123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- -- internationalization boilerplate
- local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
- local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
- -- A convenienence function that attempts to do a generic crafting operation.
- -- "request_stack" is an item stack that it is assumed the player has removed from a set of possible outputs, it is assumed that the contents of request_stack will be added to the destination inventory as a result of an existing inventory transfer and it will be deducted from the craft result.
- -- source_inv, source_listname are where the raw materials will be taken from
- -- destination_inv, destination_listname are where the crafting outputs will be placed.
- -- player_or_pos is either a player object or a pos table. This is used for logging purposes and as a place to put output in the event that destination_inv can't hold it all.
- simplecrafting_lib.craft_stack = function(crafting_type, request_stack, source_inv, source_listname, destination_inv, destination_listname, player_or_pos)
- local player
- local pos
- if type(player_or_pos) == "userdata" then
- player = player_or_pos
- elseif type(player_or_pos) == "table" then
- pos = player_or_pos
- end
- local craft_result = simplecrafting_lib.get_crafting_result(crafting_type, source_inv:get_list(source_listname), request_stack)
- if craft_result then
- if simplecrafting_lib.remove_items(source_inv, source_listname, craft_result.input) then
- -- We've successfully paid for this craft's output.
- -- log it
- if player then
- minetest.log("action", player:get_player_name() .. " crafts " .. craft_result.output:to_string())
- elseif pos then
- minetest.log("action", craft_result.output:to_string() .. " was crafted at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
- else
- minetest.log("action", craft_result.output:to_string() .. "was crafted somewhere by someone.")
- end
- local total_output = simplecrafting_lib.count_list_add(
- -- subtract the amount of output that the player's getting anyway (due to having taken it from the inventory of outputs)
- {[craft_result.output:get_name()]=craft_result.output:get_count() - request_stack:get_count()},
- craft_result.returns)
- -- stuff the output in the target inventory, or the player's inventory if it doesn't fit, finally dropping anything that doesn't fit at the player's location
- local leftover = simplecrafting_lib.add_items(destination_inv, destination_listname, total_output)
- simplecrafting_lib.execute_post_craft(crafting_type, craft_result, request_stack, source_inv, source_listname, destination_inv, destination_listname)
- if player then
- leftover = simplecrafting_lib.add_items(player:get_inventory(), "main", leftover)
- simplecrafting_lib.drop_items(player:getpos(), leftover)
- elseif pos then
- simplecrafting_lib.drop_items(pos, leftover)
- else
- local still_has_leftovers = false
- for item, count in pairs(leftover) do
- still_has_leftovers = true
- break
- end
- if still_has_leftovers then
- minetest.log("error", "After crafting " .. craft_result.output:to_string() ..
- " some output items could not be placed into an inventory or dropped in world, and were lost.")
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end