123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444 |
- (import
- (except (rnrs base) let-values map error)
- (only (guile)
- lambda* λ
- current-output-port)
- (srfi srfi-1))
- ;; =======
- ;; =======
- ;; This section lists differences to the book's code.
- ;; Some procedures have been renamed for better readability and compatibility
- ;; reasons:
- ;; elt -> element
- ;; random-elt -> random-element
- ;; car -> car/nil
- ;; mappend -> map-append
- ;; ===============================
- ;; Common Lisp compatibility layer
- ;; ===============================
- (define NIL '())
- (define element list-ref)
- (define car/nil
- (λ (possibly-empty-list)
- "In Common Lisp car of an empty list returns the empty list
- called NIL. In Scheme it would be an error to call car on an
- empty list. We write a wrapper, to avoid an error."
- (cond
- [(null? possibly-empty-list) NIL]
- [else (car possibly-empty-list)])))
- (define rest
- (λ (lst)
- (cond
- [(null? lst) NIL]
- [else (cdr lst)])))
- (define assoc
- (λ (key alist)
- (let ([res (assoc key alist)])
- (cond
- [res res]
- [else NIL]))))
- ;; =================
- ;; =================
- (define displayln
- (lambda* (#:key (output-port (current-output-port)) . msgs)
- (display (string-append
- (string-join
- (map (λ (msg) (simple-format #f "~s" msg)) msgs)
- " ") "\n")
- output-port)))
- ;; ======================
- ;; from previous chapters
- ;; ======================
- (define map-append
- (λ (proc lst)
- (apply append (map proc lst))))
- ;; ==============================
- ;; 2-02-straight-forward-solution
- ;; ==============================
- ;; helper functions
- (define random-element
- (λ (choices)
- (element choices (random (length choices)))))
- (define one-of
- (λ (set)
- "Choose one element of a given set of elements and return
- it. one-of returns a list, so that the result can be
- appended to any other result."
- (list (random-element set))))
- ;; define the over all sentence structure
- (define sentence
- (λ ()
- (append (noun-phrase)
- (verb-phrase))))
- (define noun-phrase
- (λ ()
- (append (Article)
- (Noun))))
- (define verb-phrase
- (λ ()
- (append (Verb)
- (noun-phrase))))
- ;; terminal symbols
- (define Article (λ () (one-of '(the a))))
- (define Noun (λ () (one-of '(man ball woman table))))
- (define Verb (λ () (one-of '(hit took saw liked))))
- ;; ========================
- ;; 2-03-rule-based-solution
- ;; ========================
- ;; define parameters, global constants, *name* naming-convention in scheme
- (define *simple-grammar*
- '((sentence -> (noun-phrase verb-phrase))
- (noun-phrase -> (Article Noun))
- (verb-phrase -> (Verb noun-phrase))
- (Article -> the a)
- (Noun -> man ball woman table)
- (Verb -> hit took saw liked))
- #|A grammar for a trivial subset of English.|#)
- (define *grammar* *simple-grammar* #|The grammar used by
- generate. Initially, this is *simple-grammar*, but we can
- switch to other grammars.|#)
- ;; define a data abstraction layer for accessing rules
- (define rule-lhs
- (λ (rule)
- "The left-hand side of a rule."
- (first rule)))
- (define rule-rhs
- (λ (rule)
- "The right-hand side of a rule."
- (rest (rest rule))))
- (define rewrites
- (λ (grammar category)
- "Return a list of the possible rewrites for this category."
- ;; (displayln "in rewrites")
- ;; (displayln "getting RHS of" category "from" grammar)
- ;; (displayln (assoc category grammar))
- (rule-rhs (assoc category grammar))))
- ;; write the generate procedure
- (define generate
- (λ (grammar phrase)
- (cond
- [(pair? phrase)
- ;; If we get a list of things, as for a previously
- ;; rewritten expression, we apply generate to all
- ;; parts of the list and concattenate the result into
- ;; one list.
- (map-append (λ (part) (generate grammar part))
- phrase)]
- [else
- ;; If we get a symbol, terminal or non-terminal, we
- ;; try to get its choices for substitution.
- (let ([choices (rewrites grammar phrase)])
- (cond
- [(null? choices)
- ;; If there are no choices, we are dealing with a
- ;; terminal symbol. If that is the case, we wrap
- ;; the symbol into a list to be able to append it
- ;; to other previous substitutions.
- (list phrase)]
- [else
- ;; If there are choices, we are dealing with a
- ;; non-terminal symbol. We make a choice by
- ;; choosing a random element.
- (generate grammar (random-element choices))]))])))
- ;; =========
- ;; =========
- ;; EXERCISE 2.1
- ;; Write a version of generate that uses cond but avoids
- ;; calling rewrites twice. Already done, see code above.
- ;; EXERCISE 2.2
- ;; Write a version of generate that explicitly
- ;; differentiates between terminal symbols (those with no
- ;; rewrite rules) and nonterminal symbols.
- (define terminal?
- (λ (grammar phrase)
- (null? (rewrites grammar phrase))))
- (define non-terminal?
- (λ (grammar phrase)
- (not terminal?)))
- (define generate-explicit
- (λ (grammar phrase)
- "This generate procedure uses explicit predicates, but is
- less performant, because the check for terminal symbol
- requires looking the symbol up in the grammar, but does not
- return the choices, if there are any and thus a second
- lookup is potentially required later."
- (cond
- ;; could be a list of symbols
- [(pair? phrase)
- (map-append (λ (part) (generate-explicit grammar part))
- phrase)]
- [(terminal? grammar phrase) (list phrase)]
- [else ; non-terminal symbol
- (let ([choices (rewrites grammar phrase)])
- (generate-explicit grammar (random-element choices)))])))
- ;; Now we define a bigger grammar, to show, how the program
- ;; can be modified and extended, without changing the
- ;; generate procedure.
- (define *bigger-grammar*
- '((sentence -> (noun-phrase verb-phrase))
- (noun-phrase -> (Article Adjective* Noun PersonalPronoun*) (Name) (Pronoun))
- (verb-phrase -> (Verb noun-phrase PersonalPronoun*))
- (PersonalPronoun* -> () (PersonalPronoun PersonalPronoun*))
- (PersonalPronoun -> (Prep noun-phrase))
- (Adjective* -> () (Adjective Adjective*))
- (Adjective -> big little blue green adiabatic)
- (Prep -> to in by with on)
- (Article -> the a)
- (Name -> Pat Kim Lee Terry Robin)
- (Noun -> man ball woman table)
- (Verb -> hit took saw liked)
- (Pronoun -> he she it these those that)))
- ;; We can recognize implicit rules of how to read this
- ;; grammar from looking at the generate procedure:
- ;; 1. () is the epsilon or empty symbol. Appended to an
- ;; unfinished (improper) list, it ends a list.
- ;; 2. When symbols are wrapped in parentheses, generate will
- ;; map itself to all symbols in the parentheses. This is
- ;; equivalent to saying, that a non-terminal symbol will be
- ;; substituted with multiple other symbols. Basically it is
- ;; AND, not an exclusive OR.
- ;; 3. When symbols are not wrapped in parentheses, one of
- ;; them is chosen. This is equivalent to making an exclusive
- ;; OR choice.
- ;; We can use this grammar right away with the generate
- ;; procedure.
- ;; Lets write a procedure, which takes the result of
- ;; generate and writes it as a string.
- (define flatten-transform
- (λ (lst-or-atom transformation)
- "Flatten an arbitrarily nested list and map a transformation
- recursively at the same time."
- (cond
- [(null? lst-or-atom) '()]
- [(pair? lst-or-atom)
- (append (flatten-transform (car lst-or-atom) transformation)
- (flatten-transform (cdr lst-or-atom) transformation))]
- [else
- (list (transformation lst-or-atom))])))
- (define to-string
- (λ (parts)
- (with-output-to-string
- (λ ()
- (display
- (string-append
- (string-join (flatten-transform parts symbol->string) " ")
- "."))))))
- ;; And for convenience define a procedure to output a random
- ;; phrase.
- (define display-sentence
- (λ ()
- (displayln
- (to-string
- (generate *bigger-grammar* 'sentence)))))
- ;; Next we write a procedure, which does not only give us
- ;; the terminal symbols, but also the non-terminal symbols,
- ;; which lead to the terminal symbols being chosen in a tree
- ;; structure. What sounds challenging at first becomes a
- ;; small modification of the generate procedure.
- (define generate-tree
- (λ (grammar phrase)
- (cond
- [(pair? phrase)
- ;; instead of map-append, we use map (or mapcar in common lisp).
- (map (λ (part) (generate-tree grammar part))
- phrase)]
- [else
- (let ([choices (rewrites grammar phrase)])
- (cond
- [(null? choices)
- (list phrase)]
- [else
- ;; we cons the non-terminal to the non-terminal or
- ;; terminal that is produced from it, so that we
- ;; have it in the result.
- (cons phrase
- (generate-tree grammar (random-element choices)))]))])))
- ;; Next we write a procedure, which generates not only one
- ;; phrase from a given symbol, but all possible phrases.
- (define no-expansion '())
- (define combine-all
- (λ (xlist ylist)
- (map-append (λ (y)
- (map (λ (x) (append x y))
- xlist))
- ylist)))
- (define generate-all
- (λ (grammar symb-or-lst)
- "Generate a list of all possible expansions of the given
- symbol."
- (cond
- ;; In case we are given an empty list of symbols, we
- ;; return the list containing the empty expansion,
- ;; which is the empty list itself.
- [(null? symb-or-lst) (list no-expansion)]
- ;; In case we get a list of symbols to substitute for,
- ;; we combine all possibilities of substituting the
- ;; first symbol with all possibilities of substituting
- ;; the rest of the symbols. This is done using
- ;; recursive calls.
- [(pair? symb-or-lst)
- (combine-all (generate-all grammar (first symb-or-lst))
- (generate-all grammar (cdr symb-or-lst)))]
- ;; Otherwise ...
- [else
- (let ([choices (rewrites grammar symb-or-lst)])
- (cond
- ;; ... if it is a terminal symbol, return a list of
- ;; the possible expansions, which are only one, the
- ;; terminal itself. Since it is a complete
- ;; expansion, we wrap it in a list.
- [(null? choices) (list (list symb-or-lst))]
- ;; If there are choices for expansions, generate
- ;; all expansions for the choices and return the
- ;; list of possible expansions.
- [else
- (map-append (λ (choice) (generate-all grammar choice))
- choices)]))])))
- ;; Exercise 2.3
- ;; Write a trivial grammar for some other language. This can
- ;; be a natural language other than English, or perhaps a
- ;; subset of a computer language.
- (define *chess-phrase-grammar*
- '((PHRASE ->
- (CHECK-PHRASE -> (PIECE from FIELD to FIELD check))
- (CHECKMATE-PHRASE -> (PIECE from FIELD to FIELD checkmate))
- (PIECE -> pawn knight bishop rook queen king)
- (FIELD ->
- a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8
- b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8
- c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8
- d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8
- e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8
- f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
- g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8
- h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8)))
- ;; And try it out ...
- ;; (displayln
- ;; (to-string
- ;; (generate *chess-phrase-grammar* 'PHRASE)))
- ;; Exercise 2.4
- ;; One way of describing combine-all is that it calculates
- ;; the cross-product of the function append on the argument
- ;; lists. Write the higher-order function cross-product, and
- ;; define combine-all in terms of it.
- ;; The moral is to make your code as general as possible,
- ;; because you never know what you may want to do with it
- ;; next.
- (define cross-product
- (λ (xlist ylist op)
- ;; Append all partial results into a long list.
- (map-append
- ;; Make a list by applying an operation to all elements
- ;; of ylist.
- (λ (y)
- ;; Apply the operation to all pairs of elements from
- ;; xlist and ylist.
- (map (λ (x) (op x y)) xlist))
- ylist)))
- (define combine-all-2
- (λ (xlist ylist)
- (cross-product xlist
- ylist
- ;; This does not assume lists as inputs,
- ;; like append does.
- (λ (a b) (cons a (cons b '()))))))
- (define generate-all-2
- (λ (grammar symb-or-lst)
- "Generate a list of all possible expansions of the given
- symbol."
- (cond
- [(null? symb-or-lst) (list no-expansion)]
- [(pair? symb-or-lst)
- (combine-all (generate-all-2 grammar (first symb-or-lst))
- (generate-all-2 grammar (cdr symb-or-lst)))]
- [else
- (let ([choices (rewrites grammar symb-or-lst)])
- (cond
- [(null? choices) (list (list symb-or-lst))]
- [else
- (map-append (λ (choice) (generate-all-2 grammar choice))
- choices)]))])))