123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615 |
- -- some constants people might like to tweak
- Text_color = {r=0, g=0, b=0}
- Cursor_color = {r=1, g=0, b=0}
- Hyperlink_decoration_color = {r=0.4, g=0.4, b=1}
- Stroke_color = {r=0, g=0, b=0}
- Current_stroke_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0.7} -- in process of being drawn
- Current_name_background_color = {r=1, g=0, b=0, a=0.1} -- name currently being edited
- Focus_stroke_color = {r=1, g=0, b=0} -- what mouse is hovering over
- Highlight_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0.9} -- selected text
- Line_number_color = {r=0.6, g=0.6, b=0.6}
- Icon_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0.7} -- color of current mode icon in drawings
- Help_color = {r=0, g=0.5, b=0}
- Help_background_color = {r=0, g=0.5, b=0, a=0.1}
- Margin_top = 15
- Margin_left = 25
- Margin_right = 25
- Drawing_padding_top = 10
- Drawing_padding_bottom = 10
- Drawing_padding_height = Drawing_padding_top + Drawing_padding_bottom
- Same_point_distance = 4 -- pixel distance at which two points are considered the same
- edit = {}
- -- run in both tests and a real run
- function edit.initialize_state(top, left, right, font, font_height, line_height) -- currently always draws to bottom of screen
- local result = {
- -- a line is either text or a drawing
- -- a text is a table with:
- -- mode = 'text',
- -- string data,
- -- a drawing is a table with:
- -- mode = 'drawing'
- -- a (h)eight,
- -- an array of points, and
- -- an array of shapes
- -- a shape is a table containing:
- -- a mode
- -- an array points for mode 'freehand' (raw x,y coords; freehand drawings don't pollute the points array of a drawing)
- -- an array vertices for mode 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'square'
- -- p1, p2 for mode 'line'
- -- center, radius for mode 'circle'
- -- center, radius, start_angle, end_angle for mode 'arc'
- -- Unless otherwise specified, coord fields are normalized; a drawing is always 256 units wide
- -- The field names are carefully chosen so that switching modes in midstream
- -- remembers previously entered points where that makes sense.
- lines = {{mode='text', data=''}}, -- array of lines
- -- Lines can be too long to fit on screen, in which case they _wrap_ into
- -- multiple _screen lines_.
- -- rendering wrapped text lines needs some additional short-lived data per line:
- -- startpos, the index of data the line starts rendering from, can only be >1 for topmost line on screen
- -- screen_line_starting_pos: optional array of codepoint indices if it wraps over more than one screen line
- line_cache = {},
- -- Given wrapping, any potential location for the text cursor can be described in two ways:
- -- * schema 1: As a combination of line index and position within a line (in utf8 codepoint units)
- -- * schema 2: As a combination of line index, screen line index within the line, and a position within the screen line.
- --
- -- Most of the time we'll only persist positions in schema 1, translating to
- -- schema 2 when that's convenient.
- --
- -- Make sure these coordinates are never aliased, so that changing one causes
- -- action at a distance.
- --
- -- On lines that are drawings, pos will be nil.
- screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=1}, -- position of start of screen line at top of screen
- cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1}, -- position of cursor; must be on a text line
- selection1 = {},
- -- some extra state to compute selection between mouse press and release
- old_cursor1 = nil,
- old_selection1 = nil,
- mousepress_shift = nil,
- -- cursor coordinates in pixels
- cursor_x = 0,
- cursor_y = 0,
- current_drawing_mode = 'line',
- previous_drawing_mode = nil, -- extra state for some ephemeral modes like moving/deleting/naming points
- font = font,
- font_height = font_height,
- line_height = line_height,
- top = top,
- left = math.floor(left), -- left margin for text; line numbers go to the left of this
- right = math.floor(right),
- width = right-left,
- filename = 'run.lua',
- next_save = nil,
- -- undo
- history = {},
- next_history = 1,
- -- search
- search_term = nil,
- search_backup = nil, -- stuff to restore when cancelling search
- }
- return result
- end -- edit.initialize_state
- function edit.check_locs(State)
- -- if State is inconsistent (i.e. file changed by some other program),
- -- throw away all cursor state entirely
- if edit.invalid1(State, State.screen_top1)
- or edit.invalid_cursor1(State)
- or not edit.cursor_on_text(State)
- or not Text.le1(State.screen_top1, State.cursor1) then
- State.screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=1}
- State.cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1}
- edit.put_cursor_on_next_text_line(State)
- end
- end
- function edit.invalid1(State, loc1)
- if loc1.line > #State.lines then return true end
- local l = State.lines[loc1.line]
- if l.mode ~= 'text' then return false end -- pos is irrelevant to validity for a drawing line
- return loc1.pos > #State.lines[loc1.line].data
- end
- -- cursor loc in particular differs from other locs in one way:
- -- pos might occur just after end of line
- function edit.invalid_cursor1(State)
- local cursor1 = State.cursor1
- if cursor1.line > #State.lines then return true end
- local l = State.lines[cursor1.line]
- if l.mode ~= 'text' then return false end -- pos is irrelevant to validity for a drawing line
- return cursor1.pos > #State.lines[cursor1.line].data + 1
- end
- function edit.cursor_on_text(State)
- return State.cursor1.line <= #State.lines
- and State.lines[State.cursor1.line].mode == 'text'
- end
- function edit.put_cursor_on_next_text_line(State)
- local line = State.cursor1.line
- while line < #State.lines do
- line = line+1
- if State.lines[line].mode == 'text' then
- State.cursor1.line = line
- State.cursor1.pos = 1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- function edit.draw(State, hide_cursor, show_line_numbers)
- State.button_handlers = {}
- love.graphics.setFont(State.font)
- App.color(Text_color)
- assert(#State.lines == #State.line_cache, ('line_cache is out of date; %d elements when it should be %d'):format(#State.line_cache, #State.lines))
- assert(Text.le1(State.screen_top1, State.cursor1), ('screen_top (line=%d,pos=%d) is below cursor (line=%d,pos=%d)'):format(State.screen_top1.line, State.screen_top1.pos, State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos))
- State.cursor_x = nil
- State.cursor_y = nil
- local y = State.top
- --? print('== draw')
- for line_index = State.screen_top1.line,#State.lines do
- local line = State.lines[line_index]
- --? print('draw:', y, line_index, line)
- if y + State.line_height > App.screen.height then break end
- if line.mode == 'text' then
- --? print('text.draw', y, line_index)
- local startpos = 1
- if line_index == State.screen_top1.line then
- startpos = State.screen_top1.pos
- end
- if line.data == '' then
- -- button to insert new drawing
- local buttonx = State.left-Margin_left+4
- if show_line_numbers then
- buttonx = 4 -- HACK: position draw buttons at a fixed x on screen
- end
- button(State, 'draw', {x=buttonx, y=y+4, w=12,h=12, bg={r=1,g=1,b=0},
- icon = icon.insert_drawing,
- onpress1 = function()
- Drawing.before = snapshot(State, line_index-1, line_index)
- table.insert(State.lines, line_index, {mode='drawing', y=y, h=256/2, points={}, shapes={}, pending={}})
- table.insert(State.line_cache, line_index, {})
- if State.cursor1.line >= line_index then
- State.cursor1.line = State.cursor1.line+1
- end
- record_undo_event(State, {before=Drawing.before, after=snapshot(State, line_index-1, line_index+1)})
- Drawing.before = nil
- schedule_save(State)
- end,
- })
- end
- y = Text.draw(State, line_index, y, startpos, hide_cursor, show_line_numbers)
- --? print('=> y', y)
- elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then
- y = y+Drawing_padding_top
- Drawing.draw(State, line_index, y)
- y = y + Drawing.pixels(line.h, State.width) + Drawing_padding_bottom
- else
- assert(false, ('unknown line mode %s'):format(line.mode))
- end
- end
- if State.search_term then
- Text.draw_search_bar(State)
- end
- end
- function edit.update(State, dt)
- Drawing.update(State, dt)
- if State.next_save and State.next_save < Current_time then
- save_to_disk(State)
- State.next_save = nil
- end
- end
- function schedule_save(State)
- if State.next_save == nil then
- State.next_save = Current_time + 3 -- short enough that you're likely to still remember what you did
- end
- end
- function edit.quit(State)
- -- make sure to save before quitting
- if State.next_save then
- save_to_disk(State)
- -- give some time for the OS to flush everything to disk
- love.timer.sleep(0.1)
- end
- end
- function edit.mouse_press(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- if State.search_term then return end
- State.mouse_down = mouse_button
- --? print_and_log(('edit.mouse_press: cursor at %d,%d'):format(State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos))
- if mouse_press_consumed_by_any_button(State, x,y, mouse_button) then
- -- press on a button and it returned 'true' to short-circuit
- return
- end
- if y < State.top then
- State.old_cursor1 = State.cursor1
- State.old_selection1 = State.selection1
- State.mousepress_shift = App.shift_down()
- State.selection1 = {
- line=State.screen_top1.line,
- pos=State.screen_top1.pos,
- }
- return
- end
- for line_index,line in ipairs(State.lines) do
- if line.mode == 'text' then
- if Text.in_line(State, line_index, x,y) then
- -- delicate dance between cursor, selection and old cursor/selection
- -- scenarios:
- -- regular press+release: sets cursor, clears selection
- -- shift press+release:
- -- sets selection to old cursor if not set otherwise leaves it untouched
- -- sets cursor
- -- press and hold to start a selection: sets selection on press, cursor on release
- -- press and hold, then press shift: ignore shift
- -- i.e. mouse_release should never look at shift state
- --? print_and_log(('edit.mouse_press: in line %d'):format(line_index))
- State.old_cursor1 = State.cursor1
- State.old_selection1 = State.selection1
- State.mousepress_shift = App.shift_down()
- State.selection1 = {
- line=line_index,
- pos=Text.to_pos_on_line(State, line_index, x, y),
- }
- return
- end
- elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then
- if Drawing.in_drawing(State, line_index, x, y, State.left,State.right) then
- State.lines.current_drawing_index = line_index
- State.lines.current_drawing = line
- Drawing.before = snapshot(State, line_index)
- Drawing.mouse_press(State, line_index, x,y, mouse_button)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- -- still here? mouse press is below all screen lines
- State.old_cursor1 = State.cursor1
- State.old_selection1 = State.selection1
- State.mousepress_shift = App.shift_down()
- State.selection1 = Text.final_text_loc_on_screen(State)
- end
- function edit.mouse_release(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- if State.search_term then return end
- --? print_and_log(('edit.mouse_release: cursor at %d,%d'):format(State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos))
- State.mouse_down = nil
- if State.lines.current_drawing then
- Drawing.mouse_release(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- if Drawing.before then
- record_undo_event(State, {before=Drawing.before, after=snapshot(State, State.lines.current_drawing_index)})
- Drawing.before = nil
- end
- schedule_save(State)
- else
- --? print_and_log('edit.mouse_release: no current drawing')
- if y < State.top then
- State.cursor1 = deepcopy(State.screen_top1)
- edit.clean_up_mouse_press(State)
- return
- end
- for line_index,line in ipairs(State.lines) do
- if line.mode == 'text' then
- if Text.in_line(State, line_index, x,y) then
- --? print_and_log(('edit.mouse_release: in line %d'):format(line_index))
- State.cursor1 = {
- line=line_index,
- pos=Text.to_pos_on_line(State, line_index, x, y),
- }
- --? print_and_log(('edit.mouse_release: cursor now %d,%d'):format(State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos))
- edit.clean_up_mouse_press(State)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- -- still here? mouse release is below all screen lines
- State.cursor1 = Text.final_text_loc_on_screen(State)
- edit.clean_up_mouse_press(State)
- --? print_and_log(('edit.mouse_release: finally selection %s,%s cursor %d,%d'):format(tostring(State.selection1.line), tostring(State.selection1.pos), State.cursor1.line, State.cursor1.pos))
- end
- end
- function edit.clean_up_mouse_press(State)
- if State.mousepress_shift then
- if State.old_selection1.line == nil then
- State.selection1 = State.old_cursor1
- else
- State.selection1 = State.old_selection1
- end
- end
- State.old_cursor1, State.old_selection1, State.mousepress_shift = nil
- if eq(State.cursor1, State.selection1) then
- State.selection1 = {}
- end
- end
- function edit.mouse_wheel_move(State, dx,dy)
- if dy > 0 then
- State.cursor1 = deepcopy(State.screen_top1)
- edit.put_cursor_on_next_text_line(State)
- for i=1,math.floor(dy) do
- Text.up(State)
- end
- elseif dy < 0 then
- State.cursor1 = Text.screen_bottom1(State)
- edit.put_cursor_on_next_text_line(State)
- for i=1,math.floor(-dy) do
- Text.down(State)
- end
- end
- end
- function edit.text_input(State, t)
- --? print('text input', t)
- if State.search_term then
- State.search_term = State.search_term..t
- Text.search_next(State)
- elseif State.lines.current_drawing and State.current_drawing_mode == 'name' then
- local before = snapshot(State, State.lines.current_drawing_index)
- local drawing = State.lines.current_drawing
- local p = drawing.points[drawing.pending.target_point]
- p.name = p.name..t
- record_undo_event(State, {before=before, after=snapshot(State, State.lines.current_drawing_index)})
- else
- local drawing_index, drawing = Drawing.current_drawing(State)
- if drawing_index == nil then
- Text.text_input(State, t)
- end
- end
- schedule_save(State)
- end
- function edit.keychord_press(State, chord, key)
- if State.selection1.line and
- not State.lines.current_drawing and
- -- printable character created using shift key => delete selection
- -- (we're not creating any ctrl-shift- or alt-shift- combinations using regular/printable keys)
- (not App.shift_down() or utf8.len(key) == 1) and
- chord ~= 'C-a' and chord ~= 'C-c' and chord ~= 'C-x' and chord ~= 'backspace' and chord ~= 'delete' and chord ~= 'C-z' and chord ~= 'C-y' and not App.is_cursor_movement(key) then
- Text.delete_selection_and_record_undo_event(State)
- end
- if State.search_term then
- if chord == 'escape' then
- State.search_term = nil
- State.cursor1 = State.search_backup.cursor
- State.screen_top1 = State.search_backup.screen_top
- State.search_backup = nil
- Text.redraw_all(State) -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all line caches to avoid memory leaks
- elseif chord == 'return' then
- State.search_term = nil
- State.search_backup = nil
- elseif chord == 'backspace' then
- local len = utf8.len(State.search_term)
- local byte_offset = Text.offset(State.search_term, len)
- State.search_term = string.sub(State.search_term, 1, byte_offset-1)
- State.cursor = deepcopy(State.search_backup.cursor)
- State.screen_top = deepcopy(State.search_backup.screen_top)
- Text.search_next(State)
- elseif chord == 'down' then
- if #State.search_term > 0 then
- Text.right(State)
- Text.search_next(State)
- end
- elseif chord == 'up' then
- Text.search_previous(State)
- end
- return
- elseif chord == 'C-f' then
- State.search_term = ''
- State.search_backup = {
- cursor={line=State.cursor1.line, pos=State.cursor1.pos},
- screen_top={line=State.screen_top1.line, pos=State.screen_top1.pos},
- }
- -- zoom
- elseif chord == 'C-=' then
- edit.update_font_settings(State, State.font_height+2)
- Text.redraw_all(State)
- elseif chord == 'C--' then
- if State.font_height > 2 then
- edit.update_font_settings(State, State.font_height-2)
- Text.redraw_all(State)
- end
- elseif chord == 'C-0' then
- edit.update_font_settings(State, 20)
- Text.redraw_all(State)
- -- undo
- elseif chord == 'C-z' then
- local event = undo_event(State)
- if event then
- local src = event.before
- State.screen_top1 = deepcopy(src.screen_top)
- State.cursor1 = deepcopy(src.cursor)
- State.selection1 = deepcopy(src.selection)
- patch(State.lines, event.after, event.before)
- -- invalidate various cached bits of lines
- State.lines.current_drawing = nil
- Text.redraw_all(State) -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all line caches to avoid memory leaks
- schedule_save(State)
- end
- elseif chord == 'C-y' then
- local event = redo_event(State)
- if event then
- local src = event.after
- State.screen_top1 = deepcopy(src.screen_top)
- State.cursor1 = deepcopy(src.cursor)
- State.selection1 = deepcopy(src.selection)
- patch(State.lines, event.before, event.after)
- -- invalidate various cached bits of lines
- State.lines.current_drawing = nil
- Text.redraw_all(State) -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all line caches to avoid memory leaks
- schedule_save(State)
- end
- -- clipboard
- elseif chord == 'C-a' then
- State.selection1 = {line=1, pos=1}
- State.cursor1 = {line=#State.lines, pos=utf8.len(State.lines[#State.lines].data)+1}
- elseif chord == 'C-c' then
- local s = Text.selection(State)
- if s then
- App.set_clipboard(s)
- end
- elseif chord == 'C-x' then
- local s = Text.cut_selection_and_record_undo_event(State)
- if s then
- App.set_clipboard(s)
- end
- schedule_save(State)
- elseif chord == 'C-v' then
- -- We don't have a good sense of when to scroll, so we'll be conservative
- -- and sometimes scroll when we didn't quite need to.
- local before_line = State.cursor1.line
- local before = snapshot(State, before_line)
- local clipboard_data = App.get_clipboard()
- for _,code in utf8.codes(clipboard_data) do
- local c = utf8.char(code)
- if c == '\n' then
- Text.insert_return(State)
- else
- Text.insert_at_cursor(State, c)
- end
- end
- if Text.cursor_out_of_screen(State) then
- Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen(State, State.left, State.right)
- end
- record_undo_event(State, {before=before, after=snapshot(State, before_line, State.cursor1.line)})
- schedule_save(State)
- -- dispatch to drawing or text
- elseif App.mouse_down(1) or chord:sub(1,2) == 'C-' then
- local drawing_index, drawing = Drawing.current_drawing(State)
- if drawing_index then
- local before = snapshot(State, drawing_index)
- Drawing.keychord_press(State, chord)
- record_undo_event(State, {before=before, after=snapshot(State, drawing_index)})
- schedule_save(State)
- end
- elseif chord == 'escape' and not App.mouse_down(1) then
- for _,line in ipairs(State.lines) do
- if line.mode == 'drawing' then
- line.show_help = false
- end
- end
- elseif State.lines.current_drawing and State.current_drawing_mode == 'name' then
- if chord == 'return' then
- State.current_drawing_mode = State.previous_drawing_mode
- State.previous_drawing_mode = nil
- else
- local before = snapshot(State, State.lines.current_drawing_index)
- local drawing = State.lines.current_drawing
- local p = drawing.points[drawing.pending.target_point]
- if chord == 'escape' then
- p.name = nil
- record_undo_event(State, {before=before, after=snapshot(State, State.lines.current_drawing_index)})
- elseif chord == 'backspace' then
- local len = utf8.len(p.name)
- if len > 0 then
- local byte_offset = Text.offset(p.name, len-1)
- if len == 1 then byte_offset = 0 end
- p.name = string.sub(p.name, 1, byte_offset)
- record_undo_event(State, {before=before, after=snapshot(State, State.lines.current_drawing_index)})
- end
- end
- end
- schedule_save(State)
- else
- Text.keychord_press(State, chord)
- end
- end
- function edit.key_release(State, key, scancode)
- end
- function edit.update_font_settings(State, font_height)
- State.font_height = font_height
- State.font = love.graphics.newFont(State.font_height)
- State.line_height = math.floor(font_height*1.3)
- end
- --== some methods for tests
- -- Insulate tests from some key globals so I don't have to change the vast
- -- majority of tests when they're modified for the real app.
- Test_margin_left = 25
- Test_margin_right = 0
- function edit.initialize_test_state()
- -- if you change these values, tests will start failing
- return edit.initialize_state(
- 15, -- top margin
- Test_margin_left,
- App.screen.width - Test_margin_right,
- love.graphics.getFont(),
- 14,
- 15) -- line height
- end
- -- all text_input events are also keypresses
- -- TODO: handle chords of multiple keys
- function edit.run_after_text_input(State, t)
- edit.keychord_press(State, t)
- edit.text_input(State, t)
- edit.key_release(State, t)
- App.screen.contents = {}
- edit.update(State, 0)
- edit.draw(State)
- end
- -- not all keys are text_input
- function edit.run_after_keychord(State, chord, key)
- edit.keychord_press(State, chord, key)
- edit.key_release(State, key)
- App.screen.contents = {}
- edit.update(State, 0)
- edit.draw(State)
- end
- function edit.run_after_mouse_click(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- App.fake_mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button)
- edit.mouse_press(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- edit.draw(State)
- App.fake_mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button)
- edit.mouse_release(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- App.screen.contents = {}
- edit.update(State, 0)
- edit.draw(State)
- end
- function edit.run_after_mouse_press(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- App.fake_mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button)
- edit.mouse_press(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- App.screen.contents = {}
- edit.update(State, 0)
- edit.draw(State)
- end
- function edit.run_after_mouse_release(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- App.fake_mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button)
- edit.mouse_release(State, x,y, mouse_button)
- App.screen.contents = {}
- edit.update(State, 0)
- edit.draw(State)
- end