2018-06-15-registration-page.md 909 B

title: "Bootstrap Registration Page with Floating Labels" slug: registration-page src: /snippets/registration-page description: "A responsive Bootstrap 4 registration page with floating form labels and social sign up buttons" bump: "Registration Page with Floating Form Labels and Splash Image" img-thumbnail: /assets/img/screenshots/snippets/registration-page.jpg img-desc: "Bootstrap 4 Login Screen with CSS Only Floating Form Labels and Social Logins" layout: overview-snippet type: snippet

rank: 9


  • Bootstrap 4.3.1
  • Font Awesome 5.8.2

updated: 2019-05-08

jsfiddle-id: "1nu8g6e5"

meta-title: "Bootstrap 4 Login Page Snippet"

meta-description: "A CSS only responsive Bootstrap 4 pricing table snippet with hover effects, custom buttons, and Font Awesome icons."