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This module contains global constants and methods.


display(*** object) Displays the string value of object in the Console. Object can be of any data type.
print_stacktrace() Displays contents of the current stack.
load_worldmap(string filename) Loads and runs the worldmap specified in filename. (The path is relative to the data root.)
load_level(string filename) Loads and runs the level specified in filename. (The path is relative to the data root.)
get_current_thread() Returns the currently running thread.
display_text_file(string filename) Displays the SuperTux text file named filename. (The path is relative to the data root, e.g. “/home/joe/src/supertux-trunk/data”) See also: SuperTux file format reference, SuperTux texts
wait(float time) Pauses execution of the Squirrel code for time seconds.
wait_for_screenswitch() Pauses execution of the Squirrel code until a new screen is displayed (e.g. menu → worldmap or worldmap → level).
exit_screen() Exits the current screen, returning to the previous one or, if the active screen is the last one, exiting SuperTux.
fadeout_screen(float seconds) Does a fadeout for the specified number of seconds before next screenchange.
shrink_screen(float dest_x, float dest_y, float seconds) Does a shrinking fade towards the destposition for the specified number of seconds before next screenchange.
translate(string text) Returns: translated string. Translates text into the user's locale. Note: This construct is unfortunately not yet recognized by XGetText, so translation files have to be written manually.
import(string filename) Imports and runs the Squirrel script filename. (The path is relative to the data root.)
save_state() Dumps the current state into the user's save game file.
update_worldmap() Update worldmap from worldmap state ( variable)
play_music(string musicfile) Changes music to musicfile
play_sound(string soundfile) Plays a soundfile
debug_collrects(bool enable) Enables or disables drawing of collision rectangles.
debug_show_fps(bool enable) Enables or disables drawing of the FPS. (Also affects config file)
debug_draw_solids_only(bool enable) When enabled, only draws solid tilemaps. (No background/foreground tiles)
set_game_speed(float speed) Set speed to run the game at. (Doesn't affect menus/gui)
grease() Speeds Tux's horizontal velocity by a factor of 3.
ghost() Makes Tux a ghost, letting him float around and through objects.
invincible() Make Tux invincible for 10000 units of game time.
mortal() Recall Tux's invincibility or ghost status. (Even when not given with above 2 commands)
restart() Reinitialize and respawn Tux at the beginning of the current level.
whereami() Print out Tux's coordinates to the console.
gotoend() Moves Tux horizontally 2 screens away from the end.
camera() Display the current camera's coordinates. (top-left corner)
quit() Exits the game. (Not recommended for use in levels!)
int rand() Returns a random evenly-distributed integer between 0 and 2147483647, inclusive.
record_demo(string filename) Record a demo to the given file.
play_demo(string filename) Play back a demo from the given file.


ANCHOR_TOP represents the top center anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_BOTTOM represents the bottom center anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_LEFT represents the left anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_RIGHT represents the right anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_MIDDLE represents the middle anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT represents the top left anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT represents the top right anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT represents the bottom left anchor point of a rectangle
ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT represents the bottom right anchor point of a rectangle

Template:Navbox Scripting reference

Category:Scripting Reference