123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- (import
- (except (rnrs base) let-values map)
- (only (guile)
- lambda* λ)
- (prerequisites))
- ;;; ========
- ;;; ========
- ;; The book defines a mysterious function named ~scramble~ and asks
- ;; the reader to figure out, what it does.
- (define scramble
- (λ (tup)
- (scramble-b tup '())))
- (define scramble-b
- (λ (tup rev-pre)
- (cond
- [(null? tup) '()]
- [else
- (cons
- (pick (car tup)
- ;; Here we artificially make the reversed prefix longer by the
- ;; current element, so that pick will pick the correct element.
- (cons (car tup) rev-pre))
- (scramble-b (cdr tup)
- ;; We add the current element to the reversed prefix of the
- ;; next iteration.
- (cons (car tup) rev-pre)))])))
- ;; EXPLANATION: The ~scramble~ function looks at each number in the
- ;; tuple. The number at each position (position = index + 1, or
- ;; "distance from the start of the list") is substracted from its
- ;; position and the resulting value is the index of the value, which
- ;; shall be the final result for the number in the resulting tuple.
- ;; USAGE: Let us try it:
- (display
- (simple-format
- #f "(scramble '(1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 8 2 10)) -> ~a\n"
- (scramble '(1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 8 2 10))))