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This module provides access to methods responsible for displaying text on-screen.


An eponymous instance (Text) can be accessed from scripts. The console allows a sector.Text.


set_text(string text) Sets the text string to be displayed to text.
set_font(string font) Sets the font of the text to be displayed to text. Currently valid values are gold, white, blue, gray, big and small.
fade_in(float time) Fades in the specified text for the next time seconds.
fade_out(float time) Just the opposite of fade_in.
set_visible(bool visible) Shows or hides the text abruptly (drastic counterpart to fade_in and fade_out).
set_centered(bool centered) If centered is true, the text will be centered on the screen. Otherwise, it will be left-aligned.
set_pos(float x, float y) Set offset of the text relative to anchor point.
float get_pos_x() Returns x offset of text relative to anchor point
float get_pos_y() Returns y offset of text relative to anchor point
set_anchor_point(int anchor) Set anchor point of text; one of the ANCHOR_* constants
int get_anchor_point() Returns current anchor point of text; one of the ANCHOR_* constants



Template:Navbox Scripting reference

Category:Scripting Reference