@@ -42,51 +42,49 @@ static int old_addonvecsz;
typedef void (*FSMAFAS_func)(bool, char *, char *, bool);
static FSMAFAS_func orig_FSMAFAS;
-static void hook_FSMAFAS(bool param1, char *param2, char *param3, bool param4) {
- // param1: if addons are disallowed in this mode (versus, scav, etc)
- // param2: campaign/mission
- // param3: gamemode
- // param4: is cur mode a mutation
- con_msg("======================\n");
- con_msg("testicles\n");
- con_msg("last_mission %s\n", last_mission);
- con_msg("last_gamemode %s\n", last_gamemode);
- con_msg("the old number of addons: %u\n", old_addonvecsz);
- if (*addonvecsz > 0) {
- old_addonvecsz = *addonvecsz;
- if (param2 && param3) {
- if ((strcmp(param2, last_mission)) || strcmp(param3, last_gamemode)) {
- con_msg("\ncalling original function (p2/p3 are not null, one of them changed)\n\n");
- orig_FSMAFAS(param1, param2, param3, param4);
- }
- strcpy(last_mission, param2);
- strcpy(last_gamemode, param3);
- } else {
- con_msg("\ncalling FSMAFAS (p2 and/or p3 are null)\n\n");
- strcpy(last_mission, "");
- strcpy(last_gamemode, "");
- orig_FSMAFAS(param1, param2, param3, param4);
- }
- } else if (old_addonvecsz > 0) {
- old_addonvecsz = *addonvecsz;
- con_msg("\ncalling FSMAFAS\n\n");
- orig_FSMAFAS(param1, param2, param3, param4);
- } else {
- con_msg("\ndid not call FSMAFAS, addons are disabled and they were not just disabled a moment ago\n\n");
- }
- con_msg("isAddonsDisallowedInMode: %u\n", param1);
- con_msg("mission: %s\n", param2);
- con_msg("mode: %s\n", param3);
- con_msg("isMutation: %u\n", param4);
- con_msg("the number of addons thing idk: %u\n", *addonvecsz);
- con_msg("======================\n");
+static void hook_FSMAFAS(bool p1, char *p2, char *p3, bool p4) {
+ // p1: if addons are disallowed in this mode (versus, scav, etc)
+ // p2: campaign/mission
+ // p3: gamemode
+ // p4: is cur mode a mutation
+ // note: the 4th parameter was first added in 2204 (Oct 21st 2020), but we
+ // don't have to worry about that since it's cdecl
+ // assumptions: addons and mode config for addon blocking (e.g. versus)
+ // aren't being changed mid-campaign
+ int curaddonvecsz = *addonvecsz;
+ // addons changed, which means we are in the main menu, another call to FSMAFAS
+ // with null p2 and p3 already happened and our "last_" variables have been
+ // cleared already. update the addon count and run original function
+ if (curaddonvecsz != old_addonvecsz) {
+ old_addonvecsz = curaddonvecsz;
+ goto hook_end;
+ }
+ // addons didn't change and no addons are enabled: do nothing
+ if (!curaddonvecsz) return;
+ // cache campaign and mode names and, if we were given a campaign and a mode
+ // name, try to early exit
+ if (p2 && p3) {
+ bool earlyret = !strcmp(p2, last_mission) && !strcmp(p3, last_gamemode);
+ strcpy(last_mission, p2);
+ strcpy(last_gamemode, p3);
+ if (earlyret) return;
+ }
+ else {
+ last_mission[0] = '\0';
+ last_gamemode[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ orig_FSMAFAS(p1, p2, p3, p4);
+DECL_VFUNC(void, CEC_MAFAS, 179) // CEngineClient::ManageAddonsForActiveSession
static inline bool find_FSMAFAS(void) {
- const uchar *insns = (const uchar*)VFUNC(engclient, CEC_FSMAFAS);
+ const uchar *insns = (const uchar*)VFUNC(engclient, CEC_MAFAS);
+ // CEngineClient::ManageAddonsForActiveSession just calls FSMAFAS
for (const uchar *p = insns; p - insns < 32;) {
if (p[0] == X86_CALL) {
orig_FSMAFAS = (FSMAFAS_func)(p + 5 + mem_loads32(p + 1));
@@ -101,7 +99,8 @@ static con_cmdcb orig_show_addon_metadata_cb;
static inline bool find_addonvecsz(void) {
const uchar *insns = (const uchar*)orig_show_addon_metadata_cb;
- // The show_addon_metadata command does...
+ // show_addon_metadata immediately checks if s_vecAddonMetadata is 0,
+ // so we can just grab it from the CMP instruction
for (const uchar *p = insns; p - insns < 32;) {
if (p[0] == X86_ALUMI8S && p[1] == X86_MODRM(0, 7, 5) && p[6] == 0) {
addonvecsz = mem_loadptr(p + 2);
@@ -116,44 +115,53 @@ static void *broken_addon_check;
static u8 orig_broken_addon_check_bytes[13];
static bool has_broken_addon_check = false;
-static inline void fix_broken_addon_check(bool larger_jmp_insn) {
+static inline void nop_addon_check(bool larger_jmp_insn) {
+ // In versions prior to (Oct 21st 2020), FSMAFAS checks if any
+ // addons are enabled before doing anything else. If no addons are enabled,
+ // then the function just returns immediately. FSMAFAS gets called by
+ // update_addon_paths, and that gets called when you click 'Done' in the
+ // addons menu. This is problematic because whatever addons you last
+ // disabled won't get properly disabled since the rest of FSMAFAS doesn't
+ // execute. If, for example, you only had a common infected retexture addon
+ // enabled, and you decided to disable it, your commons would be invisible
+ // until you either restarted the game or enabled another addon.
+ // so, we simply NOP the relevant CMP and JZ instructions to get rid of this
+ // check, so that FSMAFAS always executes. Depending on the size of the JZ
+ // instruction, we need to NOP either 9 bytes (e.g. or 13 bytes
+ // (e.g. So, we always write a 9-byte NOP, and sometimes also
+ // write a 4-byte NOP afterwards.
const u8 nop[] =
HEXBYTES(66, 0F, 1F, 84, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 0F, 1F, 40, 00);
memcpy(orig_broken_addon_check_bytes, broken_addon_check, 13);
- if (larger_jmp_insn) {
- if_hot(os_mprot(broken_addon_check, 13, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) {
- memcpy(broken_addon_check, nop, 13);
- } else {
- errmsg_warnsys("unable to fix broken addon check: "
- "couldn't make make memory writable");
- }
- } else {
- if_hot(os_mprot(broken_addon_check, 9, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) {
- memcpy(broken_addon_check, nop, 9);
- } else {
- errmsg_warnsys("unable to fix broken addon check: "
- "couldn't make make memory writable");
- }
+ int nop_size = larger_jmp_insn ? 13 : 9;
+ if_hot(os_mprot(broken_addon_check, nop_size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) {
+ memcpy(broken_addon_check, nop, nop_size);
+ }
+ else {
+ errmsg_warnsys("unable to fix broken addon check: "
+ "couldn't make make memory writable");
-static inline bool find_broken_addon_check(void) {
+static inline void try_fix_broken_addon_check(void) {
uchar *insns = (uchar *)orig_FSMAFAS;
for (uchar *p = insns; p - insns < 32;) {
if (p[0] == X86_ALUMI8S && p[1] == X86_MODRM(0, 7, 5) &&
mem_loadptr(p + 2) == addonvecsz) {
broken_addon_check = p;
has_broken_addon_check = true;
- if (p[7] == X86_2BYTE) {
- fix_broken_addon_check(true);
- } else {
- fix_broken_addon_check(false);
- }
- return true;
+ nop_addon_check(p[7] == X86_2BYTE);
+ return;
- NEXT_INSN(p, "broken addon check");
+ int _len = x86_len(p);
+ if_cold(_len == -1) {
+ errmsg_errorx("unknown or invalid instruction looking for broken "
+ "addon check");
+ return;
+ }
+ p += _len;
- return false;
+ return;
@@ -172,7 +180,7 @@ INIT {
errmsg_errorx("couldn't find addon metadata counter");
return false;
- find_broken_addon_check();
+ try_fix_broken_addon_check();
orig_FSMAFAS = (FSMAFAS_func)hook_inline( (void *)orig_FSMAFAS,
(void *)&hook_FSMAFAS);
return true;