Нет описания https://github.com/anas-elgarhy/cmus-rpc

Anas Elgarhy 9becb9fadc Down jdk from 18 to 17 and down lang level to 14 2 лет назад
.idea 9becb9fadc Down jdk from 18 to 17 and down lang level to 14 2 лет назад
Screenshots bc3e77caf1 [ImgBot] Optimize images 2 лет назад
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src 75748e6fe1 Fix parse cmus out error 😆 2 лет назад
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CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md bb81c1922e Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 2 лет назад
Config.md bc38788d77 Add config doc :P 2 лет назад
LICENSE.txt 86e6b25c22 Add MIT license 2 лет назад
README.md ef9f68f475 Add a few badges 💙 2 лет назад
pom.xml 9becb9fadc Down jdk from 18 to 17 and down lang level to 14 2 лет назад


JCMUSIntegrationWithDiscord - A Discord integration for CMUS

I know the name is terrible but that's where I'm at right now :P

Lines of Code Quality Gate Status Technical Debt Reliability Rating Vulnerabilities Bugs Security Rating Maintainability Rating Code Smells

Codacy Badge CodeFactor wakatime

image 1 image 2 image 3 image 4 image 5


java -jar JCmusIntegrationWithDiscord.jar [Option] [value] [Option] [value] ...


Option Description Values
-h or --help Show the help -
-v or --version Show the version -
-d or --debug Debug mode -
-l or --link Linking with cmus (close the program if cmus is not running) -
-c or --config Set custom path to config file Path to config file .json
-i or --interval Set interval between checks interval time (seconds)
-s or --sleep Set sleep when there is no activity sleep time (seconds)
-p1f or --partOneFormat Set the format for the first part Format for first part
-p2f or --partTowFormat Set the format for the second part Format for second part


java -jar JCmusIntegrationWithDiscord.jar -p1f %title%
java -jar JCmusIntegrationWithDiscord.jar -p1f "%artist% - %title%" -p2f "%album% - %date%"
java -jar JCmusIntegrationWithDiscord.jar -p1f "Anas listening to %title%" -p2f "From %artist%"

How to do auto run when you start the cmus

  • Put the following in your shellrc file e.g. .bashrc or .zshrc bash alias JCmusIntegrationWithDiscord = '/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-18/bin/java -jar path/to/jar/JCmusIntegrationWithDiscord.jar' alias cmus = 'JCmusIntegrationWithDiscord --link &>/dev/null & cmus'

I use

Quality gate


License MIT