docusaurus.config.js 4.6 KB

  1. // @ts-check
  2. // `@type` JSDoc annotations allow editor autocompletion and type checking
  3. // (when paired with `@ts-check`).
  4. // There are various equivalent ways to declare your Docusaurus config.
  5. // See:
  6. import {themes as prismThemes} from 'prism-react-renderer';
  7. /** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
  8. const config = {
  9. title: 'L4DSR Wiki',
  10. tagline: 'Tutorials and more!',
  11. favicon: 'img/favicon.ico',
  12. // Set the production url of your site here
  13. url: '',
  14. // Set the /<baseUrl>/ pathname under which your site is served
  15. // For GitHub pages deployment, it is often '/<projectName>/'
  16. baseUrl: '/l4dsr-wiki',
  17. // GitHub pages deployment config.
  18. // If you aren't using GitHub pages, you don't need these.
  19. organizationName: 'l4dsr', // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
  20. projectName: 'l4dsr-wiki', // Usually your repo name.
  21. trailingSlash: false,
  22. onBrokenLinks: 'throw',
  23. onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn',
  24. // Even if you don't use internationalization, you can use this field to set
  25. // useful metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you
  26. // may want to replace "en" with "zh-Hans".
  27. i18n: {
  28. defaultLocale: 'en',
  29. locales: ['en'],
  30. },
  31. customFields: {
  32. discordUrl: '',
  33. githubUrl: '',
  34. },
  35. presets: [
  36. [
  37. 'classic',
  38. /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').Options} */
  39. ({
  40. docs: {
  41. sidebarPath: './sidebars.js',
  42. // Please change this to your repo.
  43. // Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links.
  44. editUrl:
  45. '',
  46. admonitions: {
  47. keywords: ['note', 'tip', 'info', 'caution', 'danger', 'diffe', 'diffm', 'diffh'],
  48. },
  49. showLastUpdateAuthor: true,
  50. showLastUpdateTime: true,
  51. },
  52. blog: false,
  53. theme: {
  54. customCss: './src/css/custom.css',
  55. },
  56. }),
  57. ],
  58. ],
  59. themeConfig:
  60. /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */
  61. ({
  62. // Replace with your project's social card
  63. image: 'img/social-card.jpg',
  64. navbar: {
  65. title: 'L4DSR Wiki',
  66. logo: {
  67. alt: 'My Site Logo',
  68. src: 'img/L4D2-icon.jpg',
  69. },
  70. items: [
  71. {
  72. type: 'docSidebar',
  73. sidebarId: 'tutorialSidebar',
  74. position: 'left',
  75. label: 'Tutorials',
  76. },
  77. {
  78. type: 'docSidebar',
  79. sidebarId: 'rulesSidebar',
  80. position: 'left',
  81. label: 'Rules'
  82. },
  83. {
  84. type: 'docSidebar',
  85. sidebarId: 'knowledgebaseSidebar',
  86. position: 'left',
  87. label: 'Knowledge Base'
  88. },
  89. {
  90. href: '',
  91. label: 'L4D2 SRC',
  92. position: 'right',
  93. },
  94. {
  95. href: '',
  96. label: 'Twitch',
  97. position: 'right',
  98. },
  99. {
  100. href: '',
  101. label: 'GitHub',
  102. position: 'right',
  103. },
  104. ],
  105. },
  106. footer: {
  107. style: 'dark',
  108. links: [
  109. {
  110. title: 'Docs',
  111. items: [
  112. {
  113. label: 'Start here',
  114. to: '/docs/category/welcome',
  115. },
  116. ],
  117. },
  118. {
  119. title: 'Community',
  120. items: [
  121. {
  122. label: 'Left 4 Dead 2 Leaderboards',
  123. href: '',
  124. },
  125. {
  126. label: 'Left 4 Dead Leaderboards',
  127. href: '',
  128. },
  129. {
  130. label: 'Discord',
  131. href: '',
  132. },
  133. {
  134. label: 'Twitch',
  135. href: '',
  136. },
  137. ],
  138. },
  139. {
  140. title: 'More',
  141. items: [
  142. {
  143. label: 'GitHub',
  144. href: '',
  145. },
  146. ],
  147. },
  148. ],
  149. copyright: `Made with 💚 by the L4D Speedrunning Community`,
  150. },
  151. prism: {
  152. theme: prismThemes.github,
  153. darkTheme: prismThemes.dracula,
  154. },
  155. }),
  156. };
  157. export default config;