123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496 |
- """DWC Network Server Emulator
- Copyright (C) 2014 SMTDDR
- Copyright (C) 2014 kyle95wm
- Copyright (C) 2014 AdmiralCurtiss
- Copyright (C) 2015 Sepalani
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- from twisted.web import server, resource
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- from twisted.internet.error import ReactorAlreadyRunning
- import base64
- import codecs
- import sqlite3
- import collections
- import json
- import os.path
- import logging
- import other.utils as utils
- import gamespy.gs_utility as gs_utils
- import dwc_config
- logger = dwc_config.get_logger('AdminPage')
- _, port = dwc_config.get_ip_port('AdminPage')
- # Example of adminpageconf.json
- #
- # {"username":"admin","password":"opensesame"}
- #
- # NOTE: Must use double-quotes or json module will fail
- # NOTE2: Do not check the .json file into public git!
- adminpageconf = None
- admin_username = None
- admin_password = None
- if os.path.exists('adminpageconf.json'):
- try:
- adminpageconf = json.loads(file('adminpageconf.json').read().strip())
- admin_username = str(adminpageconf['username'])
- admin_password = str(adminpageconf['password'])
- except Exception as e:
- logger.log(logging.WARNING,
- "Couldn't read adminpageconf.json. "
- "Admin page will not be available.")
- logger.log(logging.WARNING, str(e))
- adminpageconf = None
- admin_username = None
- admin_password = None
- else:
- logger.log(logging.INFO,
- "adminpageconf.json not found. "
- "Admin page will not be available.")
- class AdminPage(resource.Resource):
- isLeaf = True
- def __init__(self, adminpage):
- self.adminpage = adminpage
- def get_header(self, title=None):
- if not title:
- title = 'AltWfc Admin Page'
- s = """
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>%s</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p>
- %s | %s | %s
- </p>
- """ % (title,
- '<a href="/banhammer">All Users</a>',
- '<a href="/consoles">Consoles</a>',
- '<a href="/banlist">Active Bans</a>')
- return s
- def get_footer(self):
- s = """
- </body>
- </html>
- """
- return s
- def is_authorized(self, request):
- is_auth = False
- response_code = 401
- error_message = "Authorization required!"
- address = request.getClientIP()
- try:
- expected_auth = base64.encodestring(
- admin_username + ":" + admin_password
- ).strip()
- actual_auth = request.getAllHeaders()['authorization'] \
- .replace("Basic ", "") \
- .strip()
- if actual_auth == expected_auth:
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s Auth Success", address)
- is_auth = True
- except Exception as e:
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s Auth Error: %s", address, str(e))
- if not is_auth:
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s Auth Failure", address)
- request.setResponseCode(response_code)
- request.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="ALTWFC"')
- request.write(error_message)
- return is_auth
- def update_banlist(self, request):
- address = request.getClientIP()
- dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
- gameid = request.args['gameid'][0].upper().strip()
- ipaddr = request.args['ipaddr'][0].strip()
- actiontype = request.args['action'][0]
- if not gameid.isalnum():
- request.setResponseCode(500)
- logger.log(logging.INFO,
- "%s Bad data %s %s",
- address, gameid, ipaddr)
- return "Bad data"
- # This strips the region identifier from game IDs, not sure if this
- # actually always accurate but limited testing suggests it is
- if len(gameid) > 3:
- gameid = gameid[:-1]
- if actiontype == 'ban':
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'INSERT INTO banned VALUES(?,?)',
- (gameid, ipaddr)
- )
- responsedata = "Added gameid=%s, ipaddr=%s" % (gameid, ipaddr)
- else:
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'DELETE FROM banned WHERE gameid=? AND ipaddr=?',
- (gameid, ipaddr)
- )
- responsedata = "Removed gameid=%s, ipaddr=%s" % (gameid, ipaddr)
- dbconn.commit()
- dbconn.close()
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s %s", address, responsedata)
- request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- referer = request.getHeader('referer')
- if not referer:
- referer = "/banhammer"
- request.setHeader("Location", referer)
- request.setResponseCode(303)
- return responsedata
- def update_consolelist(self, request):
- address = request.getClientIP()
- dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
- macadr = request.args['macadr'][0].strip()
- actiontype = request.args['action'][0]
- if not macadr.isalnum():
- request.setResponseCode(500)
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s Bad data %s", address, macadr)
- return "Bad data"
- if actiontype == 'add':
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'INSERT INTO pending VALUES(?)',
- (macadr,)
- )
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'INSERT INTO registered VALUES(?)',
- (macadr,)
- )
- responsedata = "Added macadr=%s" % (macadr)
- elif actiontype == 'activate':
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'INSERT INTO registered VALUES(?)',
- (macadr,)
- )
- responsedata = "Activated console belonging to %s" % (macadr)
- else:
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'DELETE FROM pending WHERE macadr=?',
- (macadr,)
- )
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'DELETE FROM registered WHERE macadr=?',
- (macadr,)
- )
- responsedata = "Removed macadr=%s" % (macadr)
- dbconn.commit()
- dbconn.close()
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s %s", address, responsedata)
- request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- request.setHeader("Location", "/consoles")
- referer = request.getHeader('referer')
- request.setResponseCode(303)
- if not referer:
- referer = "/banhammer"
- request.setHeader("Location", referer)
- request.setResponseCode(303)
- return responsedata
- def render_banlist(self, request):
- address = request.getClientIP()
- dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s Viewed banlist", address)
- responsedata = """
- <a href="http://%%20:%%20@%s">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>
- <table border='1'>
- <tr>
- <td>gameid</td>
- <td>ipAddr</td>
- </tr>""" % (request.getHeader('host'))
- for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM banned"):
- gameid = str(row[0])
- ipaddr = str(row[1])
- # TODO: Use .format()/positional arguments
- responsedata += """
- <tr>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>
- <form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='action' value='unban'>
- <input type='submit' value='----- UNBAN -----'>
- </form>
- </td>
- </tr>""" % (gameid, ipaddr, gameid, ipaddr)
- responsedata += "</table>"
- dbconn.close()
- request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- return responsedata
- def render_not_available(self, request):
- request.setResponseCode(403)
- request.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="ALTWFC"')
- request.write('No admin credentials set. Admin page is not available.')
- def render_blacklist(self, request):
- sqlstatement = """
- SELECT users.profileid, enabled, data, users.gameid, console,
- users.userid
- FROM nas_logins
- INNER JOIN users
- ON users.userid = nas_logins.userid
- SELECT max(profileid) newestpid, userid, gameid, devname
- FROM users
- GROUP BY userid, gameid
- ) ij
- ON ij.userid = users.userid
- AND users.profileid = ij.newestpid
- ORDER BY users.gameid"""
- dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
- banned_list = []
- for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM BANNED"):
- banned_list.append(str(row[0])+":"+str(row[1]))
- responsedata = """
- <a href="http://%%20:%%20@%s">[CLICK HERE TO LOG OUT]</a>
- <br><br>
- <table border='1'>"
- <tr>
- <td>ingamesn or devname</td>
- <td>gameid</td>
- <td>Enabled</td>
- <td>newest dwc_pid</td>"
- <td>gsbrcd</td>
- <td>userid</td>
- <td>ipAddr</td>
- </tr>""" % request.getHeader('host')
- for row in dbconn.cursor().execute(sqlstatement):
- dwc_pid = str(row[0])
- enabled = str(row[1])
- nasdata = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '', json.loads(row[2]))
- gameid = str(row[3])
- is_console = int(str(row[4]))
- userid = str(row[5])
- gsbrcd = str(nasdata['gsbrcd'])
- ipaddr = str(nasdata['ipaddr'])
- ingamesn = ''
- if 'ingamesn' in nasdata:
- ingamesn = str(nasdata['ingamesn'])
- elif 'devname' in nasdata:
- ingamesn = str(nasdata['devname'])
- if ingamesn:
- ingamesn = gs_utils.base64_decode(ingamesn)
- if is_console:
- ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_be_decode(ingamesn)[0]
- else:
- ingamesn = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(ingamesn)[0]
- else:
- ingamesn = '[NOT AVAILABLE]'
- responsedata += """
- <tr>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>%s</td>
- """ % (ingamesn,
- gameid,
- enabled,
- dwc_pid,
- gsbrcd,
- userid,
- ipaddr)
- if gameid[:-1] + ":" + ipaddr in banned_list:
- responsedata += """
- <td>
- <form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='action' value='unban'>
- <input type='submit' value='----- unban -----'>
- </form>
- </td>
- </tr>""" % (gameid, ipaddr)
- else:
- responsedata += """
- <td>
- <form action='updatebanlist' method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='ipaddr' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='action' value='ban'>
- <input type='submit' value='Ban'>
- </form>
- </td>
- </tr>
- """ % (gameid, ipaddr)
- responsedata += "</table>"
- dbconn.close()
- request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- return responsedata.encode('utf-8')
- def enable_disable_user(self, request, enable=True):
- address = request.getClientIP()
- responsedata = ""
- userid = request.args['userid'][0]
- gameid = request.args['gameid'][0].upper()
- ingamesn = request.args['ingamesn'][0]
- if not userid.isdigit() or not gameid.isalnum():
- logger.log(logging.INFO,
- "%s Bad data %s %s",
- address, userid, gameid)
- return "Bad data"
- dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
- if enable:
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'UPDATE users SET enabled=1 '
- 'WHERE gameid=? AND userid=?',
- (gameid, userid)
- )
- responsedata = "Enabled %s with gameid=%s, userid=%s" % \
- (ingamesn, gameid, userid)
- else:
- dbconn.cursor().execute(
- 'UPDATE users SET enabled=0 '
- 'WHERE gameid=? AND userid=?',
- (gameid, userid)
- )
- responsedata = "Disabled %s with gameid=%s, userid=%s" % \
- (ingamesn, gameid, userid)
- dbconn.commit()
- dbconn.close()
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s %s", address, responsedata)
- request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- request.setHeader("Location", "/banhammer")
- request.setResponseCode(303)
- return responsedata
- def render_consolelist(self, request):
- address = request.getClientIP()
- dbconn = sqlite3.connect('gpcm.db')
- active_list = []
- for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM REGISTERED"):
- active_list.append(str(row[0]))
- logger.log(logging.INFO, "%s Viewed console list", address)
- responsedata = (
- '<a href="http://%20:%20@' + request.getHeader('host') +
- "<form action='updateconsolelist' method='POST'>"
- "macadr:<input type='text' name='macadr'>\r\n"
- "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='add'>\r\n"
- "<input type='submit' value='Register and activate console'>"
- "</form>\r\n"
- "<table border='1'>"
- "<tr><td>macadr</td></tr>\r\n"
- )
- for row in dbconn.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM pending"):
- macadr = str(row[0])
- if macadr in active_list:
- responsedata += """
- <tr>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>
- <form action='updateconsolelist' method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='macadr' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='action' value='remove'>
- <input type='submit' value='Un-register console'>
- </form>
- </td>
- </tr>""" % (macadr, macadr)
- else:
- responsedata += """
- <tr>
- <td>%s</td>
- <td>
- <form action='updateconsolelist' method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='macadr' value='%s'>
- <input type='hidden' name='action' value='activate'>
- <input type='submit' value='Activate console'>
- </form>
- </td>
- </tr>""" % (macadr, macadr)
- responsedata += "</table>"
- dbconn.close()
- request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- return responsedata
- def render_GET(self, request):
- if not adminpageconf:
- self.render_not_available(request)
- return ""
- if not self.is_authorized(request):
- return ""
- title = None
- response = ''
- if request.path == "/banlist":
- title = 'AltWfc Banned Users'
- response = self.render_banlist(request)
- elif request.path == "/banhammer":
- title = 'AltWfc Users'
- response = self.render_blacklist(request)
- elif request.path == "/consoles":
- title = "AltWfc Console List"
- response = self.render_consolelist(request)
- return self.get_header(title) + response + self.get_footer()
- def render_POST(self, request):
- if not adminpageconf:
- self.render_not_available(request)
- return ""
- if not self.is_authorized(request):
- return ""
- if request.path == "/updatebanlist":
- return self.update_banlist(request)
- if request.path == "/updateconsolelist":
- return self.update_consolelist(request)
- else:
- return self.get_header() + self.get_footer()
- class AdminPageServer(object):
- def start(self):
- site = server.Site(AdminPage(self))
- reactor.listenTCP(port, site)
- logger.log(logging.INFO,
- "Now listening for connections on port %d...",
- port)
- try:
- if not reactor.running:
- reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=0)
- except ReactorAlreadyRunning:
- pass
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- AdminPageServer().start()