1234567891011 |
- // Alternate edit binds
- echo "\f3Bound COMMA, F, H and K to the alternate edit functions. Reset keybinds to return to default binds"
- // Directional equalizing - look up to level the ceiling selection, look down to level the floor selection
- editbind COMMA [ if (= $flrceil 0) [ equalize 0 ] [ if (= $flrceil 2) [ equalize 2 ] ] ]
- editbind F [ if (countwalls 0) [ solid 0 ] [ solid 1 ] ] // Toggle solid/non-solid
- // Directional heightfielding - look up for toggle CHF/non-solid, look down for toggle FHF/non-solid
- editbind H [ if (= $flrceil 0) [ if (countwalls 2) [ solid 0 ] [ heightfield 0 ] ] [ if (= $flrceil 2) [ if (countwalls 3) [ solid 0 ] [ heightfield 2 ] ] ] ]
- editbind K [ if (countwalls 1) [ solid 0 ] corner ] // Toggle corner/non-solid