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#+TITLE: Chinese Vocabulary #+AUTHOR: Zelphir Kaltstahl #+STARTUP: content #+STARTUP: indent #+STARTUP: align #+STARTUP: inlineimages #+STARTUP: hideblocks #+STARTUP: entitiesplain #+STARTUP: nologdone #+STARTUP: nologreschedule #+STARTUP: nologredeadline #+STARTUP: nologrefile #+TODO: TODO INPROGRESS VERIFY | DONE CANCELLED #+DATE: [2023-07-30 Sun] #+LANGUAGE: English #+PRIORITIES: A E E * 2022 :2022: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: ** First 温度计thermometer 以备不时之需 To prepare in advance 现在各国都很关注环保的问题。 通胀 现在在德国,各人都要付更多的钱去买吃的东西 收到 午休时间 散步 公务员 助理 部门 充电 chong2dian4 - charge a device with electricity 圈子 quanzi - "circle" / community 相机 xiangji - camera 价格 jiage - der Preis (Kosten) 玩家 wanjia1 - the player 无知 wu2zhi1 - ignorance 同情 一个人 sympathize with someone 测试 - to test 感应器 - sensor ** 2022-08-05 Friday 预约 yùyuē booking / reservation / to book / to make an appointment 咳嗽 喉咙痛 - hóulóngtòng - throat ache / pain / sorrow / deeply / thoroughly 花粉 打疫苗 大眾 症状 流感 限制 xiànzhì 社交活动 - shèhuìhuódòng - social activity 没有太大的可能 - méiyǒutàidàdeke3néng 经空气傳染 - transmittable via air ** 2022-08-08 Monday 更新 - geng1xin1 華而不實 - huá'érbùshí - pretty and non practical 實而不華 - shí ér bù huá - practical but non pretty 同步 - on the same page, same step, to interface 把它放在桌子上 - put it on the table 高品質 - gāopǐnzhì - high quality 燒烤 - shāokǎo - barbecue 電影迷 - movie fan 葡萄牙 - Pútáoyá - Portugal 瑞士 - Switzerland 瑞典 - ruidian - Sweden 台湾 - Taiwan 就算 - jiusuan - even if ... 一首歌 - yi1 shou3 ge1 - a song 課外活動 - Kèwài huódòng - extra curricular activity - AG 思维 - sīwéi - thinking, line of thought, way of thinking 「差别跟区别有什么不一样?没有分别。」 「以前的生活 跟 现在的生活 差别太大了 不可同日而语。」 「现在柏林的 房价 太贵了,不可 跟 以前的 同日而语。」 橡膠 - Rubber - xiàngjiāo 想像 - Imagine - xiǎngxiàng 思維 - Mindset/Logic - sīwéi ** 2022-10-10 審核 - shěnhé - to audit, to review, to investigate thoroughly 领導 - ling3dao3 - leader, to lead 想象 - Xiǎngxiàng - to imagine 松了一口气 - sōngle yī kǒuqì - felt relieved 补回来 - bǔ huílái - make up for sth. 童党 - tóng dǎng - teenage gang 仔細 - zǐxì - careful, cautious 用户 - yònghù - user, customer 雞蛋裡挑骨頭 - jīdànlitiāogǔtou - to look for bones in an egg / to find fault 煩惱 - fánnǎo - to be worried, to be distressed, worries 專注力 - zhuānzhùlì - ability to focus 处理 / 處理 - chǔlǐ - to handle, to deal with 人際关系 - rénjìguānxì - interpersonal relationship 不难想象 - bùnánxiǎngxiàng - not hard to imagine, I can imagine 深处 - shēnchù - depths, to go deep (investigating for example) 担担面 - dàndànmiàn - Sichuan noodles with a spicy and numbing sauce 我在那个 软件(ruǎnjiàn) 深处(shēnchù) 了。 ** 2022-10-17 开关 - kāiguān - switch (electronics) 合理 - hélǐ - rational / reasonable / fair - HSK5 症状 - zhèngzhuàng - symptom (of an illness) - HSK6 戴口罩: 戴 - dài - to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc) / to respect / to bear / to support 口罩 - kǒuzhào - mask (surgical etc) 咳嗽 - késou - to cough - HSK4 通风 - tōngfēng - ventilation / to ventilate 保留 - bǎoliú - to keep / to retain / to have reservations (about sth) / to hold back (from saying sth) / to put aside for later 体力 - tǐlì - physical strength / physical power 免疫力 - miǎnyìlì - immunity 风险 - 风險 - fēngxiǎn - risk, hazard 糖尿病 - tángniàobìng - diabetes / diabetes mellitus 家庭医生 - 家庭醫生 - jiātíng yīshēng - family doctor 副作用 - fùzuòyòng - side effect 痒 - yǎng - to itch / to tickle - HSK5 肩膀 - jiānbǎng - shoulder - HSK5 尖叫 - jiānjiào - to screech / to shriek, to scream 证明 - zhèngmíng - proven - HSK4 发现 - fāxiàn - to realize, to discover - HSK3 不熟悉 - bùshúxī - unfamiliar - HSK4 意見 - yìjiàn - idea, opinion - HSK4 酵母 - jiàomǔ - yeast 没办法 - 沒辦法 - méibànfǎ - there is nothing to be done / one can't do anything about it ** 2022-10-24 塞住 沐浴 分散你的注意力 失去味覺 用作 清 有效 化學物 水压 形狀 河邊 打獵 獵人 村民 文明 发達 深入的掃瞄 ** 2022-10-31 + 味觉 - wèijué - sense of taste + 麻辣滋味 - málà zīwèi - numbing spicy taste + 秘密組織 - mìmì zǔzhī - secret organization + 隱形 - yǐnxíng - invisible + 通風口 - tōngfēngkǒu - air vent, ventilation shaft + 任務 - rènwu - mission, assignment, task, duty - HSK4 + 簡單 - jiǎndān - simple, not complicated - HSK3 + 蘇格蘭 - Sūgélán - Scotland + 搬家 - bānjiā - to move house ** 2022-11-07 + 軟的 - ruǎnde - soft + 沙子一般的質感 + 我把我的钱包放在我的背包里面。 ** 2022-11-15 + temporary - 暫時性 - zànshí - 暂时性 - zànshíxìng + 公寓 - gōngyù - apartment/flat + 了解公司的结构 - understand the company's structure (business processes etc.) + 社交活动 - shèhuìhuódòng - social activity + pingtai - platform (also for software platforms) + 思考 - sīkǎo - to reflect on / to ponder over + to count - 数 数字 + 巴士 - bāshì - bus (phonetically translated) + xiju yǎnyuán - comedian + 拍照 - pai1zhao4 - to take pictures + 拿出来 - to take something out of packaging or a bag or something like that + 买回来 - buy and bring back to current location + 终于 - finally + 一般 - usual / usually - yìban1 + 愿意 - would like to - yuànyì + 看电视有什么意思? - What is so interesting about watching TV? + 会议 - meeting - huìyì + 经常 - often - jing1cháng + 累坏了 - lèihuàile - to be too tired (same as: 累死了) ** 2022-11-21 + 在柏林和 Hannover 之间的火车意外发生了。 + 在柏林和 Hannover 之间的火车有意外发生了。 + 有人必须坐在地上。-- Some people had to sit on the floor. + 我預订了这个座位。-- I reserved this seat (in a train). + 我坐在我的行李箱上。 -- I sat on my suitcase. + 你会想像 ... -- You can imagine ... + 自助餐 -- zizhucan -- buffet + 寿司 -- shòusī -- Sushi + 老师 拿出 (to take out (of a bag or so)) 一本书 (an object) 来 (so that it is closer to the person saying it)。 + 小狗从房间跑出来。-- The little dog ran out of the room, towards the speaker. + 准确 -- precise + 我给你 (me for you) 拿 (to take something) 过 (over there) 去 (away from speaker) 吧。/ 我给你拿(它)过去吧。 + 坐久了还(有)可以站起(to stand up)来休息一会儿。 + 一下 = 一会儿 + 老师 走进 (walk inside) 教室 来 (closer to the speaker)。Location must come before 去 or 来. (only special rule for locations) + 延误 - Delay - Yánwù + 取消 - Cancel - qǔxiāo + 喷泉 - Fountain - pēnquán + 坚果 - Nuts - jiānguǒ + 成就 - Achievements - chéngjiù ** 2022-11-28 日光燈 亮 表弟 表 堂 隔离 希臘 互相影响 移民 谈 - tan2 - tell (a story) jianguo - nuts 遇到 - to encounter 拿起来 - to pick up sth. from the ground 搬起来 - to pick up sth. from the ground and move it to another place 忙死了 > 忙怀了 > 太忙了 > 非常忙了 > 很忙了 时间表 - shíjiānbiǎo - schedule / timetable 你疯了吗? 傻屄 - shǎbī - stupid cunt (vulgar) (often used when people are mad) 你是傻屄吗? 她还必须习惯(get used to)新的情况。 她还必须习惯新的时间表。 她还必须习惯新的工作的时间表。 她还必须习惯新的工时(working hours)。 终于 - finally 考试 - exam 考完试 - to finish exam ** 2022-12-05 函数 - hánshù - mathematical formula 清晰 - qing1xi1 - clearly defined / well defined 结果 - jie2guo3 - result / outcome 副作用 - fùzuòyòng - side effect 放假 - fàngjià - to have vacation 不放心 - búfàngxin1 - uncomfortable / not feeling secure 没有很大的进度。= there was not a lot of progress 编程的拼图 - biānchéng de pin1tú - coding puzzle 拼图 - pin1tú - puzzle 你的方法是对的 = your method (solution) is correct 计算 -jìsuàn - calculate 庆祝 - qìngzhù - to celebrate ** 2022-12-16 医療 了 紅菜頭 晚 落后 粥 吐 被海包圍着 對手 - duìshǒu - opponent 瓶子 - píngzi - bottle 医疗 medical Yīliáo 连续剧 TV series liánxùjù 演员 actor yǎnyuán 包围 surround bāowéi ** 2022-12-19 落后 - luòhòu - to be behind (time-wise) 随时 - suíshí - at any time / at all times / at the right time 咳嗽 - késou - to cough 推到 - tuīdào - to push sth. 遇见 - yùjiàn - to encounter a person without intention 遇到 - yùdào - to encounter sth/sb without intention 主题 - zhǔtí - topic 话题 - huàtí - conversation topic (only for conversations) 社交媒体 - shèjiāoméitǐ - social media 书架 - shūjià - book shelf 把我的书 带 过去。- 带 我的书 过去。 公共 - gōnggòng - public (adj.) - for example: 公共汽车,公共书架 * 2023 :2023: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: ** 2023-01-02 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Other :topic: 平安 - píng'ān - safe 奖励 - jiǎnglì - reward 完全正確 - wánquán zhèngquè - entirely correct / completely correct. - HSK4 *** Clothing :clothing:topic: 連身衣 - liánshēnyì - sweater *** Computer :topic:computer: 技术 - jìshù - technique 软件技术 - ruǎnjiànjìshù - software technology *** Holidays :topic:holidays: 愿望 - yuànwàng - desire / wish 新年 决定/目标 - xīnnián juédìng/mùbiāo - new years resolution 我们是唯一在看烟火的。 - wǒmen shì wéiyī ... - ??? *** Economy / Job :topic:job:economy: 薪水 - xīnshuǐ - wage 通胀 - tōngzhàng - inflation 申请 - shēnqǐng - to apply for sth / application (form etc) *** People / Character description :topic:people: 冷漠 - lěngmò - cold/distanced (description of the character of a person) 强项 - forté / strength 不是那么自在 - not so comfortable *** Hobbies :topic:hobbies: 技术 - jìshù - technique (for example technique in martial arts) 伸展運動 - stretching sport 灵活度 - linghuodu - flexibility 团体 - tuántǐ - group 乒乓球 - pīngpāngqiú - table tennis 乒乓球的团体 - table tennis group *** Food :food:topic: 泡绿茶 - pāolǜchá - brew green tea 黄油 - huángyóu - butter 烤箱 - kǎoxiāng - the oven 吃掉 - chīdiào - to eat it all 平常 的 面包 - píngcháng de miànbāo - the usual bread / the normal bread 吃得更健康 - chīdé gēng jiànkāng - eat healthier 比我想像中的更好吃 - ??? *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 我们 把 那个面包 带 回来 给 我的姐姐 了。可能 她 不 会 全部 吃掉。 - We brought some of the bread home for my sister. It might be she cannot eat it all. + 我 把 水果 和 一杯茶 拿 上来,坐 在 电脑的前面。 + 可能 (kěnéng) 我 只 (zhǐ) 看 (kàn) 一部 (bù) 纪录片 (jìlùpiàn)。 + 跟我的年纪一样大 - gēn wǒde niánjì yīyàng dà - same age as me + 用那个语言不能 优雅 的 去 表达 自己。- ??? + 我们是唯一在看烟火的。 - wǒmen shì wéiyī ... - We were the only ones watching the fireworks. + 我是唯一一个去那里的。 - I am the only one going there ** 2023-01-09 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Food :food:topic: 炒香 - chǎoxiāng - stir fry until fragrant 生的米 - shēngdemǐ - raw rice 鍋子 - guōzi - a pot 芝麻 - zhīma - sesame 午休時間 - wǔxiūshíjiān - lunch break *** Colors :topic:colors: 灰色 - huīsè - grey *** Vacation :topic:vacation: 放假 - fàngjià - to take vacation (verb) 假期 - jiàqī - a vacation (noun) *** Places :topic:locations: 首尔 - Shǒu'ěr - Seoul *** Grammar :topic:grammar: 了 - change of state compared with the time when the person spoke *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 比起 杯子,茶杯 这个词 更 仔细。 + 他是所有的丈夫。 - he is like every husband / he represents all husbands + 我 先把 这个 盒子 搬出去。 + 我必须 把 垃圾桶 搬出去。 + If very heavy, use 搬. If it is not so heavy use 拿. For example taking sth. out of a bag. + 给我回电话 - call me back + 讲讲故事 - to tell a story *** Others :topic: 搬 - to move (for example chairs or table), move something by lifting it 着急 - zháojí - to rush sth. 仔细 - zǐxì - specific 任务 - rènwu - task 经历 - jīnglì - to experience / to go through ** 2023-01-10 :practice: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: 编程 - biānchéng - to program / to code 工程师 - gōngchéngshī - engineer 软件工程师 - ruǎnjiàn gōngchéngshī - software engineer ** 2023-01-14 :notes: My mother will soon go on pension. - 我妈妈很快便会领退休金。 一至两年,然后有退休金 祝一切顺利 https://yoyochinese.com/blog/learn-how-to-write-a-formal-email-in-chinese 祝好!(zhù hǎo) - Wish you all the best! (generic, OK as formal or informal) 祝一切顺利! (zhù yì qiè shùn lì) - Hope everything is going well for you! (generic, for anyone on a personal/informal level) 祝你一切都好!(zhù nǐ yì qiè dōu hǎo) - Hope everything is good with you! (generic, for anyone on a personal/informal level) 保重!(bǎo zhòng) - Take care! (generic, for anyone on a personal/informal level) 祝您健康长寿!(zhù nín jiàn kāng cháng shòu) - Wish you health and longevity! (for elderly people on a personal/informal level) 祝工作顺利!(zhù gōng zuò shùn lì) - Wish you a successful career! (for friends on a personal/informal level) 祝学习进步!(zhù xué xí jìn bù) - Wish you good progress in your studies! (for younger kids/adolescents on a personal/informal level) ** 2023-01-16 :lesson: 親戚 - qin1qi - a relative (person) 回答 - to reply (spoken) 回复 - to reply (written or spoken) 我觉得你们要好好休息。 然后我还咳嗽了几个星期。 我没有打去年的流感疫苗。 相对来说生病更严重了。/相对来说生病更长了。 总的来说 - generally speaking / overall speaking 当然 所有人(everyone / 大家 also works) 想公司提高他们的薪水。 她找到人有什么病。 她还必须习惯新的工作。 有时候她必须周末工作,然后 在 其他的 日子 放假。 也有 时候 她 必须 工作 很晚。 "很快 (soon) 便会 (will) 领 (ling - to get) 退休金 (tuixiujin - pension)" 她做的园艺太多。 退休以后她想看很多书。 他以前在哪里买了包子。 我要做一个探索(tansuo - explore)成都菜的旅行。 在公共交通工具上小心一点。 贴心 - sweet and thoughtful 保重! - take care (a bit poetic) 园艺 Gardening Yuányì 亲戚 Relatives qīnqi 期盼 Hope qī pàn ** 2023-01-23 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Holidays :topic:holidays: qingzhu - to celebrate *** Food :topic:food: 年糕 蘿蔔糕 suannai - yogurt maipian - muesli yanmai - oat yanmainai - oat milk ran3 - soft qiyazi - chia seeds fengge - style 三明治 - sānmíngzhì - sandwich nong - rich flavor *** Other :topic: yijian - opinion 配 -pèi - to join / to fit / to mate / to mix / to match / to deserve / to make up (a prescription) / to allocate 哪一种菜 - which type of cuisine hunzai yiqi - mix together gen mifan hunzai yiqi - mix with the rice yiwan mifan - a bowl of rice yi zhi wan - a bowl 忍受 tolerate Rěnshòu 碗 bowl wǎn 小菜 small dish xiǎocài *** Phrases :topic:phrase: 這一次相對於上一次來說有更多生詞 - 这一次 xiangduiyu shangyici laishuo you gengduo shengci. 跟上一次 比起来, 这一次 有 更多生词。 ** 2023-01-30 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Computer :topic:computer: 系统 - xìtǒng - system 科技 - kējì - science and technology 关电脑 - guān diànnǎo - shutdown a computer 关手机 - guān shǒujī - turn off a mobile phone 最短的路线 - zuì duǎnde lùxiàn - shortest path *** Society :topic:society: 社會 - shèhuì - society 社會系統 - society system / social system 自由 - zìyóu - freedom / free / unrestricted 恐怖份子 - terrorist 保护费 - bǎohùfèi - protection money 黑社会 - hēishèhuì - die Mafia *** Food :food:topic: 三文魚 - salmon *** Grammar :topic:grammar: 才 VS 就 *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 她 想 優先 (prioritize / priority) 做 园藝 (gardening)。她更喜欢这样。 + 很多人 跟别人 保持联系 (keep contact) 的 能力 (ability) 不高。 *** Other :topic: 直接 - zhíjiē - straight forward, direct 最短的 - zuì duǎnde - shortest 关灯 - guān dēng - turn off a light 关门 - guān mén - close a door 碰面 - pèngmiàn - to meet by coincidence, to run into someone ** 2023-02-06 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Computer :topic:computer: 机器 - jīqì - machine *** Society :topic:society: 文明 - wénmíng - civilization *** Job :job:topic: 領導 - lǐngdǎo - leader / lead / to lead 專家 - zhuānjiā - expert 经验 - jīngyàn - experience / to experience 记者 - jìzhě - journalist *** Other :topic: 特定 的 - tèdìng de specific 特定 的 东西 - tèdìng de dōngxi 窄的 - zhǎi de - narrow / narrow-minded 定義 - dìngyì - definition 很窄的定義 - hěn zhǎi de dìngyì - very limited / narrow definition 無關 - wúguān - unrelated / having nothing to do with sth. 想法 - xiǎngfǎ - thoughts 意见 - yìjiàn - opinion 被替代 - bèitìdài - to be replaced 很火的 - hěnhuǒde - very popular 金字塔 - jīnzìtǎ - pyramids 外星人 - wàixīngrén - alien 公寓 - gōngyù - apartment 平均 - píngjūn de - on average *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 最近 有 越来越 多的 CPU cores。 + 每个人都有进步的空间。 - Everyone has room for improvement. + 如果我们看他们编程的时间多长,就觉得他们真的不错。 + ... (一个东西) ... 让 别人 有 不好的 印象 (yìnxiàng - impression)。 + 很容易被替代 - easily replaced + 人不是一个机器。 ** 2023-02-10 :meetup: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Other :topic: 挑剔 - tiāoti - picky / fussy 发觉 - fājué - to notice 在家工作 - zàijia1gong1zuò 进步 - jìnbù - progress / improvement / to progress + 「他不喜欢讨论那个主题/话题。他很快把话题变了。」 ** 2023-02-13 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: 团体 - tuántǐ - group / organization / team 章節 - zhāngjié - chapter 专注 - zhuānzhù - to focus / to concentrate / to give one's full attention 意味 - yìwèi - meaning 照片集 - zhàopiànjí - photo album 巨婴 - jùyīng - das Riesenbaby 对话 - duìhuà - dialogue / to talk with somebody next: 18:30 *** Phrases :topic:phrase: 他常常跟他的女朋友见面。- He often meets with his girlfriend. 坐在我的大腿上 - sit on my lap ** 2023-02-20 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Computer :topic:computer: ??? - ??? - literate programming 分享我的屏幕 - fēnxiǎng wǒde píngmù (formal) - share screen *** Job :topic:job: 店员 - diànyuán - employee in a shop/store / shop assistant *** Food :food:topic: 配料 - pèiliào - ingredients (in recipes) 洋蔥 - yángcōng - onion 胡萝卜 - húluóbo - carrot 焦糖 - jiāotáng - caramel 肉桂 - ròuguì - Chinese cinnamon *** Text :topic:text: 一段文字 - yíduànwénzì - one paragraph 橡皮 - xiàngpí - eraser / rubber *** Art :topic:art: 水墨畫 - shuǐmòhuà - ink painting *** Relationships :topic:relationships: 恐怖情人 - kǒngbù qíngrén - terrible lover 佔有 - zhànyǒu - to have / to hold / to possess 佔有欲很強 - zhànyǒu yù hěn qiáng - to be possessive 分手 - fēnshǒu - to go separate ways (relationship) / to split up (relationship) *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 我问其中一个人。- wǒ wèn qízhōng yíge rén。 - I asked one among the people. + 画的性質是抽像。- huàde xìngzhì shì chōuxiàng。- The painting is of an abstract nature. *** Other :topic: 概念 - gàiniàn - concept / idea 抽像 - chōuxiàng - abstract 性質 - xìngzhì - nature / character / characteristic 骚扰 - sāorǎo - to disturb 软 - ruǎn - soft (also used in 软件 = software) 季節性 - jìjiéxìng - seasonal - something not available in all seasons / only available in a specific season 高級 - gāojí - high level / high grade / fancy / high quality *** Questions [2/2] + [X] Can one put 「请别骚扰!」 on a sign at a door for example? - No. Use: 「请别打扰!」 (it is more polite) + [X] What is 「同人文」 again? - "Fan fiction". ** 2023-02-27 :lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: 素 章節 - chapter (of a book) - zhang1jie2 封锁 - to block someone for example in a messenger 害不害羞 - literally: "Shy or not shy?", meaning: "Are you ashamed?" 功能 - gongneng - functionality 而已 - éryǐ - that's all / nothing more 我说说而已。- I'm just saying it. / I just made it up. 对 中国的学生 (来说) 这是 很短 的。 - For Chinese students, this is (very) short. 我才睡了四个小时。 - I only slept for 4 hours. 我竟然睡了八个小时的觉。- Yesterday I even slept 8 hours. 我竟然睡了八个小时。- Yesterday I even slept 8 hours. 失去 - shiqu - to lose sth. 睡眠 的 规律 - shuimian de guilü - sleep rhythm 工作的任务(renwu - task)不这么复杂,但是需要用很多工具(gongju - tools)/系统(xitong - systems)。 演讲 - yanjiang - talk / speech 穿衣风格 - clothing style ** 2023-03-06 :lesson:1: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Culture :culture:topic: 生活的方式 - shēnghuó de fāngshì - style of living 冲突 - chōngtū - conflict / clash *** Travel :travel:topic: 登机 - dēngjī - to board a plane 探索 - tànsuǒ- explore *** Job :job:topic: 服务 - fúwù - service / to serve *** Food :food:topic: 食谱 - shípǔ - recipe (food) 食物 - shíwù - food 蛋糕 - dàngāo - cake 面團 - miàntuán - dough *** Computer :topic:computer: 耳机 - ěrjī - headphones / earphones *** Places :topic:locations: 瑞典 - Ruìdiǎn - Sweden 夏宮 - xiàgōng - summer palace *** Unsorted :topic: 特别 - tèbié - special 想念 - xiǎngniàn - to miss sth./sb. 对方 - duìfāng - eachother 描述 - miáoshù - to describe / description 洞 - dòng - a hole *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 那部电影 带给我们 蒙古 漂亮/雄伟 (xiongwei) 的 一面。 + 照你自己的方式去做吧。- Do it as you wish. / Do it according to how you want to do it. / ... in your own way. + 太阳照着我。- The sun is shining on me. (not a metaphor) ** 2023-03-08 :notes: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Computer :topic:computer: 科技 - kējì - science and technology 现代 - xiàndài - modern 现代科技 - xiàndài kējì - modern technology *** Culture :topic:culture: 三八节 - sānbājié - international Women's Day 国际妇女节 - Guójì Fùnǚjié - international Women's Day 妇女节 - Fùnǚjié - Women's Day ** 2023-03-13 :lesson:2: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Computer :topic:computer: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+-------+-----------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | 复制 | fùzhì | copy and paste | 4 | 3 | 0 | | # | 抄 | chāo | copy other's work / to plagiarize | 2 | 1 | 0 | |---+------+-------+-----------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 6 | 4 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 2.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @4$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);EN%.2f::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);EN%.2f::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);EN%.2f *** Food :topic:food: **** Milk-based :topic:milk: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+----------+-------------+-------------+------+------+---------| | # | 奶酪 | nǎilào | cheese | 4 | 3 | 0 | | # | | | mozarella | 3 | | 0 | | # | feta 奶酪 | feta nǎilào | feta cheese | 3 | 3 | 0 | |---+----------+-------------+-------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 10 | 6 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.33 | 3.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @5$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f **** Vegetables :topic:vegetables: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+-----------+----------+------+------+---------| | # | 莎拉 | shālā | salad | 4 | 3 | 0 | | # | 黄瓜 | huángguā | cucumber | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 红椒 | hóngjiāo | paprika | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 西红柿 | xīhóngshì | tomato | 3 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+-----------+----------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 13 | 12 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.25 | 3.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @6$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@7$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);EN%.2f::@7$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);EN%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);EN%.2f **** Meat :topic:meat: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+--------+-------------+------+------+---------| | # | 碎肉 | suìròu | ground meat | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 火腿 | huǒtuǐ | ham | 3 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+--------+-------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 6 | 6 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @4$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f **** Other :topic: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+--------+-----------------+----------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | 奶酪 | nǎilào | cheese | 4 | 3 | 0 | | # | 红油 | hóng yóu | chili oil | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 辣椒油 | làjiāo yóu | chili oil | 3 | 4 | 0 | | # | 水饺 | shuǐjiǎo | boiled dumpling | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 红油水饺 | hóngyóushuǐjiǎo | dumplings in chili oil | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 大蒜 | dàsuàn | garlic | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 成份 | chéngfèn | ingredient / component | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 食材 | shícái | food ingredient for a dish | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 杯面 | bēimiàn | cup noodles | 2 | 2 | 0 | | # | 卷饼 | juǎnbǐng | tortilla wraps | 2 | 3 | 0 | | # | 蛋黄酱 | dànhuángjiàng | mayo | 2 | 5 | 0 | | # | 奶酪面 | nǎilàomiàn | cheese noodles | 1 | 4 | 0 | |---+--------+-----------------+----------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 32 | 34 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 2.67 | 2.83 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @14$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@14$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@14$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@15$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@15$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@15$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f 成份 - used for ingredients of food, like sugar or fat 食材 - used for ingredients of dishes, things to put in a complete dish, coarser than 成份 *** Economy :topic:economy: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+--------+-------+------+------+---------| | # | 品牌 | pǐnpái | brand | 3 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+--------+-------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @3$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Health :topic:health: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+---------+-----------+------+------+---------| | # | 癌症 | áizhèng | cancer | 2 | 4 | 0 | | # | 细菌 | xìjūn | bacterium | 2 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+---------+-----------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 4 | 7 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 2.00 | 3.50 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @4$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Time :topic:time: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+--------+------------+------+------+---------| | # | 昨晚 | zuówǎn | last night | 5 | 2 | 0 | |---+------+--------+------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 5 | 2 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 5.00 | 2.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @3$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Travel :topic:travel: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+---------+------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | 出差 | chūchāi | to go on business trip | 2 | 2 | 0 | |---+------+---------+------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 2 | 2 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 2.00 | 2.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @3$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 太用力了 - use too much force + 一口吃下所有的东西最好吃 - one bite with all the ingredients is the best way to eat it + 我刚刚把车借给别人了。 + 我一会儿就把你们 带去 (to bring) 游泳馆 (indoor swimming pool)。 + 昨天 我 把 你 的 眼镜 放在 桌子 上 了。 + 老师每一次下课以前在 黑板 写 学生 下一次课 应该 带的 东西。 *** Unsorted :topic: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+-----------+-----------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | 牙刷 | yáshuā | toothbrush | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 平时 | píngshí | usually | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 平常 | píngcháng | usually | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 证据 | zhèngjù | evidence / proof | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 答案 | dá'àn | solution to a puzzle/riddle | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 癌症 | áizhèng | cancer | 2 | 4 | 0 | | # | 模仿 | mófǎng | to imitate other people / to copy | 2 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+-----------+-----------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 22 | 18 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.14 | 2.57 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @9$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@10$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Most important words :important:topic: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: all :END: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+-----------+----------------+------+------+---------| | # | 昨晚 | zuówǎn | last night | 5 | 2 | 0 | | # | 牙刷 | yáshuā | toothbrush | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 平常 | píngcháng | usually | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 平时 | píngshí | usually | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 复制 | fùzhì | copy and paste | 4 | 3 | 0 | | # | 奶酪 | nǎilào | cheese | 4 | 3 | 0 | | # | 沙拉 | shālā | salad | 4 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+-----------+----------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 29 | 17 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 4.14 | 2.43 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @9$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@10$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f ** 2023-03-20 :lesson:3: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Answered questions [4/4] :answers:questions: + [X] When to use 「方法」 and when to use 「方式」? What is the difference? Is it method vs style like in English? + 方法 - method (how to do something) more specific, a method for doing that one specific thing + 方式 - style (like in lifestyle) more general way of doing things, applicable to many things + [X] When to use what again? Can we write a few example phrases?: + 「通常」(regular / usual / normal / usually / normally) + 「平常」(ordinary / common / usually / ordinarily) + 「普通」(common / ordinary / general / average) + 通常 - 通常 我 下班 (以)后/之后 就 做饭。- describing a habit + 平常 - 男人 平常 都是 比较 花心(polyamorous)。(can also use 通常) - describing a very common thing - usually / ordinarily - not much difference between 通常 and 平常 + 普通 - 这 道菜 很普通 不是 特别 好吃。- This dish is very mediocre, not particularly tasty. - Describing something as being mediocre, or having mediocrity. + [X] How to write 「houtang - throat candy - 如果有咳嗽,就吃的东西」? + 喉糖 - hóutáng - throat candy + [X] How can I use 「配搭 - peida - combination」? Example phrase? + 用 A 配搭 B,...。 + 用 小黄瓜 配搭 奶酪,你的 卷饼 会 很好 吃。 + 用 小黄瓜 配搭 奶酪,让 你的 卷饼 很好 吃。 + 今天 我的 帽子 配搭 (to match something) 我的 太阳眼镜 (sun glasses)。 + 配搭 (to combine) 我新的 学习汉字的方法 跟 放假的时间 让我 学习 更快。 + 在 中国 旅行 用 中文 配搭 英语,我 可以 跟 本地人 (local people) 沟通 (to communicate)。 *** Computer :topic:computer: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+----------+---------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | 自动 | zìdòng | automatically | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 计算 | jìsuàn | calculate | 4 | 3 | 0 | | # | 表 | biǎo | a table / a spreadsheet | 3 | 1 | 0 | | # | 研究 | yánjiū | research / to look into | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 功能 | gōngnéng | function / capability / feature | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 有效 | yǒuxiào | effective | 2 | 2 | 0 | | # | 效率 | xiàolǜ | efficiency | 2 | 4 | 0 | |---+------+----------+---------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 21 | 18 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 2.57 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @9$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@10$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Other :topic: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+--------+--------------+---------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | 价钱 | jiàqian | price | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 发明 | fāmíng | to invent / invention | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 灰色 | huīsè | gray / ambiguous | 3 | 2 | 0 | | # | 陰天 | yīntiān | cloudy day / gray sky day | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | 难的程度 | nándechéngdù | difficulty | 3 | 5 | 0 | | # | 小秘诀 | xiǎomìjué | secret know-how / a small trick | 2 | 4 | 0 | |---+--------+--------------+---------------------------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 18 | 18 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @8$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@8$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@8$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@9$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@9$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Most important words :important:topic: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: all :END: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+---------+---------------+------+------+---------| | # | 价钱 | jiàqian | price | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 自动 | zìdòng | automatically | 4 | 2 | 0 | | # | 计算 | jìsuàn | calculate | 4 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+---------+---------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 12 | 7 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 4.00 | 2.33 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @5$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + (我) 在 编程 的 方面 我 做了 研究。 + 但是,这不是全部! - (But) that's not all! ** 2023-03-23 :notes: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | |---+------+--------+----------------------+------+------+---------| | # | 惊讶 | jīngyà | amazed / to surprise | 3 | 3 | 0 | |---+------+--------+----------------------+------+------+---------| | # | sum | | | 3 | 3 | 0 | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | #+TBLFM: @3$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f ** 2023-03-27 :lesson:4: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Computer :topic:computer: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+-------------+----------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 文件 | wénjiàn | document | 4 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 动图 | dòngtú | moving picture / animation | 3 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 耳机 | ěrjī | headphones | 3 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 特点 | tèdiǎn | property / characteristic | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 音乐机 | yīnyuèjī | music player | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 字体 | zìtǐ | font ("body of character") | 2 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 遥控器 | yáokòngqì | remote control | 2 | 5 | 0 | | | # | 動畫片 | dònghuàpiàn | animated movie | 2 | 5 | 0 | 5 | |---+------+-------------+----------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 22 | 24 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.75 | 3.00 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @10$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@10$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@10$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@11$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@11$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@11$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 他们 不 想 接受 自己 是 ... 的 事实。 + 每个 正常人 都 有 不 正常的 地方 (here: aspect)。 *** Grammar :topic:grammar: 越 ... 越 ...。 *** Food :topic:food: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+--------+----------------+--------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 仔细 | zǐxì | careful / attentive / cautious | 3 | 2 | 0 | 4 | | # | 珍珠奶茶 | zhēnzhū nǎichá | bubble tea / pearl milk tea | 2 | 5 | 0 | | |---+--------+----------------+--------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 5 | 7 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.50 | 3.50 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @4$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Psychology :topic:psychology: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+--------+----------------+----------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 行为 | xíngwéi | action / conduct / behavior / activity | 4 | 2 | 0 | 5 | | # | 焦虑 | jiāolǜ | anxious | 2 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 害羞 | hàixiū | shy | 2 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 社交焦慮 | shèjiāo jiāolǜ | interaction / social contact | 2 | 5 | 0 | | |---+--------+----------------+----------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 10 | 13 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.50 | 3.25 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @6$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@7$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Other :topic: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+----------+----------------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 突然 | tūrán | sudden / abrupt / unexpected | 5 | 3 | 0 | 3 | | # | 文化 | wénhuà | culture | 4 | 2 | 0 | 3 | | # | 机构 | jīgòu | organisation | 4 | 2 | 0 | 6 | | # | 严重 | yánzhòng | grave / serious / severe / critical | 4 | 3 | 0 | 4 | | # | 多阔 | duōkuò | how wide? | 3 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 仔细 | zǐxì | careful / attentive / cautious | 3 | 2 | 0 | 4 | | # | 宽度 | kuāndù | width | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 阔度 | kuòdù | breadth | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 事实 | shìshí | fact / reality / truth | 3 | 3 | 0 | 5 | | # | 推理 | tuīlǐ | reasoning / inference / to infer / to deduce | 3 | 3 | 0 | 6 | | # | 概率 | gàilǜ | probability (math.) / chances | 3 | 4 | 0 | | | # | 准确 | zhǔnquè | exact / accurate | 3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | | # | 接受 | jiēshòu | to accept / to receive | 3 | 4 | 0 | 4 | | # | 偷 | tōu | to steal | 2 | 2 | 0 | 5 | | # | 资助 | zīzhù | subsidise | 2 | 2 | 0 | 6 | | # | 孤独 | gūdú | lonely / solitary | 2 | 3 | 0 | 6 | | # | 滿足感 | mǎnzúgǎn | sense of satisfaction | 2 | 4 | 0 | | | # | 遗传 | yíchuán | heredity / inherited / hereditary | 1 | 2 | 0 | 6 | |---+------+----------+----------------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 53 | 51 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.94 | 2.83 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @20$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@20$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@20$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@21$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@21$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@21$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Most important words :important:topic: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: all :END: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+----------+----------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 突然 | tūrán | sudden / abrupt / unexpected | 5 | 3 | 0 | 3 | | # | 文化 | wénhuà | culture | 4 | 2 | 0 | 3 | | # | 文件 | wénjiàn | document / file | 4 | 2 | 0 | 5 | | # | 行为 | xíngwéi | action / conduct / behavior / activity | 4 | 2 | 0 | 5 | | # | 机构 | jīgòu | organisation | 4 | 2 | 0 | 6 | | # | 严重 | yánzhòng | grave / serious / severe / critical | 4 | 3 | 0 | 4 | |---+------+----------+----------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 25 | 14 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 4.17 | 2.33 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @8$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@8$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@8$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@9$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@9$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f ** 2023-04-03 :lesson:1: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Food :topic:food: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+----------+---------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 米粉 | mǐfěn | rice flour / rice-flour noodles | 3 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 素 | sù | vegetarian | 3 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 前菜 | qiáncài | appetizer | 3 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 主菜 | zhǔcài | main dish | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 份量 | fènliàng | a portion | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 河粉 | héfěn | rice noodles in wide strips | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 杏仁 | xìngrén | almond | 2 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 寿司 | shòusī | sushi | 2 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 魚蛋 | yú dàn | fish balls | 2 | 3 | 0 | | |---+------+----------+---------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 24 | 23 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.67 | 2.56 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @11$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@11$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@11$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@12$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@12$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@12$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Locations :topic:locations: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+--------+---------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 越南 | yuènán | Vietnam | 3 | 4 | 0 | | |---+------+--------+---------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 3 | 4 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 4.00 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @3$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Other :topic: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+--------+-----------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 回忆 | huíyì | memory | 3 | 2 | 0 | 4 | | # | 分开 | fēnkāi | separate / separation | 3 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 分类 | fēnlèi | sort / classify | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 打发 | dǎfā | to waste time / to make sb. leave | 1 | 2 | 0 | | |---+------+--------+-----------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 10 | 9 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.50 | 2.25 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @6$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@7$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 不是一个只在复活节吃的东西。 + 我看了多于一半的书。 - I read more than half of the book. + ... 我总是有点 困惑(confused)。 + 我 把 它们 分类 (fenlèi, to sort them) 放在 电脑 的 档案 (dang'an - file / folder) 里面。 + 新的 AI model 没有 推理(tuīlǐ)能力(nénglì)(ability to reason / deduction)。 + 用现在的电脑你不能计算这个东西。 + 价钱是多少? *** Answers for questions :answers:questions: 1. Should I use 「突然」(tūrán, HSK 3, sudden; abrupt; unexpected) or 「忽然」(hūrán, HSK 5, suddenly / all of a sudden) for "suddenly"? 1. 都可以用。 2. 有一个区别:这个不是我计划好的。这是突然发生的。-- 「忽然」needs to be at the beginning of a phrase. It cannot be in the middle of a phrase. *** Most important words :important:topic: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: all :END: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+--------+---------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 回忆 | huíyì | memory | 3 | 2 | 0 | 4 | | # | 越南 | yuènán | Vietnam | 3 | 4 | 0 | | |---+------+--------+---------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 6 | 6 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @4$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f ** 2023-04-10 :lesson:2: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Food :food:topic: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+----------+---------------------------+--------+--------+---------+-----| | # | 汤 | tāng | soup | 4 | 1 | 0 | 4 | | # | 甜点 | tiándiǎn | dessert | 4 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 南瓜 | nánguā | pumpkin | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 樱桃 | yīngtáo | cherry | 3 | 4 | 0 | | | # | 叉烧 | chāshāo | char siu / barbecued pork | 2 | 3 | 0 | | |---+------+----------+---------------------------+--------+--------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | #ERROR | #ERROR | #ERROR | | *** People / social :people:topic: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+--------+-------------+-------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 关系 | guānxi | relation / relationship | 4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | | # | 人际 | rénjì | human relationships / interpersonal | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 | | # | 人际关系 | rénjìguānxi | interpersonal relationship | 3 | 4 | 0 | | |---+--------+-------------+-------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 10 | 9 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 3.33 | 3.00 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @5$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f **** Examples :examples: *** Other | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+------------+------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 基本上 | jīběnshang | basically | 4 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 潜在 | qiánzài | hidden / potential | 4 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 观察 | guānchá | to observe | 4 | 4 | 0 | 5 | | # | 心理学 | xīnlǐxué | psychology | 3 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 抵抗 | dǐkàng | to resist / resistance | 3 | 3 | 0 | 6 | | # | 充实 | chōngshí | rich / full / substantial | 2 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 诱惑 | yòuhuò | temptation / to entice / to induce | 2 | 4 | 0 | 6 | |---+------+------------+------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 22 | 22 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 3.14 | 3.14 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @9$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@9$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@10$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@10$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 嚐到甜頭了 - to have tasted the sweetness + 跟 (一个东西) 有关的。 + 另外一回事 - lìngwài yī huíshì + 他对这个行为上瘾了 - Tā duì zhège xíngwéi shàngyǐn le. - He has let this behavior become a habit / an addiction. *** Most important words :topic:important: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: all :END: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+------------+-------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 汤 | tāng | soup | 4 | 1 | 0 | 4 | | # | 甜点 | tiándiǎn | dessert | 4 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 基本上 | jīběnshang | basically | 4 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 关系 | guānxi | relation / relationship | 4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | |---+------+------------+-------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 16 | 9 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 4.00 | 2.25 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @6$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@7$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f ** 2023-04-17 :lesson:3: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Grammar :topic:grammar: Do not use 「一边 ... 一边」 for situations. Only it for doing 2 actions at the same time. *** Job :topic:job: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+-----------+---------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 薪水 | xīnshuǐ | salary / wage | 4 | 3 | 0 | 6 | | # | 会计师 | kuàijìshī | accountant | 2 | 3 | 0 | | |---+------+-----------+---------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 6 | 6 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 3.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @4$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 她 不 想 看起来 丈夫 有 礼物 但是 她 没有 礼物。 + 此處不留人,自有留人處。 + 他是最早发明了电脑的那一些人。 - He was one of the first people to build a computer. + 是一个没有可能的事。 *** Other :topic:other: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------------+----------------------+------------------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 听到 | tīngdào | to hear | 5 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 决定 | juédìng | to decide / decision (ZEW: 项 (xiàng), 个) | 4 | 2 | 0 | 3 | | # | 讨论 | tǎolùn | to discuss / to talk over | 4 | 2 | 0 | 4 | | # | 就算 | jiùsuàn | (coll.) even if | 4 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 惊讶 | jīngyà | amazed / surprised / to surprise | 3 | 2 | 0 | 6 | | # | 真相 | zhēnxiàng | the truth about sth. | 3 | 2 | 0 | 6 | | # | 失联 | shīlián | lose contact / to be lost | 2 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 杀气 | shāqì | anger / murderous spirit / to vent one's anger | 2 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 偷听 | tōutīng | to eavesdrop / to monitor (secretly) | 2 | 3 | 0 | | | # | 支援 | zhīyuán | to provide assistance / to support | 2 | 3 | 0 | 6 | | # | 尊重 | zūnzhòng | to respect / to value / to honor | 2 | 4 | 0 | 4 | | # | 不经意间 | bùjīngyìjiān | without paying attention | 1 | 4 | 0 | | | # | 不经意间 听到 | bùjīngyìjiān tīngdào | accidentally learned/heard about something | 1 | 4 | 0 | | |---+------------+----------------------+------------------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 35 | 35 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.69 | 2.69 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @15$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@15$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@15$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@16$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@16$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@16$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Most important words :topic:important: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: all :END: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+---------+-------------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 薪水 | xīnshuǐ | salary / wage | 4 | 3 | 0 | 6 | | # | 听到 | tīngdào | to hear | 5 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 决定 | juédìng | to decide / decision (ZEW: 项 (xiàng), 个) | 4 | 2 | 0 | 3 | | # | 讨论 | tǎolùn | to discuss / to talk over | 4 | 2 | 0 | 4 | |---+------+---------+-------------------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 17 | 9 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 4.25 | 2.25 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @6$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@7$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/薪.gif]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/水.gif]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/听.gif]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/到.gif]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/决.gif]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/定.gif]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/讨.gif]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100px #+ATTR_ORG: :height 100px [[./assets/论.gif]] ** 2023-04-24 :4:lesson: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: folded :END: *** Other :topic:other: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+-----------+--------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 影响 | yǐngxiǎng | influence / to influence | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | | # | 印象 | yìnxiàng | impression | 3 | 3 | 0 | 4 | | # | 尖叫 | jiānjiào | to scream | 2 | 2 | 0 | | | # | 隐藏 | yǐncáng | to hide / to conceal / to mask | 2 | 5 | 0 | | |---+------+-----------+--------------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 10 | 13 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.50 | 3.25 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @6$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@7$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Food :topic:food: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+----------+---------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 焦糖 | jiāotáng | caramel | 2 | 3 | 0 | | |---+------+----------+---------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 2 | 3 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @3$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@3$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@4$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@4$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Most important words :topic:important: :PROPERTIES: :VISIBILITY: all :END: | | 汉字 | 拼音 | 英语 | rel | diff | learned | hsk | |---+------+-----------+--------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | 影响 | yǐngxiǎng | influence / to influence | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | | # | 印象 | yìnxiàng | impression | 3 | 3 | 0 | 4 | | # | 尖叫 | jiānjiào | to scream | 2 | 2 | 0 | | |---+------+-----------+--------------------------+------+------+---------+-----| | # | sum | | | 8 | 8 | 0 | | | # | mean | | | 2.67 | 2.67 | 0.00 | | #+TBLFM: @5$5=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$6=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@5$7=vsum(@I..@II);EN::@6$5=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$6=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f::@6$7=vsum(@I..@II) / vlen(@I..@II);N%.2f *** Answers :answers: 1. 打发 [打發] dǎfā - 我们怎么用了那个词? 1. 打发鸡蛋 - whip the eggs for making a cake 2. 用中文可以说「分类(fēnlèi - sort / classify)数字(numbers)」吗? 1. 可以。 3. 「回忆」也是电脑的 "memory" 吗? 1. 电脑:记忆 (jìyì, memory for studying, memorization) 2. 回忆 (memories from the past) 4. 用中文可以说「我明天把那个文件给你发。」吗? 1. 我明天发给你那个文件。 5. 「作弊」是什么? (2023-04-10) 1. zuobi - to cheat (like in an exam) 6. 「抵抗」也是病毒的 resistance 吗?(比如说:"Now the virus has become resistant.") 1. 可以说:病毒现在对 疫苗 的 抵抗性 更 强了。- Now the resistance of the virus against the vaccine is stronger. 7. Why is 「就算」"colloquial"(口语化) according to the dictionary? Is there a formal way? Or a more proper way? 1.「即便」也可以说,more formal. Rarer. 8. 做例子: 1. 可以做一个例子用「人际关系」吗? 1. 我们 跟每个人的 人际关系 都是非常不一样的。是 跟 每个人 都是 不同 的 体验(experience)。 2. 可以做一个用「潜在」的例子吗?可以说「潜在的问题」(potential problem)吗? 1. 每个人 有 潜力,但是 可能 他们 的 潜力 隐藏 起来了。 3. 可以做一个用「跟 (一个东西) 有关的。」的句子吗? 1. 那个问题 跟 (你选择的) 电脑语言 有关的。- This problem is related to the programming language. 4. 怎么用「嚐到甜頭了」?(2023-04-10) 只是甜的东西还是可以 metaphorically 用? 1. 只是 metaphorical。 2. baobao (baby) zhidao ruguo ta jianjiao (to scream), women jiu hui bao ta(pick him/her up), suoyi ta changdaotiantoule. xianzai changchang jianjiao. *** Phrases :topic:phrase: + 我 从 市场 买来了 食物。 - I bought food from the market and brought it (here). + 我 从 市场 买来了 食物 给她。 + 我 从 图书馆 借(borrow)来了 书。 - I borrows book from the library and brought them (here). + 我明天 从 市场 买 食物 去 妹妹的家。- Tomorrow I will buy food from the market and bring them to my sisters home. + 从 了