⚠️ Use an adblocker like uBlock Origin before visiting any of the linked sites.
Try to avoid the pirate bay for software, it is filled to the brim with malware torrents. Skulled users are not trustworthy either.
[torrents] monkrus.ws - Highly recommended and trusted repacker for various popular software
[torrents] rutracker.org [.org, .net, .nl] - Considered to be the most complete public tracker and is well-seeded. Amazing tracker for software of all types (ie. your favorite graphics/music/video software)
[torrents] 1337x.to - Well-moderated torrent site
[torrents] rarbg.to - Mostly Scene releases. In regards to software, it's mostly small-time applications.
[DDL] sadeempc.com - Cracked Windows software
[DDL] sanet.st - Cracked Windows software. Don't use the usenet button, it's just an ad
[DDL] Mobilism > Windows Warez - Warez board
[DDL] lrepacks.ru - Software repacks
[DDL] repack.me - Software repacks
[DDL] diakov.net - Repacks/Pre-cracked software downloads. Hosted on premium hosts
[DDL] forum.ru-board.com > Warez - Warez subforum at ru-board
[DDL] forum.dirtywarez.com - Popular Warez forum with request subsections.
[DDL] warez-bb.org - This one is especially good for PC software. The site is down most of the time though, sadly. Has the highest number of cracked software than any other resource. For larger torrents though, it is recommended to use MOCH (multi one-click hosters) like real-debrid, or you can try the torrents first while keeping the DDL alternatives as a last resort.
[Mac] MacBB.org - Mac apps bulletin board
[Mac] macserialjunkie.com/forum (aka MSJ) - Mac apps bulletin board
[Mac] macappdownload.com - aka Macbed/Appked
[Mac] nxmac.com - Popular DDL site for mac apps and games
[DDL] forums.mydigitallife.net - Software release board
[DDL] aiowares.com - Software release board
[DDL] nsaneforums.com - Software release board
[torrents] vstorrent.org - Video software and plugins.
[torrents/private] audionews.org - Audio software and plugins, as well as tutorials. Registration opens on the 2nd of every month (Midnight / Moscow time).
[torrents/private] theaudioscene.net - Audio software and plugins. Registration is available in exchange for a small donation.
[torrents/private] cgpeers.com - Graphics software/plugins downloads and discussion - 3D/Visual Effects/Computer Graphics/Design/Computer Assisted Art. Registration opens on the 1st and 15th of every month.. User cap reached, tracker is completely closed, invites are disabled.
[DDL/private] cgpersia.com - Graphics software and plugins. Registration is currently closed.
[DDL] flsaudio.com - Audio software and plugins.
[DDL] audioz.download - Audio software and plugins.
[DDL] forum.gfxdomain.net - Graphics software and plugins, as well as tutorials.
[DDL] gfx-hub.net - Graphics software and plugins.
freedownloadae.com - Fonts, graphics, video plugins, sound effects. Full list.
Jump to the Tools page of the megathread for Office & Windows activation tools.
tb.rg-adguard.net/index.php - Web interface for Microsoft's techbench site. Windows 8.1+ / Office 2013+
tb.rg-adguard.net/products.html - Latest Microsoft Products Dump
corenoc.de archive - Torrent mirrors of Windows 7 that were available at Microsoft's DigitalRiverContent CDN
the-eye.eu/public/MSDN - The eye's 2.7 TB back up of MSDN dump. Has a lot of hard to find ISOs, Windows 7, etc.
Windows ISOs Pastebin - Mirrors for LTSB, LTSC, and consumer edition Windows 10 ISOs. Original post at MyDigitalLife forums
Windows ISOs at nmclub - Popular Russian forum and torrent tracker. Torrents for LTSC and consumer edition Windows 10 ISOs
abbodi1406's pastebin for Office 2019 / Office 365 C2R ISO images - Original post at MyDigitalLife.
abbodi1406's pastebin for Office 2016 C2R Images - Original post at MyDigitalLife.
Massgravel's Pastebin - Various sources for obtaining Genuine Installation Media. Available at the MAS repository
Microsoft Media Creation Tool - Microsoft's tool to download Windows 10 and create USB installation media.
Office images for Mac - Neatly organized page for MSFT-provided downloads of Mac Office images.
[Mac] BrokenStones - Considered to be the best private tracker for Mac apps
[Mac] InMac - A very good Mac app tracker
TorrentLeech - One of the largest general private trackers
alpharatio.cc - A general private tracker focused on scene releases. Inferior in content compared to other general trackers like IPT, TL, FL etc but has a very strong request section. Great for requests for which personalised trackers don't exist or aren't good enough. Can be joined through MAM and RED during AR's global invites period, keep an eye out
Filelist - One of the largest general private trackers. Romanian tracker, but media content will typically include dual language audio (English and Romanian).
IPTorrents - The largest general private tracker