title: "The Big Picture" slug: the-big-picture src: /templates/the-big-picture categories: landing-page description: "An artistic, full page image background Bootstrap template with a fixed bottom navigation bar" bump: "A starter portfolio template" img-thumbnail: /assets/img/screenshots/templates/the-big-picture.jpg img-full: /assets/img/screenshots/templates/the-big-picture.png img-desc: "Free Bootstrap Portfolio Template" layout: overview-theme type: template rank: 19
migrated: true
version: 4.2.2 bootstrap: 4.5.0 updated: 2020-06-19
meta-title: "The Big Picture - Full Page Image Bootstrap Template" meta-description: "An artistic, full page image background Bootstrap template with a fixed bottom navigation bar. All Start Bootstrap templates are free to download and open source."
long-description: "The Big Picture is an artistic, full screen background image template with a fixed bottom footer."