123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528 |
- /*
- AngelCode Scripting Library
- Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Andreas Jonsson
- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
- damages arising from the use of this software.
- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
- purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
- redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
- must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
- this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
- documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
- must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
- distribution.
- The original version of this library can be located at:
- http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/
- Andreas Jonsson
- andreas@angelcode.com
- */
- //
- // as_scriptengine.h
- //
- // The implementation of the script engine interface
- //
- #include "as_config.h"
- #include "as_atomic.h"
- #include "as_scriptfunction.h"
- #include "as_array.h"
- #include "as_datatype.h"
- #include "as_objecttype.h"
- #include "as_module.h"
- #include "as_callfunc.h"
- #include "as_configgroup.h"
- #include "as_memory.h"
- #include "as_gc.h"
- #include "as_tokenizer.h"
- class asCBuilder;
- class asCContext;
- // TODO: import: Remove this when import is removed
- struct sBindInfo;
- class asCScriptEngine : public asIScriptEngine
- {
- //=============================================================
- // From asIScriptEngine
- //=============================================================
- public:
- // Memory management
- virtual int AddRef() const;
- virtual int Release() const;
- virtual int ShutDownAndRelease();
- // Engine properties
- virtual int SetEngineProperty(asEEngineProp property, asPWORD value);
- virtual asPWORD GetEngineProperty(asEEngineProp property) const;
- // Compiler messages
- virtual int SetMessageCallback(const asSFuncPtr &callback, void *obj, asDWORD callConv);
- virtual int ClearMessageCallback();
- virtual int WriteMessage(const char *section, int row, int col, asEMsgType type, const char *message);
- // JIT Compiler
- virtual int SetJITCompiler(asIJITCompiler *compiler);
- virtual asIJITCompiler *GetJITCompiler() const;
- // Global functions
- virtual int RegisterGlobalFunction(const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0);
- virtual asUINT GetGlobalFunctionCount() const;
- virtual asIScriptFunction *GetGlobalFunctionByIndex(asUINT index) const;
- virtual asIScriptFunction *GetGlobalFunctionByDecl(const char *declaration) const;
- // Global properties
- virtual int RegisterGlobalProperty(const char *declaration, void *pointer);
- virtual asUINT GetGlobalPropertyCount() const;
- virtual int GetGlobalPropertyByIndex(asUINT index, const char **name, const char **nameSpace = 0, int *typeId = 0, bool *isConst = 0, const char **configGroup = 0, void **pointer = 0, asDWORD *accessMask = 0) const;
- virtual int GetGlobalPropertyIndexByName(const char *name) const;
- virtual int GetGlobalPropertyIndexByDecl(const char *decl) const;
- // Type registration
- virtual int RegisterObjectType(const char *obj, int byteSize, asDWORD flags);
- virtual int RegisterObjectProperty(const char *obj, const char *declaration, int byteOffset, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
- virtual int RegisterObjectMethod(const char *obj, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
- virtual int RegisterObjectBehaviour(const char *obj, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
- virtual int RegisterInterface(const char *name);
- virtual int RegisterInterfaceMethod(const char *intf, const char *declaration);
- virtual asUINT GetObjectTypeCount() const;
- virtual asITypeInfo *GetObjectTypeByIndex(asUINT index) const;
- // String factory
- virtual int RegisterStringFactory(const char *datatype, asIStringFactory *factory);
- virtual int GetStringFactoryReturnTypeId(asDWORD *flags) const;
- // Default array type
- virtual int RegisterDefaultArrayType(const char *type);
- virtual int GetDefaultArrayTypeId() const;
- // Enums
- virtual int RegisterEnum(const char *type);
- virtual int RegisterEnumValue(const char *type, const char *name, int value);
- virtual asUINT GetEnumCount() const;
- virtual asITypeInfo *GetEnumByIndex(asUINT index) const;
- // Funcdefs
- virtual int RegisterFuncdef(const char *decl);
- virtual asUINT GetFuncdefCount() const;
- virtual asITypeInfo *GetFuncdefByIndex(asUINT index) const;
- // Typedefs
- // TODO: interface: Should perhaps rename this to Alias, since it doesn't really create a new type
- virtual int RegisterTypedef(const char *type, const char *decl);
- virtual asUINT GetTypedefCount() const;
- virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypedefByIndex(asUINT index) const;
- // Configuration groups
- virtual int BeginConfigGroup(const char *groupName);
- virtual int EndConfigGroup();
- virtual int RemoveConfigGroup(const char *groupName);
- virtual asDWORD SetDefaultAccessMask(asDWORD defaultMask);
- virtual int SetDefaultNamespace(const char *nameSpace);
- virtual const char *GetDefaultNamespace() const;
- // Script modules
- virtual asIScriptModule *GetModule(const char *module, asEGMFlags flag);
- virtual int DiscardModule(const char *module);
- virtual asUINT GetModuleCount() const;
- virtual asIScriptModule *GetModuleByIndex(asUINT index) const;
- // Script functions
- virtual asIScriptFunction *GetFunctionById(int funcId) const;
- // Type identification
- virtual int GetTypeIdByDecl(const char *decl) const;
- virtual const char *GetTypeDeclaration(int typeId, bool includeNamespace = false) const;
- virtual int GetSizeOfPrimitiveType(int typeId) const;
- virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoById(int typeId) const;
- virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByName(const char *name) const;
- virtual asITypeInfo *GetTypeInfoByDecl(const char *decl) const;
- // Script execution
- virtual asIScriptContext *CreateContext();
- virtual void *CreateScriptObject(const asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual void *CreateScriptObjectCopy(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual void *CreateUninitializedScriptObject(const asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual asIScriptFunction *CreateDelegate(asIScriptFunction *func, void *obj);
- virtual int AssignScriptObject(void *dstObj, void *srcObj, const asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual void ReleaseScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual void AddRefScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual int RefCastObject(void *obj, asITypeInfo *fromType, asITypeInfo *toType, void **newPtr, bool useOnlyImplicitCast = false);
- virtual asILockableSharedBool *GetWeakRefFlagOfScriptObject(void *obj, const asITypeInfo *type) const;
- // Context pooling
- virtual asIScriptContext *RequestContext();
- virtual void ReturnContext(asIScriptContext *ctx);
- virtual int SetContextCallbacks(asREQUESTCONTEXTFUNC_t requestCtx, asRETURNCONTEXTFUNC_t returnCtx, void *param = 0);
- // String interpretation
- virtual asETokenClass ParseToken(const char *string, size_t stringLength = 0, asUINT *tokenLength = 0) const;
- // Garbage collection
- virtual int GarbageCollect(asDWORD flags = asGC_FULL_CYCLE, asUINT numIterations = 1);
- virtual void GetGCStatistics(asUINT *currentSize, asUINT *totalDestroyed, asUINT *totalDetected, asUINT *newObjects, asUINT *totalNewDestroyed) const;
- virtual int NotifyGarbageCollectorOfNewObject(void *obj, asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual int GetObjectInGC(asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj = 0, asITypeInfo **type = 0);
- virtual void GCEnumCallback(void *reference);
- virtual void ForwardGCEnumReferences(void *ref, asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual void ForwardGCReleaseReferences(void *ref, asITypeInfo *type);
- virtual void SetCircularRefDetectedCallback(asCIRCULARREFFUNC_t callback, void *param = 0);
- // User data
- virtual void *SetUserData(void *data, asPWORD type);
- virtual void *GetUserData(asPWORD type) const;
- virtual void SetEngineUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
- virtual void SetModuleUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
- virtual void SetContextUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
- virtual void SetFunctionUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
- virtual void SetTypeInfoUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANTYPEINFOFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
- virtual void SetScriptObjectUserDataCleanupCallback(asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t callback, asPWORD type);
- // Exception handling
- virtual int SetTranslateAppExceptionCallback(asSFuncPtr callback, void *param, int callConv);
- //===========================================================
- // internal methods
- //===========================================================
- public:
- asCScriptEngine();
- virtual ~asCScriptEngine();
- //protected:
- friend class asCBuilder;
- friend class asCCompiler;
- friend class asCContext;
- friend class asCDataType;
- friend class asCModule;
- friend class asCRestore;
- friend class asCByteCode;
- friend int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal, asCScriptEngine *engine);
- int RegisterMethodToObjectType(asCObjectType *objectType, const char *declaration, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
- int RegisterBehaviourToObjectType(asCObjectType *objectType, asEBehaviours behaviour, const char *decl, const asSFuncPtr &funcPointer, asDWORD callConv, void *auxiliary = 0, int compositeOffset = 0, bool isCompositeIndirect = false);
- int VerifyVarTypeNotInFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
- void *CallAlloc(const asCObjectType *objType) const;
- void CallFree(void *obj) const;
- void *CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(int func) const;
- void *CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(int func, void *param1) const;
- void *CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(asSSystemFunctionInterface *func, asCScriptFunction *desc) const;
- void *CallGlobalFunctionRetPtr(asSSystemFunctionInterface *i, asCScriptFunction *s, void *param1) const;
- void CallObjectMethod(void *obj, int func) const;
- void CallObjectMethod(void *obj, void *param, int func) const;
- void CallObjectMethod(void *obj, asSSystemFunctionInterface *func, asCScriptFunction *desc) const;
- void CallObjectMethod(void *obj, void *param, asSSystemFunctionInterface *func, asCScriptFunction *desc) const;
- bool CallObjectMethodRetBool(void *obj, int func) const;
- int CallObjectMethodRetInt(void *obj, int func) const;
- void *CallObjectMethodRetPtr(void *obj, int func) const;
- void *CallObjectMethodRetPtr(void *obj, int param1, asCScriptFunction *func) const;
- void CallGlobalFunction(void *param1, void *param2, asSSystemFunctionInterface *func, asCScriptFunction *desc) const;
- bool CallGlobalFunctionRetBool(void *param1, void *param2, asSSystemFunctionInterface *func, asCScriptFunction *desc) const;
- int CallScriptObjectMethod(void *obj, int func);
- void ConstructScriptObjectCopy(void *mem, void *obj, asCObjectType *type);
- void DeleteDiscardedModules();
- void RemoveTemplateInstanceType(asCObjectType *t);
- asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForFunction(int funcId) const;
- asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForGlobalVar(int gvarId) const;
- asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForTypeInfo(const asCTypeInfo *type) const;
- asCConfigGroup *FindConfigGroupForFuncDef(const asCFuncdefType *funcDef) const;
- int RequestBuild();
- void BuildCompleted();
- void PrepareEngine();
- bool isPrepared;
- int CreateContext(asIScriptContext **context, bool isInternal);
- asCTypeInfo *GetRegisteredType(const asCString &name, asSNameSpace *ns) const;
- asCObjectType *GetListPatternType(int listPatternFuncId);
- void DestroyList(asBYTE *buffer, const asCObjectType *listPatternType);
- void DestroySubList(asBYTE *&buffer, asSListPatternNode *&patternNode);
- int AddBehaviourFunction(asCScriptFunction &func, asSSystemFunctionInterface &internal);
- asCString GetFunctionDeclaration(int funcId);
- asCScriptFunction *GetScriptFunction(int funcId) const;
- asCModule *GetModule(const char *name, bool create);
- asCModule *GetModuleFromFuncId(int funcId);
- int GetMethodIdByDecl(const asCObjectType *ot, const char *decl, asCModule *mod);
- int GetFactoryIdByDecl(const asCObjectType *ot, const char *decl);
- int GetNextScriptFunctionId();
- void AddScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
- void RemoveScriptFunction(asCScriptFunction *func);
- void RemoveFuncdef(asCFuncdefType *func);
- int ConfigError(int err, const char *funcName, const char *arg1, const char *arg2);
- int GetTypeIdFromDataType(const asCDataType &dt) const;
- asCDataType GetDataTypeFromTypeId(int typeId) const;
- asCObjectType *GetObjectTypeFromTypeId(int typeId) const;
- void RemoveFromTypeIdMap(asCTypeInfo *type);
- bool IsTemplateType(const char *name) const;
- int SetTemplateRestrictions(asCObjectType *templateType, asCScriptFunction *func, const char *caller, const char *decl);
- asCObjectType *GetTemplateInstanceType(asCObjectType *templateType, asCArray<asCDataType> &subTypes, asCModule *requestingModule);
- asCScriptFunction *GenerateTemplateFactoryStub(asCObjectType *templateType, asCObjectType *templateInstanceType, int origFactoryId);
- bool GenerateNewTemplateFunction(asCObjectType *templateType, asCObjectType *templateInstanceType, asCScriptFunction *templateFunc, asCScriptFunction **newFunc);
- asCFuncdefType *GenerateNewTemplateFuncdef(asCObjectType *templateType, asCObjectType *templateInstanceType, asCFuncdefType *templateFuncdef);
- asCDataType DetermineTypeForTemplate(const asCDataType &orig, asCObjectType *tmpl, asCObjectType *ot);
- bool RequireTypeReplacement(asCDataType &type, asCObjectType *templateType);
- asCModule *FindNewOwnerForSharedType(asCTypeInfo *type, asCModule *mod);
- asCModule *FindNewOwnerForSharedFunc(asCScriptFunction *func, asCModule *mod);
- asCFuncdefType *FindMatchingFuncdef(asCScriptFunction *func, asCModule *mod);
- int DetermineNameAndNamespace(const char *in_name, asSNameSpace *implicitNs, asCString &out_name, asSNameSpace *&out_ns) const;
- // Global property management
- asCGlobalProperty *AllocateGlobalProperty();
- void RemoveGlobalProperty(asCGlobalProperty *prop);
- int GetScriptSectionNameIndex(const char *name);
- // Namespace management
- asSNameSpace *AddNameSpace(const char *name);
- asSNameSpace *FindNameSpace(const char *name) const;
- asSNameSpace *GetParentNameSpace(asSNameSpace *ns) const;
- //===========================================================
- // internal properties
- //===========================================================
- asCMemoryMgr memoryMgr;
- asCObjectType *defaultArrayObjectType;
- asCObjectType scriptTypeBehaviours;
- asCObjectType functionBehaviours;
- // Registered interface
- asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredObjTypes; // doesn't increase ref count
- asCArray<asCTypedefType *> registeredTypeDefs; // doesn't increase ref count
- asCArray<asCEnumType *> registeredEnums; // doesn't increase ref count
- // TODO: memory savings: Since there can be only one property with the same name a simpler symbol table should be used for global props
- asCSymbolTable<asCGlobalProperty> registeredGlobalProps; // increases ref count
- asCSymbolTable<asCScriptFunction> registeredGlobalFuncs;
- asCArray<asCFuncdefType *> registeredFuncDefs; // doesn't increase ref count
- asCArray<asCObjectType *> registeredTemplateTypes; // doesn't increase ref count
- asIStringFactory *stringFactory;
- asCDataType stringType;
- bool configFailed;
- // Stores all registered types
- asCMap<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCTypeInfo*> allRegisteredTypes; // increases ref count
- // Dummy types used to name the subtypes in the template objects
- asCArray<asCTypeInfo *> templateSubTypes;
- // Store information about template types
- // This list will contain all instances of templates, both registered specialized
- // types and those automacially instantiated from scripts
- asCArray<asCObjectType *> templateInstanceTypes; // increases ref count
- // Store information about list patterns
- asCArray<asCObjectType *> listPatternTypes; // increases ref count
- // Stores all global properties, both those registered by application, and those declared by scripts.
- // The id of a global property is the index in this array.
- asCArray<asCGlobalProperty *> globalProperties; // increases ref count
- asCArray<int> freeGlobalPropertyIds;
- // This map is used to quickly find a property by its memory address
- // It is used principally during building, cleanup, and garbage detection for script functions
- asCMap<void*, asCGlobalProperty*> varAddressMap; // doesn't increase ref count
- // Stores all functions, i.e. registered functions, script functions, class methods, behaviours, etc.
- asCArray<asCScriptFunction *> scriptFunctions; // doesn't increase ref count
- asCArray<int> freeScriptFunctionIds;
- asCArray<asCScriptFunction *> signatureIds;
- // An array with all module imported functions
- asCArray<sBindInfo *> importedFunctions; // doesn't increase ref count
- asCArray<int> freeImportedFunctionIdxs;
- // Synchronized
- mutable asCAtomic refCount;
- // Synchronized with engineRWLock
- // This array holds all live script modules
- asCArray<asCModule *> scriptModules;
- // Synchronized with engineRWLock
- // This is a pointer to the last module that was requested. It is used for performance
- // improvement, since it is common that the same module is accessed many times in a row
- asCModule *lastModule;
- // Synchronized with engineRWLock
- // This flag is true if a script is currently being compiled. It is used to prevent multiple
- // threads from requesting builds at the same time (without blocking)
- bool isBuilding;
- // Synchronized with engineRWLock
- // This array holds modules that have been discard (thus are no longer visible to the application)
- // but cannot yet be deleted due to having external references to some of the entities in them
- asCArray<asCModule *> discardedModules;
- // This flag is set to true during compilations of scripts (or loading pre-compiled scripts)
- // to delay the validation of template types until the subtypes have been fully declared
- bool deferValidationOfTemplateTypes;
- // Tokenizer is instantiated once to share resources
- asCTokenizer tok;
- // Stores shared script declared types (classes, interfaces, enums)
- asCArray<asCTypeInfo *> sharedScriptTypes; // increases ref count
- // This array stores the template instances types that have been automatically generated from template types
- asCArray<asCObjectType *> generatedTemplateTypes;
- // Stores the funcdefs
- // TODO: redesign: Only shared funcdefs should be stored here
- // a funcdef becomes shared if all arguments and the return type are shared (or application registered)
- asCArray<asCFuncdefType *> funcDefs; // doesn't increases ref count
- // Stores the names of the script sections for debugging purposes
- asCArray<asCString *> scriptSectionNames;
- // Type identifiers
- mutable int typeIdSeqNbr;
- mutable asCMap<int, asCTypeInfo*> mapTypeIdToTypeInfo;
- // Garbage collector
- asCGarbageCollector gc;
- // Dynamic groups
- asCConfigGroup defaultGroup;
- asCArray<asCConfigGroup*> configGroups;
- asCConfigGroup *currentGroup;
- asDWORD defaultAccessMask;
- asSNameSpace *defaultNamespace;
- // Message callback
- bool msgCallback;
- asSSystemFunctionInterface msgCallbackFunc;
- void *msgCallbackObj;
- struct preMessage_t
- {
- preMessage_t() { isSet = false; }
- bool isSet;
- asCString message;
- asCString scriptname;
- int r;
- int c;
- } preMessage;
- // JIt compilation
- asIJITCompiler *jitCompiler;
- // Namespaces
- // These are shared between all entities and are
- // only deleted once the engine is destroyed
- asCArray<asSNameSpace*> nameSpaces;
- // Callbacks for context pooling
- asREQUESTCONTEXTFUNC_t requestCtxFunc;
- asRETURNCONTEXTFUNC_t returnCtxFunc;
- void *ctxCallbackParam;
- // User data
- asCArray<asPWORD> userData;
- struct SEngineClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANENGINEFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
- asCArray<SEngineClean> cleanEngineFuncs;
- struct SModuleClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANMODULEFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
- asCArray<SModuleClean> cleanModuleFuncs;
- struct SContextClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANCONTEXTFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
- asCArray<SContextClean> cleanContextFuncs;
- struct SFunctionClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANFUNCTIONFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
- asCArray<SFunctionClean> cleanFunctionFuncs;
- struct STypeInfoClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANTYPEINFOFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
- asCArray<STypeInfoClean> cleanTypeInfoFuncs;
- struct SScriptObjClean { asPWORD type; asCLEANSCRIPTOBJECTFUNC_t cleanFunc; };
- asCArray<SScriptObjClean> cleanScriptObjectFuncs;
- // Synchronization for threads
- // Engine properties
- struct
- {
- bool allowUnsafeReferences;
- bool optimizeByteCode;
- bool copyScriptSections;
- asUINT maximumContextStackSize;
- asUINT initContextStackSize;
- bool useCharacterLiterals;
- bool allowMultilineStrings;
- bool allowImplicitHandleTypes;
- bool buildWithoutLineCues;
- bool initGlobalVarsAfterBuild;
- bool requireEnumScope;
- int scanner;
- bool includeJitInstructions;
- int stringEncoding;
- int propertyAccessorMode;
- bool expandDefaultArrayToTemplate;
- bool autoGarbageCollect;
- bool disallowGlobalVars;
- bool alwaysImplDefaultConstruct;
- int compilerWarnings;
- bool disallowValueAssignForRefType;
- // TODO: 3.0.0: Remove the alterSyntaxNamedArgs
- int alterSyntaxNamedArgs;
- bool disableIntegerDivision;
- bool disallowEmptyListElements;
- // TODO: 3.0.0: Remove the privatePropAsProtected
- bool privatePropAsProtected;
- bool allowUnicodeIdentifiers;
- int heredocTrimMode;
- asUINT maxNestedCalls;
- asUINT genericCallMode;
- asUINT initCallStackSize;
- asUINT maxCallStackSize;
- } ep;
- // Callbacks
- bool translateExceptionCallback;
- asSSystemFunctionInterface translateExceptionCallbackFunc;
- void * translateExceptionCallbackObj;
- #endif
- // This flag is to allow a quicker shutdown when releasing the engine
- bool shuttingDown;
- // This flag is set when the engine's destructor is called, this is to
- // avoid recursive calls if an object happens to increment/decrement
- // the ref counter during shutdown
- bool inDestructor;
- };
- #endif