 "arcitool/archibrick03.jpg"
  330. texture 0 "arcitool/archibrick04.jpg"
  331. texture 0 "arcitool/archibrick05.jpg"
  332. texture 0 "arcitool/archibrick06.jpg"
  333. texture 0 "arcitool/archibrick07.jpg"
  334. texture 0 "arcitool/rohbaubims.jpg"
  335. texture 0 "grsites/brick051.jpg"
  336. texture 0 "grsites/brick065.jpg"
  337. texture 0 "boeck/stone_022.jpg"
  338. texture 0 "DigitalFlux/gray_bricks_02.jpg"
  339. texture 0 "DigitalFlux/gray_bricks_01.jpg"
  340. texture 0 "mayang/bricks_2.jpg"
  341. texture 0 "makke/bricks_3.jpg"
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  349. texture 0 "makke/mauer2.jpg"
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  352. // Tile textures
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  355. texture 0 "noctua/tiles/16tile10.jpg"
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  364. texture 0 "arcitool/Cotta2-grau.jpg"
  365. texture 0 "arcitool/Cotta2-satt.jpg"
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  367. // Floor textures
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  370. texture 0 "arcitool/gittersteine2.jpg"
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  372. texture 0 "makke/stein.jpg"
  373. texture 0 "makke/br_tiles.jpg"
  374. texture 0 "makke/c_tile.jpg"
  375. texture 0 "makke/pebbles_01.jpg"
  376. texture 0 "arcitool/sisal21.jpg"
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  378. // Asphalt/concrete textures
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  380. texture 0 "noctua/ground/asph02.jpg"
  381. texture 0 "noctua/ground/asph03.jpg"
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  383. texture 0 "DigitalFlux/dirty_asphalt_02.jpg"
  384. texture 0 "DigitalFlux/dirty_asphalt_03.jpg"
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  386. texture 0 "makke/concrete_trim.jpg"
  387. texture 0 "makke/concrete_trim_small.jpg"
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  398. texture 0 "noctua/wall/conc02.jpg"
  399. texture 0 "noctua/wall/conc05.jpg"
  400. texture 0 "noctua/wall/wall02.jpg" // Texture #73
  401. // Walls/ceiling/plaster textures
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  403. texture 0 "arcitool/sichtbeton2.jpg"
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  406. texture 0 "boeck/stone_014.jpg"
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  427. texture 0 "noctua/metal/copper02.jpg"
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  430. texture 0 "noctua/metal/iron04.jpg"
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  432. texture 0 "noctua/metal/metbgr02.jpg"
  433. texture 0 "noctua/metal/metbgr03.jpg"
  434. texture 0 "noctua/metal/metbgr04.jpg"
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  437. texture 0 "lemog/006metal.jpg"
  438. texture 0 "grsites/metal020.jpg" // Texture #109
  439. // Wood textures
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  441. texture 0 "boeck/wood_010.jpg"
  442. texture 0 "boeck/wood_017.jpg"
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  444. texture 0 "makke/wood_01_b.jpg"
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  447. texture 0 "arcitool/Zaun.jpg"
  448. texture 0 "arcitool/Rundholz.jpg"
  449. texture 0 "grsites/wood060.jpg"
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  453. texture 0 "noctua/wood/planks01_b.jpg"
  454. texture 0 "noctua/wood/planks02.jpg"
  455. texture 0 "noctua/wood/planks02_hor.jpg"
  456. texture 0 "noctua/wood/planks02_trim.jpg"
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  458. texture 0 "noctua/wood/wood02.jpg"
  459. texture 0 "noctua/wood/wood03.jpg"
  460. texture 0 "noctua/wood/wood04.jpg"
  461. texture 0 "lemog/063bois.jpg"
  462. texture 0 "lemog/063bois_b.jpg" // Texture #132
  463. // Mud/sand/grass textures
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  468. texture 0 "arcitool/Wiese6.jpg"
  469. texture 0 "craig_fortune/terrain/Grass_lush.jpg"
  470. texture 0 "craig_fortune/terrain/mud.jpg"
  471. texture 0 "craig_fortune/terrain/Mud_thick.jpg"
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  473. texture 0 "craig_fortune/terrain/sand_bleached.jpg"
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  476. texture 0 "DigitalFlux/dirt_pebbles_01.jpg"
  477. texture 0 "DigitalFlux/light_brown_dirt_01.jpg"
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  479. texture 0 "DigitalFlux/reddish_brown_dirt_02.jpg"
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  481. texture 0 "makke/stuck1.jpg"
  482. texture 0 "noctua/ground/mud01.jpg"
  483. texture 0 "noctua/ground/pebble01.jpg"
  484. texture 0 "noctua/ground/ground02.jpg"
  485. texture 0 "noctua/ground/ground06.jpg" // Texture #154
  486. // Rock/stone textures
  487. texture 0 "arcitool/schotter1.jpg" // Texture #155
  488. texture 0 "arcitool/schotter2.jpg"
  489. texture 0 "craig_fortune/terrain/Rock_cracked.jpg"
  490. texture 0 "craig_fortune/terrain/rubble.jpg"
  491. texture 0 "craig_fortune/terrain/Rock_rubble.jpg"
  492. texture 0 "noctua/ground/snowy01.jpg"
  493. texture 0 "makke/rock.jpg"
  494. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone18.jpg"
  495. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone02.jpg"
  496. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone03.jpg"
  497. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone04.jpg"
  498. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone05.jpg"
  499. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone06.jpg"
  500. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone07.jpg"
  501. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone08.jpg"
  502. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone09.jpg"
  503. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone12.jpg"
  504. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone13.jpg"
  505. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone15.jpg"
  506. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone16.jpg"
  507. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone17.jpg"
  508. texture 0 "noctua/stone/marmor01.jpg"
  509. texture 0 "noctua/stone/stone19.jpg"
  510. texture 0 "noctua/wall/conc03.jpg"
  511. texture 0 "noctua/wall/conc04.jpg"
  512. texture 0 "noctua/wall/d_wall01.jpg" // Texture #180
  513. // Carpet textures
  514. texture 0 "noctua/textile/carpet04.jpg" // Texture #181
  515. texture 0 "noctua/textile/carpet01.jpg"
  516. texture 0 "noctua/textile/carpet02.jpg"
  517. texture 0 "noctua/textile/carpet03.jpg"
  518. texture 0 "noctua/textile/burlap01.jpg"
  519. texture 0 "noctua/textile/carpet05.jpg" // Texture #186
  520. // Trim textures
  521. texture 0 "arcitool/Wellblech1-1.jpg" // Texture #187
  522. texture 0 "arcitool/Glasbausteine.jpg"
  523. texture 0 "boeck/gully.jpg"
  524. texture 0 "boeck/aircon2.jpg"
  525. texture 0 "makke/aircon.jpg"
  526. texture 0 "makke/aircon_sm.jpg"
  527. texture 0 "golgotha/door.jpg"
  528. texture 0 "makke/klappe.jpg"
  529. texture 0 "makke/klappe2.jpg"
  530. texture 0 "golgotha/klappe3.jpg"
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  532. texture 0 "golgotha/panel.jpg"
  533. texture 0 "3dcafe/objects09_a.jpg"
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  536. texture 0 "mitaman/various/metal_trim_4_h.jpg"
  537. texture 0 "grsites/metal026.jpg"
  538. texture 0 "zastrow/vent_cap.jpg"
  539. texture 0 "mitaman/various/rgrates0006.jpg"
  540. texture 0 "mitaman/various/large_plate.jpg"
  541. texture 0 "makke/lampe.jpg"
  542. texture 0 "makke/lampe_tile.jpg"
  543. texture 0 "makke/lampe_tile_a.jpg"
  544. texture 0 "makke/lampe_tile2.jpg"
  545. texture 0 "makke/lampe_tile2_a.jpg"
  546. texture 0 "makke/stairtrim.jpg"
  547. texture 0 "makke/metalstair1.jpg"
  548. texture 0 "makke/metalstair2.jpg"
  549. texture 0 "zastrow/metal_siding_kinksb.jpg"
  550. texture 0 "golgotha/window.jpg"
  551. texture 0 "golgotha/windows.jpg"
  552. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_window31.jpg"
  553. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_window33.jpg"
  554. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_window23.jpg"
  555. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_window38.jpg"
  556. texture 0 "3dcafe/door10.jpg"
  557. texture 0 "3dcafe/door12.jpg"
  558. texture 0 "3dcafe/door15.jpg"
  559. texture 0 "3dcafe/door07.jpg"
  560. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_doors512B05.jpg"
  561. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_doors512A10.jpg"
  562. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_doors512A16.jpg"
  563. texture 0 "zastrow/sub_doors256nf_01.jpg"
  564. texture 0 "3dcafe/objects08.jpg" // Texture #230
  565. // Crate/box textures
  566. texture 0 "craig_fortune/crates/light_weathered.jpg" // Texture #231
  567. texture 0 "craig_fortune/crates/light.jpg"
  568. texture 0 "zastrow/3wood_crate_03.jpg"
  569. texture 0 "zastrow/2wood_crate_03.jpg"
  570. texture 0 "zastrow/2wood_crate_10.jpg"
  571. texture 0 "zastrow/2wood_crate_12.jpg"
  572. texture 0 "zastrow/3wood_crate_02.jpg"
  573. texture 0 "zastrow/2wood_crate_02.jpg"
  574. texture 0 "zastrow/3wood_crate_10.jpg"
  575. texture 0 "zastrow/3wood_crate_12.jpg"
  576. texture 0 "zastrow/wood_crate_02.jpg"
  577. texture 0 "zastrow/wood_crate_03.jpg"
  578. texture 0 "zastrow/wood_crate_10.jpg"
  579. texture 0 "zastrow/wood_crate_12.jpg"
  580. texture 0 "makke/box_2.jpg"
  581. texture 0 "makke/box_4.jpg"
  582. texture 0 "makke/box_3.jpg"
  583. texture 0 "golgotha/smallsteelbox.jpg" // Texture #248
  584. // Additional textures
  585. texture 0 "drunkenM/rock_wall1.jpg" // Texture #249
  586. texture 0 "makke/rb_window.jpg"
  587. // The below textures are in the AssaultCube package, but are not actually in the config file because their design is
  588. // specific to the map they were made for or because there are only 256 texture slots available and we don't want to
  589. // use them all up for you. If you want to use any of the below, simply uncomment the ones you want, but be sure to
  590. // stay aware of the 256 slot limit.
  591. // texture 0 "dog/texture08.jpg"
  592. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/exit_sign.jpg"
  593. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/gully.jpg"
  594. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/door_panel.jpg"
  595. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/aircon.jpg"
  596. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/light.jpg"
  597. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/light2.jpg"
  598. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/door_01.jpg"
  599. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/door_02.jpg"
  600. // texture 0 "misterfloppy/keller/door_03.jpg"
  601. // texture 0 "johnsolo/bluewoody1.jpg"
  602. // texture 0 "johnsolo/bluewoody2.jpg"
  603. // texture 0 "johnsolo/shutters.jpg"
  604. // texture 0 "makke/black.jpg" // A 1x1 black pixel. Nothing interesting.
  605. // texture 0 "makke/concrete_trim_vert.jpg"
  606. // texture 0 "makke/snow.jpg"
  607. // texture 0 "makke/special_stone15.jpg"
  608. // texture 0 "noctua/wall/wall01.jpg"
  609. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric2.jpg"
  610. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric2_bla.jpg"
  611. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/asphalt1_l.jpg"
  612. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/metaltrim1_ver.jpg"
  613. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/metaltrim1_hor.jpg"
  614. // texture 0 "mayang/door3.jpg"
  615. // texture 0 "mayang/airvent1.jpg"
  616. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/ventilation1.jpg"
  617. // texture 0 "mayang/grill2_s.jpg"
  618. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/cableshelf1_s_hor.jpg"
  619. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/cableshelf1_m_hor.jpg"
  620. // texture 0 "mayang/hatch1.jpg"
  621. // texture 0 "mayang/manhole1.jpg"
  622. // texture 0 "makke/door_metal.jpg"
  623. // texture 0 "makke/door_rust.jpg"
  624. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/cableshelf1_l_hor.jpg"
  625. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/cableshelf1_s_ver.jpg"
  626. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/cableshelf1_m_ver.jpg"
  627. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/cableshelf1_l_ver.jpg"
  628. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric4.jpg"
  629. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric4_bla.jpg"
  630. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric3.jpg"
  631. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric3_bla.jpg"
  632. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric1.jpg"
  633. // texture 0 "wotwot/urban/electric1_bla.jpg"
  634. // texture 0 "openfootage/stonewall_4.jpg"
  635. // texture 0 "craig_fortune/crates/light_weathered_desert3.jpg"
  636. // texture 0 "makke/douze.jpg"
  637. // texture 0 "makke/clayceiling.jpg"
  638. // texture 0 "makke/rattrap/rb_box_01.jpg"
  639. // texture 0 "makke/rattrap/rb_box_02.jpg"
  640. // texture 0 "makke/rattrap/rb_box_03.jpg"
  641. // texture 0 "makke/rattrap/rb_box_04.jpg"
  642. // texture 0 "makke/rattrap/rb_box_05.jpg"
  643. // texture 0 "makke/rattrap/rb_box_06.jpg"
  644. // texture 0 "mayang/rb_bricks_01.jpg"
  645. // texture 0 "mayang/rb_bricks_02.jpg"
  646. // texture 0 "mayang/rb_bricks_03.jpg"
  647. // texture 0 "makke/rattrap/rb_concrete.jpg"
  648. // texture 0 "zastrow/rb_box_07.jpg"
  649. // texture 0 "golgotha/rb_trim_03.jpg"
  650. // texture 0 "noctua/ground/rb_trim_01.jpg"
  651. // texture 0 "makke/rb_trim_02.jpg"
  652. // texture 0 "makke/rb_window2.jpg"
  653. // texture 0 "nieb/asphaltdamaged0043_1_l.jpg" // START: Nieb's new textures...
  654. // texture 0 "nieb/b10woods003.jpg"
  655. // texture 0 "nieb/b15walls031b.jpg"
  656. // texture 0 "nieb/b19walls261.jpg"
  657. // texture 0 "nieb/b2metals0052.jpg"
  658. // texture 0 "nieb/b2walls094.jpg"
  659. // texture 0 "nieb/b3_walls149.jpg"
  660. // texture 0 "nieb/b3_walls154.jpg"
  661. // texture 0 "nieb/b3_walls155.jpg"
  662. // texture 0 "nieb/b8walls007b.jpg"
  663. // texture 0 "nieb/brickolddirty0009.jpg"
  664. // texture 0 "nieb/brickolddirty0015.jpg"
  665. // texture 0 "nieb/brickround0047_6.jpg"
  666. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmall0007.jpg"
  667. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmall0060.jpg"
  668. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmall0067.jpg"
  669. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmall0073.jpg"
  670. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmall0077.jpg"
  671. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmall0201.jpg"
  672. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmall0247.jpg"
  673. // texture 0 "nieb/bricksmalldirty0136.jpg"
  674. // texture 0 "nieb/concretebare0154_3.jpg"
  675. // texture 0 "nieb/doorsgarage0195.jpg"
  676. // texture 0 "nieb/doorsindustrial0183.jpg"
  677. // texture 0 "nieb/dsc20041018_154255_48.jpg"
  678. // texture 0 "nieb/dscf1764.jpg"
  679. // texture 0 "nieb/grass-dirt_1.jpg"
  680. // texture 0 "nieb/grass-dirt_2.jpg"
  681. // texture 0 "nieb/hedges0049_m.jpg"
  682. // texture 0 "nieb/img_0053.jpg"
  683. // texture 0 "nieb/img_0060.jpg"
  684. // texture 0 "nieb/img_0576.jpg"
  685. // texture 0 "nieb/img_0579.jpg"
  686. // texture 0 "nieb/metalcontainers0010.jpg"
  687. // texture 0 "nieb/metalcontainers0010-rotate.jpg"
  688. // texture 0 "nieb/metalcontainers0099.jpg"
  689. // texture 0 "nieb/pd-texture-bigstone-wall-2.jpg"
  690. // texture 0 "nieb/planksold0001.jpg"
  691. // texture 0 "nieb/planksold0002.jpg"
  692. // texture 0 "nieb/planksold0290.jpg"
  693. // texture 0 "nieb/plastercoloured0158.jpg"
  694. // texture 0 "nieb/rock_02.jpg"
  695. // texture 0 "nieb/rooftilesceramicold0031.jpg"
  696. // texture 0 "nieb/rooftilesceramicold0080_2.jpg"
  697. // texture 0 "nieb/rooftilesceramicold0080.jpg"
  698. // texture 0 "nieb/rooftilesceramicold0093_2.jpg"
  699. // texture 0 "nieb/rooftilesceramicold0093.jpg"
  700. // texture 0 "nieb/stone_rock_texture.jpg"
  701. // texture 0 "nieb/tt7020275_2.jpg"
  702. // texture 0 "nieb/tt7020275_in.jpg"
  703. // texture 0 "nieb/tt7020275.jpg"
  704. // texture 0 "nieb/tt7040134.jpg"
  705. // texture 0 "nieb/tt7040146.jpg"
  706. // texture 0 "nieb/various0353.jpg"
  707. // texture 0 "nieb/vents0076.jpg" // END: Nieb's new textures...
  708. // texture 0 "3dcafe/door07_a.jpg"
  709. // texture 0 "3dcafe/door10_a.jpg"
  710. // texture 0 "toca/patchygrass.jpg"
  711. // texture 0 "toca/pebbles1.jpg"
  712. // texture 0 "toca/pebbles2.jpg"
  713. // texture 0 "toca/pebbles3.jpg"
  714. // texture 0 "toca/frozenground1.jpg"
  715. // texture 0 "toca/snow1.jpg"
  716. // texture 0 "toca/frozenground2.jpg"
  717. // texture 0 "toca/dirt1.jpg"
  718. // texture 0 "toca/sand1.jpg"
  719. // texture 0 "toca/ice1.jpg"
  720. // texture 0 "toca/oldwall.jpg"
  721. // texture 0 "toca/droppedceiling.jpg"
  722. // texture 0 "jamz/new_bricks_3.jpg"
  723. // texture 0 "makke/box_2_1.jpg"
  724. // texture 0 "boeufmironton/fence_rusty.jpg" // alternative texture for "fence_chainlink" mapmodels set
  725. mapsoundreset // Ambient sounds. Leave this command here, or else your sounds will mess up!
  726. mapsound "ambience/cavedrip.ogg" -1 // 0
  727. mapsound "ambience/distant_cars.ogg" -1 // 1
  728. mapsound "ambience/hum01.ogg" -1 // 2
  729. mapsound "ambience/hum02.ogg" -1 // 3
  730. mapsound "ambience/night_crickets.ogg" -1 // 4
  731. mapsound "ambience/water.ogg" -1 // 5
  732. mapsound "ambience/wind.ogg" -1 // 6
  733. mapsound "ambience/t_aircond.ogg" -1 // 7
  734. mapsound "ambience/t_compressor.ogg" -1 // 8
  735. mapsound "ambience/t_crow.ogg" -1 // 9
  736. mapsound "ambience/t_dogs01.ogg" -1 // 10
  737. mapsound "ambience/t_helicopter.ogg" -1 // 11
  738. mapsound "ambience/t_hum01.ogg" -1 // 12
  739. mapsound "ambience/t_hum02.ogg" -1 // 13
  740. mapsound "ambience/t_hum03.ogg" -1 // 14
  741. mapsound "ambience/t_hum04.ogg" -1 // 15
  742. mapsound "ambience/t_night_dog.ogg" -1 // 16
  743. mapsound "ambience/t_night01.ogg" -1 // 17
  744. mapsound "ambience/t_night02.ogg" -1 // 18
  745. mapsound "ambience/t_radio_comms.ogg" -1 // 19
  746. mapsound "ambience/t_radio_static.ogg" -1 // 20
  747. mapsound "ambience/t_satcoms.ogg" -1 // 21
  748. mapsound "ambience/t_sludge.ogg" -1 // 22
  749. mapsound "ambience/t_static01.ogg" -1 // 23
  750. mapsound "ambience/t_static02.ogg" -1 // 24
  751. mapsound "ambience/t_vent01.ogg" -1 // 25
  752. mapsound "ambience/t_vent02.ogg" -1 // 26
  753. mapsound "ambience/t_water_owl.ogg" -1 // 27
  754. mapsound "ambience/t_water01.ogg" -1 // 28
  755. mapsound "ambience/t_waterdrip.ogg" -1 // 29
  756. mapsound "ambience/t_wind.ogg" -1 // 30
  757. mapsound "ambience/t_waterpipe01.ogg" -1 // 31
  758. mapsound "ambience/t_waterpipe02.ogg" -1 // 32
  759. mapsound "ambience/warningalarm01.ogg" -1 // 33
  760. mapsound "ambience/t_gastank.ogg" -1 // 34
  761. mapsound "ambience/t_keyboard.ogg" 1 // 35 - For use with computer/keyboard mapmodels.
  762. mapsound "ambience/t_factory01.ogg" -1 // 36
  763. mapsound "ambience/t_vents.ogg" -1 // 37
  764. mapsound "ambience/t_waterfront.ogg" -1 // 38
  765. mapsound "ambience/t_generator.ogg" -1 // 39
  766. mapsound "ambience/t_electricbuzz.ogg" -1 // 40
  767. mapsound "ambience/t_alarm01.ogg" -1 // 41
  768. mapsound "ambience/flies.ogg" -1 // 42
  769. mapsound "ambience/deserthawk.ogg" -1 // 43
  770. mapsound "ambience/owl.ogg" -1 // 44
  771. mapsound "ambience/citynoisebirds.ogg" -1 // 45