Zelphir Kaltstahl ZelphirKaltstahl

This repository contains GNU Bash snippets.

Updated 1 year ago

This repository contains examples for using `jq`, the command line tool.

Updated 1 year ago

Contains an old blog implementation in Racket.

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 1 year ago

This repository contains notes for the book "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani.

Updated 1 year ago

This repository contains code and exercises and solutions going along with the book "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming - Case Studies in Common Lisp" by Peter Norvig, also known as "PAIP".

Updated 1 year ago

This repository contains code to work with vocabulary (JSON) files via REPL. No other user interface is provided.

Updated 1 year ago

This repository contains code and notes written going through Gforth tutorials.

Updated 1 year ago

This repository contains code written going through the book "Seven Languages in Seven Weeks" by Bruce A. Tate.

Updated 1 year ago

This repository contains a list of LF2 achievements.

Updated 2 years ago

This repository contains a guide for packaging pure GNU Guile projects for the GNU Guix package manager.

Updated 2 years ago

This repository contains information about literate programming (LP) and how to set things up using Emacs for LP.

Updated 2 years ago

This repository contains notes, example or instructions on how to use some system utilities.

Updated 2 years ago

This repository contains an unfinished implementation of a vocabulary training in GNU Guile.

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago