123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184 |
- // bot menus and tools
- newmenu botmaps
- const genbotmaps [
- looplist $arg1 listmapname [
- menuitemmapload $listmapname (concat "tmp_botmap =" $listmapname "; startbotmap")
- ]
- ]
- // problems with quite a number of maps when playing against bots (waypoints simply flooded) have lead to generating lists to avoid these
- //known issues on: (BTDM) ac_alcove ac_aqueous ac_avenue ac_coal ac_depot ac_kazemat ac_keller ac_outpost ac_power ac_shine ac_terros ac_urban
- const __bot_maps_all [ac_africa ac_arabian ac_arctic ac_arctic2 ac_arid ac_complex ac_desert ac_desert2 ac_desert3 ac_douze ac_dusk ac_edifice ac_elevation ac_gothic ac_industrial ac_ingress ac_lainio ac_lotus ac_mines ac_nocturne ac_origin ac_rampart ac_rattrap ac_scaffold ac_snow ac_stellar ac_sunset ac_swamp ac_toxic ac_venison ac_wasteland ac_werk]
- genbotmaps $__bot_maps_all
- tempalias tmp_botskill good
- tempalias tmp_numbots 1
- tempalias tmp_mode ""
- tempalias tmp_botmap ""
- tempalias tmp_isbotteammode 0
- // add bots
- const startbotmatch [
- if ($tmp_isbotteammode) [ // team botmode
- tempalias numrvsf (div $tmp_numbots 2)
- tempalias numcla (div $tmp_numbots 2)
- if (= (player1 team) 0) [ -= numcla 1 ] [
- if (= (player1 team) 1) [ -= numrvsf 1 ]
- ]
- if (&& (= $numrvsf $numcla) $needsswitch) [ -= numrvsf 1 ]
- addnbot $numrvsf RVSF $tmp_botskill
- addnbot $numcla CLA $tmp_botskill
- ] [ // bot FFA
- addnbot $tmp_numbots random $tmp_botskill
- ]
- ]
- const preparebotmatch [
- echo starting botmatch..
- tempalias needsswitch 0
- if (&& (!= (player1 team) 0) (!= (player1 team) 1)) [ needsswitch = 1; team RVSF ]
- // register event that is fired during mapload
- addOnLoadOnce [
- kickallbots
- startbotmatch // add bots
- mode 0 // reset mode for next maps
- ]
- mode $tmp_mode
- map $tmp_botmap $menuBotGameLength
- ]
- const afterdisconnect [
- if $connected [
- addOnLoadOnce $arg1
- disconnect
- ] [
- if (watchingdemo) [
- addOnLoadOnce $arg1
- stopdemo
- ] $arg1
- ]
- ]
- // register events and change map
- const startbotmap [ afterdisconnect preparebotmatch ]
- const emptymap [
- afterdisconnect [
- mode 0
- showmenu maps
- ]
- ]
- //// Main > Singleplayer ////
- newmenu singleplayer
- // teamplay not mature yet
- menuitem "Bot Team Deathmatch" [ tmp_mode = 7; tmp_isbotteammode = 1; showmenu botskill ]
- menuitem "Bot Deathmatch" [ tmp_mode = 8; tmp_isbotteammode = 0; showmenu botskill ]
- menuitem "Bot One Shot, One Kill" [ tmp_mode = 12; tmp_isbotteammode = 0; showmenu botskill ]
- menuitem "Bot Pistol Frenzy" [ tmp_mode = 18; tmp_isbotteammode = 0; showmenu botskill ]
- menuitem "Bot Last Swiss Standing" [ tmp_mode = 19; tmp_isbotteammode = 0; showmenu botskill ]
- menuitem "Bot Team Survivor" [ tmp_mode = 20; tmp_isbotteammode = 1; showmenu botskill ]
- menuitem "Bot Team One Shot, One Kill" [ tmp_mode = 21; tmp_isbotteammode = 1; showmenu botskill ]
- menuitem "Bot Survival" [ load_survival ; showmenu [Survival Mode] ]
- menuitem "" -1
- menuitem "Bot settings..." [ showmenu [Bot settings] ]
- menuitem "" -1
- menuitem "Empty map" emptymap
- menuitem "Search map..." [ showmenu [search map] ]
- searchmap = ""
- newmenu [search official map]
- menudirlist "packages/maps/official" cgz [map $arg1] 0 searchmap
- newmenu [search custom map]
- menurenderoffset -20 0
- menudirlist "packages/maps" cgz [map $arg1] 0 searchmap
- newmenu [search map]
- menuitemtextinput "Part of map name or description: " "result $searchmap" [ searchmap = $arg1 ]
- menuitem "\f2\t [ Search in official maps ]" [ showmenu [search official map] ]
- menuitem "\f2\t [ Search in custom maps ]" [ showmenu [search custom map] ]
- const showmenu_enemies [ if ($tmp_isbotteammode) [ showmenu [team enemies] ] [ showmenu enemies ] ]
- newmenu botskill
- menuitem Best [ tmp_botskill = best; showmenu_enemies ]
- menuitem "Good (default)" [ tmp_botskill = good; showmenu_enemies ]
- menuitem Medium [ tmp_botskill = medium; showmenu_enemies ]
- menuitem Worse [ tmp_botskill = worse; showmenu_enemies ]
- menuitem Bad [ tmp_botskill = bad; showmenu_enemies ]
- const genenemyitems [
- loop i (listlen $arg1) [
- numplayers = (at $arg1 $i)
- if (= $arg2 0) [ // DM
- -= numplayers 1 // don't count yourself as enemy
- menutext = (concat (+ $numplayers 1) players)
- ] [ // TDM
- teamsize = (div $numplayers 2)
- menutext = (concatword $teamsize vs $teamsize)
- ]
- menuitem $menutext (concat [tmp_numbots =] $numplayers [; showmenu botmaps])
- ]
- ]
- newmenu enemies
- genenemyitems [2 4 8 12 16 24 32] 0
- newmenu [team enemies]
- genenemyitems [4 8 12 16 24 32] 1
- newmenu [Bot settings]
- menuitemslider "Bot match length in minutes: " 1 60 "$menuBotGameLength" 1 [ menuBotGameLength = $arg1 ]
- menuitemcheckbox "Idle bots?" "(idlebots 2)" [ idlebots $arg1 ]
- menuitemcheckbox "Bots attack?" "(botsshoot 2)" [ botsshoot $arg1 ]
- newmenu [Creating bot waypoints]
- menuitem "Waypoints..." [ showmenu Waypoints ]
- menuitem "Paths..." [ showmenu Paths ]
- menuitem "Other operations..." [ showmenu [Other bot operations] ]
- menuitem "" -1
- menuitem "Flood map with waypoints" wpflood
- menuitem "Save bot waypoints" wpsave
- newmenu Waypoints
- menuitem "Add a waypoint" [ addwp 0 ]
- menuitem "Add auto-connecting waypoint" [ addwp 1 ]
- menuitem "" -1
- menuitem "Delete nearest waypoint" delwp
- menuitem "Delete all waypoints" [ showmenu [Delete all waypoints] ]
- newmenu Paths
- menuitem "Create Start of 2-way path" addpath2way1
- menuitem "Create End of 2-way path" addpath2way2
- menuitem "Delete Start of 2-way path" delpath2way1
- menuitem "Delete End of 2-way path" delpath2way2
- menuitem "" -1
- menuitem "Create Start of 1-way path" addpath1way1
- menuitem "Create End of 1-way path" addpath1way2
- menuitem "Delete Start of 1-way path" delpath1way1
- menuitem "Delete End of 1-way path" delpath1way2
- newmenu [Other bot operations]
- menuitem "Set waypoint as jumpable" setjumpwp
- menuitem "Unset waypoint as jumpable" unsetjumpwp
- menuitem "Set waypoint direction (yaw)" setwpyaw
- menuitem "" -1
- menuitemslider "Waypoint visibility: " 0 1 [ ] ["Hide waypoints" "Show waypoints"] [ wpvisible $arg1 ]
- menuitemslider "Select/place waypoints by: " 0 1 "($xhairwpsel)" ["Your current location" "Clicking a point on the grid"] [ xhairwpsel $arg1 ]
- newmenu [Delete all waypoints]
- menuinit [ delallwps = 0 ] // Ensures this menu works correctly.
- menuitemcheckbox "Yes, delete all waypoints: " [delallwps = 1] [delallwps = $arg1]
- menuitem "\f2\t\t Apply!" [ if $delallwps wpclear [ showmenu [] ] ]