irc log recorder is irc bot to Watching Everything that happens in the irc channel and record it in log and its have web server To enable users to access the logs from Web Browser and telnet
9 місяців тому | |
etc | 7 роки тому | |
src | 8 роки тому | |
LICENSE | 9 роки тому | | | 9 місяців тому | |
install | 9 роки тому |
this project has been archived and migrated to codeberg. To access the project on codeberg,
irc log recorder is irc bot to Watching Everything that happens in the irc channel and record it in log.
and its have web server To enable users to access the logs from Web Browser and telnet.
1- you nede install golang to build it.
Installing golang:
In rpm distributions:
You can quickly install golang on your os through the command line interface with:
sudo dnf -y install golang
Installing golang in deb distributions:
You can quickly install golang on your os through the command line interface with:
sudo apt-get install golang
Installing golang in Arch distribution:
You can quickly install golang on your os through the command line interface with:
sudo pacman -S golang
2- Download the program from this link: then extract it ( in home folder recomended ).
or if you have git run this command from terminal :
git clone
then go to program folder by typing:
cd irc-log-recorder
then type:
chmod +x install
sudo ./install
to config the programme
open /etc/ircconfig.txt as root sudo nano /etc/ircconfig.txt
replace urukbot with your bot web page
replace with your server host if your host is local Type http://localhost/
replace 8080 with your server port You want your bot listen to it
replace myserver:444 with your irc server and port
replace myname with your bot name replace myuser with your bot user name
replace mypassword with your bot password
replace #emacs with your irc channel
then save the file
now you can run the bot type irl to run it
and You can reach the log from http://yourip:8080
replace yourip with your Computer IP
and if you have good Internet you can make all the world se the log by link your ip with domain
All efforts have been made to ensure the smooth and correct running of this application. If you find that irc log recorder is behaving abnormaly though, there are 3 options :
1) Turn it off and run away. Not an option I would advise.
2) Write a harsh comment that says how this app is a pile of **** and you can't believe I even dared to waste your time.. Again, not a great option, but it does make me laugh when I read some of the stuff.. :-)
3) Send me a short email with error type and any other information you think is relevant, and I'll fix it. Jackpot.
When I find a bug, I crush it. If I don't find it, and you do, and don't tell me, it lives and we all lose.. I'm not a mind-reader. Or a Computer-reader. I'm not one of the X-Men. i'm alimiracle