2 лет назад | |
Screenshots | 2 лет назад | |
autoload | 2 лет назад | |
general | 2 лет назад | |
keys | 2 лет назад | |
lua | 2 лет назад | |
plug-config | 2 лет назад | |
themes | 2 лет назад | |
vim-plug | 2 лет назад | |
.gitignore | 2 лет назад | |
README.md | 2 лет назад | |
REFERENCES.md | 2 лет назад | |
coc-settings.json | 2 лет назад | |
init.vim | 2 лет назад |
The plugin manager is vim-plug If vim-plug is't installed it will be installed automatically.
The plugins list in vim-plug/plugins.vim, and the plugns configs in plug-config directory.
Keybindings | Function/command | Discription |
alt + j | :resize -2 |
Decrease the window size horizontally |
alt + k | :resize +2 |
Increase the window size horizontally |
alt + h | :vertical resize -2 |
Decrease the window size vertically |
alt + l | :vertical resize +2 |
Increase the window size vertically |
jk or kj (fast) | <Esc> |
Escape |
ctrl + u | <ESC>viwUi or viwU<Esc> |
Cap and uncap (Easy CAPS) |
TAB | :bnext |
Move to the next buffer |
Shift + TAB | :bprevious |
Move to the previous buffer |
ctrl + s | :w |
Write the changes (save) |
ctrl + q | :wq! |
Write the changes and quit |
ctrl + c | <Esc> |
Escape |
ctrl + h | <C-w>h |
Navigate to the left window |
ctrl + j | <C-w>j |
Navigate to the right window |
ctrl + k | <C-w>k |
Navigate to the top window |
ctrl + j | <C-w>j |
Navigate to the bottom window |
leader + o | o<Esc>^Da or O<Esc>^Da |
Open fuzzy finedr |
leader + r | :RnvimrToggle |
Open ranger |
ctrl + f | :Files |
Open Files fuzzy finder |
leader + b | :Buffers |
Open buffers fuzzy finder |
leader + g | :Rg |
Open Ripgrep fuzzy finder |
leader + t | :Tags |
Open tags fuzzy finder |
leader + m | :Marks |
Open marks fuzzy finder |
gf | n/a | Open the hover symlink |
ctrl + o | n/a | Restory the buffers |
leader + gj | <plug>(signify-next-hunk) |
Jump to the next hunk |
leader + gk | <plug>(signify-prev-hunk) |
Jump to the previous hunk |
<F6> | let mouse=a or let mouse= |
Enables and disable the mouse |