123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206 |
- #lang racket
- (require rackunit)
- (require srfi/1)
- ;; memory limit
- (define (Mb-to-B n) (* n 1024 1024))
- (define MAX-BYTES (Mb-to-B 256))
- (custodian-limit-memory (current-custodian) MAX-BYTES)
- (define (min a b)
- (if (< a b) a b))
- (define (max a b)
- (if (> a b) a b))
- (define (round-to-precision num digits)
- (let ([factor (expt 10 digits)])
- (/ (round (* factor num)) factor)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (struct Organism
- (dna)
- #:transparent)
- (define (calculate-fitness org comparator)
- (define (iter remaining-target remaining-org-dna result)
- (cond [(or (null? remaining-target) (null? remaining-org-dna))
- result]
- [(comparator (car remaining-target) (car remaining-org-dna))
- (iter (cdr remaining-target)
- (cdr remaining-org-dna)
- (add1 result))]
- [else (iter (cdr remaining-target)
- (cdr remaining-org-dna)
- result)]))
- (let ([res (iter TARGET (Organism-dna org) 0)])
- (/ res (length (Organism-dna org)))))
- (define (get-random-character)
- (let loop ([random-char (integer->char (+ 32 (random 95)))])
- (if (regexp-match ALPHABET-REGEX (list->string (list random-char)))
- (begin #;(printf "valid char: ~s~n" random-char)
- random-char)
- (begin #;(printf "illegal char: ~s~n" random-char)
- (loop (integer->char (+ 32 (random 95))))))))
- (define (create-organism)
- (let ([dna (for/list ([elem TARGET])
- (get-random-character))])
- (Organism dna)))
- (define (create-initial-population)
- (for/list ([counter POPULATION-SIZE])
- (create-organism)))
- ;; evolving the pool includes 2 actions:
- ;; - deciding which organisms to keep of the current generation
- ;; - creating an amount or organisms from the chosen ones to make a new generation
- (define (evolve-pool population mutation-probability generation#)
- ;; IDEA:
- ;; percentage of some fitness of the the max-fitness times the population size
- (let* ([fitness-sorted-orgs
- (sort population (λ (org1 org2)
- (> (calculate-fitness org1 char=?)
- (calculate-fitness org2 char=?))))]
- [survival-count (inexact->exact (floor (* (length population) SURVIVAL-RATIO)))]
- [survivors (take fitness-sorted-orgs survival-count)]
- [mated-survivors (natural-selection survivors)])
- ;; create new pool
- (for/list ([current-population-size (in-range POPULATION-SIZE)]
- [org (in-cycle mated-survivors)])
- (let* ([fitness (calculate-fitness org char=?)]
- [mutation-threshold
- (max (* (- 1 (sqrt fitness)) mutation-probability)
- #;(when (= current-population-size (sub1 POPULATION-SIZE))
- (printf "mutation-threshold: ~a~n" (exact->inexact mutation-threshold)))
- (mutate-organism org mutation-threshold)))))
- #| > Randomly pick 2 organisms from the breeding pool and
- use them as the parents to create the next generation of
- organism for the population. |#
- (define (natural-selection survivors)
- (define (mate-two survivors)
- (let ([the-two (take survivors 2)])
- #;(printf "~s~n" (length the-two))
- (crossover (car the-two) (cadr the-two))))
- (define (mate-survivors survivors result)
- (cond [(null? survivors)
- #;(printf "survivors empty: ~a~n" survivors)
- result]
- [(null? (cdr survivors))
- #;(printf "special case: ~a~n" survivors)
- (cons (car survivors) result)]
- [else
- #;(printf "remaining survivors: ~s~n" (length survivors))
- (let ([offspring (mate-two survivors)])
- (mate-survivors (cddr survivors) #;(cons (car survivors)
- (cons (cadr survivors)
- (cons offspring result)))
- (cons offspring result)))]))
- (mate-survivors (shuffle survivors) '())
- ;; TODO: remove later?
- (list (first survivors) (second survivors)))
- #|crossover does not calculate the fitness for the organism yet,
- because a crossed over organism needs to be mutated first.|#
- (define (crossover org1 org2)
- (let* ([org1-dna (Organism-dna org1)]
- [org2-dna (Organism-dna org2)]
- [mid-point (add1 (random (length org1-dna)))]
- [new-dna (append (take org1-dna mid-point)
- (drop org2-dna mid-point))])
- (Organism new-dna)))
- #|If a random number is below the mutation threshold,
- no mutation is done otherwise mutation is done.|#
- (define (mutate-organism org mutation-threshold)
- (let ([org-dna (Organism-dna org)])
- (struct-copy Organism org
- [dna (for/list ([dna-segment org-dna])
- (if (< (random) mutation-threshold)
- (get-random-character)
- dna-segment))])))
- ;; retrieves the fittest organism from a list of organisms
- (define (get-fittest-organism population)
- (car (sort population
- (λ (org1 org2)
- (> (calculate-fitness org1 char=?)
- (calculate-fitness org2 char=?))))))
- (random-seed 0)
- (define TARGET
- (string->list
- #;(string-append
- "I must not fear. "
- "Fear is the mind-killer. "
- "Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. "
- "I will face my fear. "
- "I will permit it to pass over me and through me. "
- "And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. "
- "Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. "
- "Only I will remain.")
- "To be or not to be."))
- (define ALPHABET-REGEX #rx"[a-zA-Z0-9 .,;–!?-]")
- (define MAX-GENERATIONS 4000) ; 1500
- (define POPULATION-SIZE 500) ; 300
- (define SURVIVAL-RATIO 1/20) ; 1/5
- (define MAX-TIME 90) ; 90
- (define INITIAL-MUTATION-PROBABILITY (/ 1 20)) ; 1/36
- (define MINIMUM-MUTATION-PROBABILITY (/ 1 (length TARGET))) ; (/ 1 (length TARGET))
- #|
- gen-max: 1000
- pop-size: 400
- survi: 1/10
- max-time: 90
- |#
- (define (main)
- (define start-time (current-inexact-milliseconds))
- (printf "Starting time: ~s~n" start-time)
- (define INITIAL-POPULATION (create-initial-population))
- ;; loop until found
- (let loop ([generation# 0]
- [population INITIAL-POPULATION])
- (let* ([fittest-org (get-fittest-organism population)]
- [fittest-org-fitness (calculate-fitness fittest-org char=?)])
- #;(printf "fittest org: ~s~n"
- (list->string (take (Organism-dna fittest-org) (min 50 (length TARGET)))))
- #;(printf "time passed: ~ss~n" (/ (- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start-time) 1000))
- (cond [(or (>= (/ (- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start-time) 1000) MAX-TIME)
- (>= generation# MAX-GENERATIONS))
- (printf "Generation: ~s, Fitness: ~s~n"
- generation#
- (round-to-precision (exact->inexact fittest-org-fitness) 3))]
- [(equal? (Organism-dna fittest-org) TARGET)
- (printf "Generation: ~s, Fitness: ~s~n"
- generation#
- (round-to-precision (exact->inexact fittest-org-fitness) 3))]
- [else
- (printf "Generation: ~s, Fitness: ~s~n"
- generation#
- (round-to-precision (exact->inexact fittest-org-fitness) 3))
- (loop (add1 generation#)
- (evolve-pool population
- generation#))])))
- (define end-time (current-inexact-milliseconds))
- (printf "Ending time: ~s~n" end-time)
- (printf "Time spent: ~ss~n" (/ (- end-time start-time) 1000)))
- (time (for ([i (in-range 50)]) (main)))