first-thoughts.tex 1.5 KB

  1. \documentclass[ignorenonframetext,aspectratio=169]{beamer}
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  14. \title{Libre Society: First Thoughts}
  15. \subtitle{A Mathematical, Non-corruptable, Algorithmic, Democratic and Free System of Government and Society}
  16. \author{Andrew Yu}
  17. \begin{document}
  18. \begin{frame}
  19. \maketitle
  20. \end{frame}
  21. \begin{frame}{Whom this Presentation is for}
  22. \begin{itemize}
  23. \item People who understand the free software movement, and would like to see this kind of freedom elsewhere (society in general);
  24. \item People who are fed up with the inefficiency and repeated corruption of modern governments.
  25. \end{itemize}
  26. \end{frame}
  27. \section{Introduction}
  28. \begin{frame}{The Island Idea}
  29. \begin{enumerate}
  30. \item Heated discussion in \texttt{\#fsf} on Capitalist issues;
  31. \end{enumerate}
  32. \end{frame}
  33. \section{Issues and Key Points}
  34. \begin{frame}{Unreliable Humans}
  35. \begin{itemize}
  36. \item Psychology intrinsically unstable;
  37. \item Personal interests.
  38. \end{itemize}
  39. $\Downarrow$
  40. Don't trust any single interest entity.
  41. \end{frame}
  42. \end{document}