1. -*- mode: org -*-
  2. * Changes in 1.2.1 (since 1.2.0)
  3. The only change is: if list format function is specified (in
  4. 'ENTRY-TYPE-list-format' variable), it is called even if an entry does
  5. not have an according parameter. This allows to use non-existing
  6. parameters in the format variable, for example, if this variable has
  7. (fake some-fun 10 t) specification in it, 'some-fun' will be called even
  8. if 'fake' parameter does not exist. Previously, the function was
  9. ignored in such cases, and 'bui-empty-string' was used instead.
  10. * Changes in 1.2.0 (since 1.1.0)
  11. ** New functions
  12. - bui-list-marked-or-current
  13. - bui-list-map-marked
  14. ** New variables
  15. - bui-hint-format
  16. ** Minor performance improvements
  17. * Changes in 1.1.0 (since 1.0.1)
  18. ** Hint system is added
  19. A user can press "h" (or any unbound key) in any 'list' or 'info' buffer
  20. to display a "hint" (a message with available key bindings). Also
  21. 'bui-define-interface' macro supports ':hint' argument (thus
  22. 'ENTRY-TYPE-BUFFER-TYPE-hint' variable is generated) to override the
  23. default hint.
  24. ** Changes in mode initializing
  25. Previously, a function specified at ':mode-init-function' interface
  26. keyword should have called 'bui-mode-initialize-default'. It is not
  27. needed anymore ('bui-mode-initialize-default' is deprecated and
  28. ignored).
  29. ** New functions
  30. - 'bui-current-param-title'
  31. ** Fixed bugs
  32. *** History size variable is honored
  33. Previously, setting 'ENTRY-TYPE-BUFFER-TYPE-history-size' did not take
  34. effect.
  35. *** 'bui-list-show-single' variable is honored
  36. Previously, if 'ENTRY-TYPE-BUFFER-TYPE-show-single' was set to nil and
  37. 'bui-list-show-single' to t, a single entry was displayed in 'info'
  38. buffer anyway; now it is displayed in 'list' buffer.
  39. * Changes in 1.0.1 (since 1.0)
  40. ** Several minor bugs fixed
  41. ** Only (require 'bui) is needed
  42. Previously, a package maker had to require various BUI features
  43. depending on what bui code is used; now only (require 'bui) is needed as
  44. it loads all the rest BUI features.
  45. * 1.0 (initial release)
  46. ** History
  47. The ancestor of BUI was some code written in February 2014 as a part of
  48. [[][aurel]] package. Then this code was copied to [[][guix.el]], and was heavily
  49. developed for about 2 years as a part of the Emacs interface for Guix.
  50. Finally, in September 2016, this code was extracted from "guix.el" and
  51. became "bui" library (later, both "aurel" and "Emacs-Guix" were switched
  52. to BUI).