#2 Include Gogs

jorgesumle8 년 전을 오픈 · 1개의 코멘트

It would be great to include gogs. It has an API here: https://github.com/gogits/go-gogs-client/

But, unlike GitHub, Gogs is decentralized. So what should be the approach? We could add NotABug and other services that use Gogs one by one. Or we could add a generic way to add decentralized services. Gitlab is also decentralized.

It would be great to include [gogs](https://gogs.io/). It has an API here: https://github.com/gogits/go-gogs-client/ But, unlike GitHub, Gogs is decentralized. So what should be the approach? We could add NotABug and other services that use Gogs one by one. Or we could add a generic way to add decentralized services. Gitlab is also decentralized.
Sylvia van Os 코멘트됨, 8 년 전

Unfortunately Gogs' API does not yet have all the functionality Resumer requires. I think for users it would be easiest to be able to choose from a list, but we should also have a fallback where you could just choose Gogs and enter the instance URL for unknown instances.

Unfortunately Gogs' API does not yet have all the functionality Resumer requires. I think for users it would be easiest to be able to choose from a list, but we should also have a fallback where you could just choose Gogs and enter the instance URL for unknown instances.
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