fr.txt 6.2 KB

  1. # Template
  2. Bait Corn = Appats au Mais
  3. Bait Bread = Appats au Pain
  4. ### bobber.lua ###
  5. You didn't catch anything. = Vous n'avez rien attrape.
  6. The bait is still there. = L'appat est toujours la.
  7. Your fish escaped. = Le poisson s'est decroche.
  8. You caught a Fish. = Vous avez attrape un poisson.
  9. You caught a Clownfish. = Vous avez attrape un poisson clown.
  10. You caught a Bluewhite. = Vous avez attrape un poisson bleu.
  11. You caught a Carp. = Vous avez attrape une carpe.
  12. You caught a Perch. = Vous avez attrape une perche.
  13. You caught a Catfish. = Vous avez attrape un poisson chat.
  14. You caught a Exoticfish. = Vous avez attrape un poisson exotic.
  15. You caught a Tropical fish. = Vous avez attrape un poisson tropicale.
  16. You caught a Twig. = Vous avez attrape une brindille.
  17. You caught a Rat. = Vous avez attrape un rat.
  18. You caught some Seaweed. = Vous avez attrape des algues.
  19. You caught a Green Kelp. = Vous avez attrape une algue verte.
  20. You caught a String. = Vous avez attrape une ficelle.
  21. ### bobber_shark.lua ###
  22. You caught a small Shark. = Vous avez attrape un requin
  23. You caught a Northern Pike. = Vous avez attrape un brochet.
  24. You caught an old Fishing Pole. = Vous avez attrape une vielle canne a peche.
  25. You caught some very old Boots. = Vous avez attrape de tres vieilles bottes.
  26. You caught a Gold Coin. = Vous avez attrape une pice en or.
  27. You caught a very old Helmet. = Vous avez attrape un casque tres vieux.
  28. You caught a very old Shield. = Vous avez attrape un bouclier tres vieux.
  29. You caught a very old Sword. = Vous avez attrape une epee tres ancienne.
  30. You caught a mese block. = Vous avez attrape un bloc de mese.
  31. You caught a Nyan Cat. = Vous avez attrape un Nyan Cat.
  32. You caught a Diamond Block. = Vous avez attrape block de diamant.
  33. Haha, Fishing is prohibited outside water! = Haha, pecher est interdit en dehors de l'eau!
  34. ### crafting.lua ###
  35. Bait Ball = Amorce
  36. Shark Bait Ball = Amorce a carnassier
  37. ### fishes.lua ###
  38. Fish = Poisson
  39. Roasted Fish = Poisson grille
  40. Sushi (Hoso Maki) = Sushi (Hoso Maki)
  41. Clownfish = Poisson clown
  42. Bluewhite = Poisson bleu
  43. Carp = Carpe
  44. Perch = Perche
  45. Catfish = Poisson Chat
  46. Exoticfish = Poisson Exotique
  47. Shark = Requin
  48. Roasted Shark = Requin grille
  49. Northern Pike = Brochet
  50. Roasted Northern Pike = Brochet grille
  51. ### functions.lua ###
  52. You don't have the server priviledge! = Vous n'avez pas les privileges serveur!
  53. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s fish. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s poissons.
  54. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s shark. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s requins.
  55. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s pike. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s brochets.
  56. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s clownfish. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s poissons clown.
  57. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s bluewhite. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s poissons bleu.
  58. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s carp. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s carpe.
  59. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s perch. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s perche.
  60. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s catfish. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s poissons chat.
  61. You win a new trophy, you have caught %s exoticfish. = Vous gagnez un trophee, vous avez attrape %s poissons exotique.
  62. Good luck to %s, He catch the treasure, %s! = %s a de la chance, Il attrappe le tresor, %s!
  63. You catch the treasure, %s! = Vous attrappez le tresor, %s!
  64. Yeah, %s caught a Fish. = Wouah, %s a attrappe un poisson
  65. Yeah, %s caught a Clownfish. = Wouah, %s a attrappe un poisson clown.
  66. Yeah, %s caught a Bluewhite. = Wouah, %s a attrappe un poisson bleu.
  67. Yeah, %s caught a Carp. = Wouah, %s a attrappe une carpe.
  68. Yeah, %s caught a Perch. = Wouah, %s a attrappe une perche.
  69. Yeah, %s caught a Catfish. = Wouah, %s a attrappe un poisson cahet.
  70. Yeah, %s caught a Exoticfish. = Wouah, %s a attrappe un poisson exotique.
  71. Yeah, %s caught a Northern Pike. = Wouah, %s a attrappe un brochet.
  72. Yeah, %s caught a small Shark. = Wouah, %s a attrappe un requin.
  73. A fishing contest is in progress. (remaining time %s) = Un concours de peche est en cours. (temps restant %s)
  74. Attention, Fishing contest start(duration %s)!!! = Attention, un concours de peche viens de commence(duree %s)!!!
  75. WARNING, Fishing contest will finish in 30 seconds. = Attention, le concours de peche se termine dans 30 secondes
  76. End of fishing contest. = Le concours est fini
  77. ### material.lua ###
  78. View information about hunger fish = Afficher les informations sur la faim des poissons
  79. ### poles.lua ###
  80. Fishing Pole = Canne a peche
  81. Perfect Fishing Pole = Canne a peche parfaite
  82. You don't fishing in a bottle! = Vous ne pouvez pas pecher dans une bouteille!
  83. You don't have mores %s bobbers! = Vous ne pouvez pas avoir plus de %s flotteurs
  84. ### trophies.lua ###
  85. Fish Trophy = Trophee poisson
  86. Northern Pike Trophy = Trophee brochet
  87. Shark Trophy = Trophee requin
  88. Clownfish Trophy = Trophee poisson clown
  89. Bluewhite Trophy = Trophee poisson bleu
  90. Carp Trophy = Trophee carpe
  91. Perch Trophy = Trophee perche
  92. Catfish Trophy = Trophee poisson chat
  93. Exoticfish Trophy = Trophee poisson exotique
  94. This Huge Fish was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme poisson a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  95. This Huge Northern Pike was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme brochet a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  96. This Huge Shark was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme requin a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  97. This Huge Clownfish was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme poisson clown a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  98. This Huge Bluewhite was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme poisson blue a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  99. This Huge Carp was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme carpe a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  100. This Huge Perch was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme perche a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  101. This Huge Catfish was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme poisson chat a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  102. This Huge Exoticfish was caught by the Famous Angler %s ! = Cet enorme poisson exotique a ete attrape par le celebre pecheur
  103. ### worms.lua ###
  104. Worm = ver
  105. Dirt = terre
  106. Wooden Hoe = Hoe en bois
  107. Stone Hoe = Hoe en pierre
  108. Steel Hoe = Hoe en fer
  109. Bronze Hoe = Hoe en bronze