Accumulate ethical 3proxy statistics with web interface
2 年 前 | |
outproxy_config | 2 年 前 | |
src | 2 年 前 | |
.gitignore | 2 年 前 | |
LICENSE | 2 年 前 | | | 2 年 前 |
Accumulate ethical 3proxy statistics with web interface
U S A G E:
-i --instanse <3proxy>,<3proxy.cfg>
-w --working-directory <data>
-t --service-title <3proxy-eagle>
-I --ignored-destinations <[],>
-a --bind-to-address <>
-p --bind-to-port <8161>
-l --log-level <info> (off, error, warn, info, debug)
-s --top-lists-size <5>
-D --reject-ip-from-statistics
N O T E S:
* Multi instanses supported. Just pass new one --instanse value!
* Main 3proxy cfg must contain log to stdout with strict format:
logformat " type=%N destination=%n to=%O from=%I"
Also for normal logging by 3proxy main config should contain
otherwise 3proxy may be very uninformative.
Check "outproxy_config" folder as working example.
* 3proxy cfg can contain blocked domains in format:
This domains will be resolved automatically and replaced by:
deny * * original.domain
deny * * # resolved addresses
deny * *
* If the working directory contains a information.html, the Information
box will be added to the web page. The block is full html-formatted.
* The html folder can contain any files, they will be available
for downloading through the web browser.
* html folder can contain styles.css file for overloading default styles.
See page source via web browser to customize CSS classes.
GPLv3 (c) acetone, 2022