123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393 |
- # Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
- EAPI=8
- inherit cmake flag-o-matic virtualx
- DESCRIPTION="Development platform for CAD/CAE, 3D surface/solid modeling and data exchange"
- HOMEPAGE="https://www.opencascade.com"
- MY_TEST_PV="7.8.0"
- MY_TEST_PV2="${MY_TEST_PV//./_}"
- test? ( https://github.com/Open-Cascade-SAS/${MY_PN}/releases/download/V${MY_TEST_PV2}/${PN}-dataset-${MY_TEST_PV}.tar.xz )
- "
- if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/Open-Cascade-SAS/${MY_PN}.git"
- else
- MY_PV="${PV//./_}"
- SRC_URI+="
- https://github.com/Open-Cascade-SAS/${MY_PN}/archive/refs/tags/V${MY_PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
- "
- S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_PN}-${MY_PV}"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~riscv ~x86"
- fi
- LICENSE="|| ( Open-CASCADE-LGPL-2.1-Exception-1.0 LGPL-2.1 )"
- SLOT="0/$(ver_cut 1-2)"
- IUSE="X debug doc draco examples ffmpeg freeimage freetype gles2-only inspector jemalloc json +opengl optimize tbb test testprograms tk vtk"
- ?? ( optimize tbb )
- ?? ( opengl gles2-only )
- test? ( freeimage json opengl )
- "
- # There's no easy way to test. Testing needs a rather big environment properly set up.
- RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- # ffmpeg: https://tracker.dev.opencascade.org/view.php?id=32871
- dev-lang/tcl:=
- tk? ( dev-lang/tk:= )
- dev-libs/double-conversion
- draco? (
- media-libs/draco
- )
- freetype? (
- media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype:2
- )
- gles2-only? (
- media-libs/libglvnd
- )
- opengl? (
- media-libs/libglvnd[X]
- )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libX11
- )
- examples? (
- dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtquickcontrols2:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
- dev-qt/qtxml:5
- )
- ffmpeg? ( <media-video/ffmpeg-5:= )
- freeimage? ( media-libs/freeimage )
- inspector? (
- dev-qt/qtcore:6
- dev-qt/qtgui:6
- dev-qt/qtquickcontrols2:6
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:6
- dev-qt/qtxml:6
- )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc )
- tbb? ( dev-cpp/tbb:= )
- vtk? (
- dev-lang/tk:=
- sci-libs/vtk:=[rendering]
- tbb? (
- sci-libs/vtk:=[tbb,-cuda]
- )
- )
- "
- X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )
- json? ( dev-libs/rapidjson )
- "
- doc? ( app-text/doxygen[dot] )
- inspector? (
- dev-qt/linguist-tools:6
- )
- test? ( dev-tcltk/thread )
- "
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.5.1-0005-fix-write-permissions-on-scripts.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.5.1-0006-fix-creation-of-custom.sh-script.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.7.0-fix-installation-of-cmake-config-files.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.7.0-avoid-pre-stripping-binaries.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.7.0-musl.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.7.0-tbb-detection.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.7.0-jemalloc-lib-type.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.0-cmake-min-version.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.0-tests.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.0-jemalloc-noexcept.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.1-vtk_components.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.1-wayland-support.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.1-freetype-const.patch"
- #"${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.2-avoid-pre-stripping-binaries.patch"
- #"${FILESDIR}/${PN}-7.8.2-jemalloc-lib-type.patch"
- )
- src_unpack() {
- if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]] ; then
- git-r3_src_unpack
- else
- unpack "${P}.tar.gz"
- fi
- if use test; then
- mkdir "${WORKDIR}/data"
- pushd "${WORKDIR}/data" > /dev/null || die
- # should be in paths indicated by CSF_TestDataPath environment variable,
- # or in subfolder data in the script directory
- unpack "${PN}-dataset-${MY_TEST_PV}.tar.xz"
- popd > /dev/null || die
- fi
- }
- src_prepare() {
- cmake_src_prepare
- sed -e 's|/lib\$|/'"$(get_libdir)"'\$|' \
- -i adm/templates/OpenCASCADEConfig.cmake.in || die
- # There is an OCCT_UPDATE_TARGET_FILE cmake macro that fails due to some
- # assumptions it makes about installation paths. Rather than fixing it, just
- # get rid of the mechanism altogether - its purpose is to allow a
- # side-by-side installation of release and debug libraries.
- sed -e 's|\\${OCCT_INSTALL_BIN_LETTER}||' \
- -i adm/cmake/occt_toolkit.cmake || die
- }
- src_configure() {
- # -Werror=odr
- # https://bugs.gentoo.org/862912
- # https://tracker.dev.opencascade.org/view.php?id=33091
- filter-lto
- local mycmakeargs=(
- -DBUILD_DOC_Overview="$(usex doc)"
- -DBUILD_Inspector="$(usex inspector)"
- # -DBUILD_OPT_PROFILE="Default" # Production
- -DINSTALL_DIR_BIN="$(get_libdir)/${PN}/bin"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_CMAKE="$(get_libdir)/cmake/${PN}"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_DATA="share/${PN}/data"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_DOC="share/doc/${PF}"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_LIB="$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_RESOURCE="share/${PN}/resources"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_SAMPLES="share/${PN}/samples"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_SCRIPT="$(get_libdir)/${PN}/bin"
- -DINSTALL_DIR_TESTS="share/${PN}/tests"
- -DINSTALL_SAMPLES="$(usex examples)"
- -DINSTALL_TEST_CASES="$(usex testprograms)"
- # no package yet in tree
- -DUSE_DRACO="$(usex draco)"
- -DUSE_FFMPEG="$(usex ffmpeg)"
- -DUSE_FREEIMAGE="$(usex freeimage)"
- -DUSE_FREETYPE="$(usex freetype)"
- # Indicates whether OpenGL ES 2.0 should be used in OCCT visualization module
- -DUSE_GLES2="$(usex gles2-only)"
- # Indicates whether OpenGL desktop should be used in OCCT visualization module
- -DUSE_OPENGL="$(usex opengl)"
- # no package in tree
- -DUSE_RAPIDJSON="$(usex json)"
- -DUSE_TBB="$(usex tbb)"
- -DUSE_TK="$(usex tk)"
- -DUSE_VTK="$(usex vtk)"
- -DUSE_XLIB="$(usex X)"
- )
- if use draco; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -D3RDPARTY_DRACO_INCLUDE_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/include/draco"
- )
- fi
- # Select using memory manager tool.
- if ! use jemalloc && ! use tbb; then
- mycmakeargs+=( -DUSE_MMGR_TYPE=NATIVE )
- elif use jemalloc && ! use tbb; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -D3RDPARTY_JEMALLOC_INCLUDE_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/include/jemalloc"
- )
- elif ! use jemalloc && use tbb; then
- mycmakeargs+=( -DUSE_MMGR_TYPE=TBB )
- elif use jemalloc && use tbb; then
- mycmakeargs+=( -DUSE_MMGR_TYPE=FLEXIBLE )
- fi
- if use doc; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -DINSTALL_DOC_Overview="yes"
- )
- fi
- if use examples || use inspector; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -DBUILD_SAMPLES_QT="$(usex examples)"
- )
- fi
- if use tbb; then
- mycmakeargs+=(
- )
- fi
- if use vtk; then
- local vtk_ver
- vtk_ver="$(best_version "sci-libs/vtk")"
- vtk_ver=$(ver_cut 1-2 "${vtk_ver#sci-libs/vtk-}")
- mycmakeargs+=(
- -D3RDPARTY_VTK_INCLUDE_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/include/vtk-${vtk_ver}"
- -D3RDPARTY_VTK_LIBRARY_DIR="${ESYSROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
- )
- fi
- cmake_src_configure
- sed -e "s|lib/|$(get_libdir)/|" \
- -e "s|VAR_CASROOT|${EPREFIX}/usr|" \
- < "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.env.in" > "${T}/99${PN}" || die
- # use TBB for memory allocation optimizations
- if use tbb; then
- sed -e 's|^#MMGT_OPT=0$|MMGT_OPT=2|' -i "${T}/99${PN}" || die
- fi
- # use internal optimized memory manager and don't clear memory with this
- # memory manager.
- if use optimize ; then
- sed -e 's|^#MMGT_OPT=0$|MMGT_OPT=1|' \
- -e 's|^#MMGT_CLEAR=1$|MMGT_CLEAR=0|' \
- -i "${T}/99${PN}" || die
- fi
- }
- src_test() {
- echo "export CSF_OCCTDataPath=${WORKDIR}/data" >> "${BUILD_DIR}/custom.sh" || die
- if has_version media-fonts/dejavu; then
- cp "${ESYSROOT}/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf" "${WORKDIR}/data/" # no die here as this isn't fatal
- fi
- local test_file=${T}/testscript.tcl
- local draw_opts=(
- i # see ${BUILD_DIR}/custom*.sh
- # -b # batch mode (no GUI, no viewers)
- -v # no GUI, use virtual (off-screen) windows for viewers
- )
- local test_names=(
- "demo draw bug30430" # prone to dying due to cpu limit
- )
- local test_opts=( # run single tests
- -overwrite
- )
- for test_name in "${test_names[@]}"; do
- cat >> "${test_file}" <<- _EOF_ || die
- test ${test_name} -outfile "${BUILD_DIR}/test_results/${test_name// /\/}.html" ${test_opts[@]}
- _EOF_
- done
- local testgrid_opts=()
- local SKIP_TESTS=()
- if [[ "${OCCT_OPTIONAL_TESTS}" != "true" ]]; then
- 'blend complex F4'
- 'bugs'
- 'geometry circ2d3Tan '{CircleCircleLin_11,CircleLinPoint_11}
- 'heal checkshape bug32448_1'
- 'hlr exact_hlr bug25813_2'
- 'hlr poly_hlr '{bug25813_2,bug25813_3,bug25813_4,Plate}
- 'lowalgos intss bug'{565,567_1,25950,27431,29807_i1003,29807_i2006,29807_i3003,29807_i5002,30703}
- 'lowalgos proximity '{A4,A5}
- 'opengl background bug27836'
- 'opengl drivers opengles'
- 'opengles3'
- 'demo draw bug30430'
- )
- local DEL_TESTS=(
- 'opengl/data/background/bug27836'
- 'perf/mesh/bug26965'
- 'v3d/trsf/bug26029'
- )
- for test in "${DEL_TESTS[@]}"; do
- rm "${CMAKE_USE_DIR}/tests/${test}" || die
- done
- fi
- if ! use vtk; then
- 'vtk'
- )
- echo "IGNORE /Could not open: libTKIVtkDraw/skip VTK" >> "${CMAKE_USE_DIR}/tests/opengl/parse.rules"
- fi
- if [[ -n "${SKIP_TESTS[*]}" ]]; then
- testgrid_opts+=( -exclude "$(IFS=',' ; echo "${SKIP_TESTS[*]}")" )
- fi
- testgrid_opts+=(
- # -refresh 5
- -overwrite
- )
- cat >> "${test_file}" <<- _EOF_ || die
- testgrid -outdir "${BUILD_DIR}/test_results" ${testgrid_opts[@]}
- _EOF_
- # # regenerate summary in case we have to
- # cat >> "${test_file}" <<- _EOF_ || die
- # testsummarize "${BUILD_DIR}/test_results"
- # _EOF_
- # Work around zink warnings
- export CASROOT="${BUILD_DIR}"
- virtx \
- "${BUILD_DIR}/draw.sh" \
- "${draw_opts[@]}" \
- -f "${test_file}"
- if [[ ! -f "${BUILD_DIR}/test_results/tests.log" ]]; then
- eerror "tests never ran!"
- die
- fi
- failed_tests="$(grep ": FAILED" "${BUILD_DIR}/test_results/tests.log")"
- if [[ -n ${failed_tests} ]]; then
- eerror "Failed tests:"
- eerror "${failed_tests}"
- die
- fi
- }
- src_install() {
- cmake_src_install
- doenvd "${T}/99${PN}"
- docompress -x "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/overview/html"
- }