This is my config for nbfc ("Notebook Fan Control").
Some "self-notes" follows...
originates from "Acer Aspire E5-575G.xml"
file taken from It
should be put to
sudo ln -sv ~/config/nbfc/Acer\ Aspire\ E5-576.xml /opt/nbfc/Configs/
After starting nbfc service, I got "File Descriptor does not support writing" error. This problem was mentioned on the ArchWiki page and described here. A solution was simply to remove (rename) some library:
systemctl stop nbfc
sudo mv -v /opt/nbfc/Plugins/StagWare.Plugins.ECSysLinux.dll /opt/nbfc/Plugins/StagWare.Plugins.ECSysLinux.dll.old
systemctl start nbfc
Finally, some examples of "nbfc" usage:
nbfc config -a "Acer Aspire E5-576"
nbfc status
nbfc set -a # set speed to "auto"
nbfc set -s 0 # turn the fan off
nbfc set -s 10 # turn it to 10%